Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1775: Refining Fire Palm (1)

  Chapter 1775 Refining Fire Palm (1)

   Chen Xuan saw that Bai Zhe still looked at him with a smile on his face, and knew that it would be useless to stare at him! Then Chen Xuan put away his murderous air...

  In an instant, the autumn cicada began to mourn, and the autumn leaves fell and the autumn wind began to roar wildly.

  Even the voices peculiar to nature are beginning to be mad. The moment Chen Xuan put away his murderous aura, it seemed that the whole world had begun to make noises, and Bai Zhe also smiled disapprovingly.

  Then Bai Zhe's face returned to the same calmness as before, as if the powerful killing intent that Chen Xuan had just released was not aimed at him.

  Chen Xuan's face was also very calm. When the two ice cube faces of Bai Zhe and Chen Xuan were facing each other, they didn't seem to have facial cramps at all because of the cold.

  Chen Xuan inadvertently raised his head and glanced at the sky as if it was the Daoxin continent in autumn at this time, and the sky became dark. Chen Xuan remembered that this was actually a tavern in Wuyang Town, and one month later he was going to join the so-called Demon Hunting Guild. Join a temporary demon hunting team, and then enter the secret forest for a trial.

  Perhaps Chen Xuan knows how dangerous the Forest of Secrets is, but Chen Xuan is much less afraid! When Chen Xuan was in the Blue Mountains, everything he saw and experienced at this time seemed to be able to come in handy. This was a great benefit to Chen Xuan.

   What made Chen Xuan even more gratified was that Chen Xuan could learn Tao skills from then on. Then, when encountering a monster beast, he can only do one thing, and that is to run away. This is very uncomfortable for Chen Xuan.

  Anyway, if Chen Xuan had mastered Tao skills this time, then Chen Xuan would be able to control his life in his own hands. Instead of relying on heaven. Relying on luck and fleeing for life, this is a dead knot in Chen Xuan's heart, just like the fishing village before Chen Xuan.

  But at this time, Chen Xuan seemed to have become accustomed to forests and places like monsters and monsters. After all, during the twenty years that Chen Xuan had lived in the Youlan Mountains, the gains were beyond the reach of those living in the city.

  There is also no sect that can put his own disciple in the Youlan Mountain for twenty years, regardless of him, letting him live and die. But Chen Xuan is indeed like this, and Chen Xuan's experience in this way can be said to be that there seems to be no second one in the cultivation world.

   However, Chen Xuan seemed very cold and arrogant, as if he didn't believe in the so-called demon hunting team.

   Chen Xuan did not feel that when he was escaping for his life, these demon hunting teams would help him when he was in danger. Even help yourself, these so-called temporary demon hunting squads are nothing more than so-called burdens.

   can only get benefits, and nothing else can be done! It seemed that these people were troublesome to Chen Xuan, but Bai Zhe's sharp eyes seemed to have been seen by Chen Xuan.

  However, Bai Zhe just smiled and said nothing. He pondered for a moment, and his tone was not rushed.

   "Boy, do you know that most of these people are from some cultivating sects, sects, or academies. Do you know that their background seems to be much older than you, the Chen family!"

  Bai Zhe seemed to have mentioned this sentence inadvertently, which made Chen Xuan think deeply, as if he was really oversimplifying Bai Zhe's intentions.

  Perhaps Bai Zhe allowed himself to join the Demon Hunting guild. He entered the temporary Demon Hunting squad not because he wanted the members of the Demon Hunting squad to help him or something.

  Perhaps he just wanted Chen Xuan to make friends, and the Forest of Secrets was indeed a good place for Chen Xuan to make friends. In fact, there is a saying called dead brothers, which means that only when life is in danger together, will they be true brothers, otherwise they are all imaginary, and they are all dictated by interests.

  Bai Zhe meant to make Chen Xuan and some young disciples of the family become dead brothers, and even with the disciples in the sect. That will be very useful for Chen Xuan's future development in Daoxin Continent!

  Chen Xuan certainly understood Bai Zhe’s intentions, but it was Chen Xuan who understood Bai Zhe’s intentions. Chen Xuan needs to practice Dao skills well, otherwise the wait for Chen Xuan is not to say that it is to make some big people, even his own survival may also be a problem.

  Seeing Chen Xuan's thoughtful look, Bai Zhe felt very comforted. But he didn't speak as if he didn't want to interrupt, like Chen Xuan's thinking. In this way, Chen Xuan pondered for a while, then looked at Bai Zhe and asked respectfully.

   "Then, what is the Taoist skill that I need to learn next, Master?" Seeing Bai Zhe's face calm and composed, it was as if Chen Xuan was not talking to Bai Zhe. Chen Xuan knew that this was Bai Zhe who wanted to keep asking questions...

   Then Bai Zhe came to give himself the answer again, after all, Chen Xuan wanted Bai Zhe in this matter. Then Chen Xuan could only pull his face down and continued to ask Bai Zhe.

"Teacher, what kind of Dao skill is this Dao skill, I hope that the teacher can answer it in detail!" When Chen Xuan said this, his eyes were staring at Bai Zhe in a daze, as if he would not be affected by anything at all. Distracted. Bai Zhe saw Chen Xuan's gaze, and he seemed to look at Chen Xuan. But the smile on his face was the same as usual.

  Seeing that Chen Xuan is so, Bai Zhe didn’t continue to hide himself, but smiled and said to Chen Xuan, “Boy, you know, this is not the most important thing for you now.

  The important thing is the cultivation method of this Taoist skill. You must control this so-called ground fire, which is not as easy to control as ordinary green fire. As for the name of Dao skill called Fire Palm, this is not a rare Dao skill, but the old man didn't want you to be too eye-catching, so he took out Fire Palm! "


  Bai Zhe started to hesitate without knowing why, but he just didn’t know why Bai Zhe hesitated. Chen Xuan didn't know what Bai Zhe was thinking. However, Chen Xuan did not speak either, just looked at Bai Zhe coldly and continued.

   "However, although Fire Palm is an intermediate-level Dao skill of the Profound Rank, but if you own the King of Purple Immortal Stone, he can not only upgrade Earth Fire but also Dao skill!"

  This really surprised Chen Xuan. It turned out that the King of Purple Immortal Stone had such a miraculous effect! Then, no matter what kind of Dao skill I have obtained, I am afraid that I can become a high-level Dao skill in the end, right?

  Chen Xuan's face was cold, and there was some flickering in the deep pupils. And Bai Zhe didn't continue talking at this time, as if waiting for Chen Xuan to think.

  The dialogue between Bai Zhe and Chen Xuan seemed to fall into silence again, this kind of silent deadlock. It seems that it is not too rare in the dialogue between Bai Zhe and Chen Xuan. However, Chen Xuan's disposition made Bai Zhe feel that his practice of putting him on the Martial Dao Continent was indeed very wise.

  However, Chen Xuan saw that Bai Zhe was still so cold, and then looked up in Bai Zhe's eyes. His eyes seemed to flicker, as if he was thinking about something...

  But Bai Zhe’s pupils still looked like the endless night, which made people unpredictable.

  In this endless dark night, there are occasionally a few stars lit up, and this sky is so dark that there is no color. But Bai Zhe had no pupils. Except for black or black, it feels like absolute darkness. This made Chen Xuan feel that Bai Zhe was unfathomable, as if it were far more terrifying than he had imagined.

  However, Chen Xuan's gaze did not allow Bai Zhe to continue talking. Bai Zhe seemed to be thinking about something at this time. But occasionally he would pick up the pot of tea in front of him and pour some into his teacup.

  The slow tea soup just flowed out, and Chen Xuan could feel that the tea seemed to be the best tea. Anyway, Chen Xuan was in the Youlan Mountains before, or in other words, he couldn't see it in the fishing village before.

  Chen Xuan just took a sip of the tea in front of him, and the fragrance of the tea in front of him instantly overflowed. Chen Xuan seemed to feel that his whole body was surrounded by the fresh and ethereal feeling of tea.

  Chen Xuan felt like a small boat driving on the river, drifting in the wind and wondering where he was going. It was as if he was standing above the clouds and was about to evolve and become immortal.

  However, Chen Xuan’s face remained the same. The ice cube face as always might make the clouds in the sky feel like they were about to be silent. This might make the calm river surface seem to drown Chen Xuan like a huge wave.

  But Chen Xuan’s deep pupils seemed to have a hint of joy, what is this? Chen Xuan will become the focal point in the future, but it will be a big figure overlooking the world, this tea may be better in Wuyang Town.

  But in the eyes of big people, this tea might be similar to the so-called horse urine, but Chen Xuan felt that this so-called Dao Xin continent might be far better than the Martial Dao continent he had visited before.

  It is also possible that his identity is completely different from that of the Budo Continent, so it may be different. But who knows. Anyway, Chen Xuan knew that he should be far from the boy in the fishing village on the Budo Continent.

"Okay, you go back to your room first. You just came to Daoxin Continent, this time you are tired. But from tomorrow on, what you have to practice is to refining the palm of fire. And that refining palm of fire may be far away. It’s harder than you think. But your state of mind is so good that you might have been over-worried as a teacher. Tomorrow, the old lady will give you a detailed explanation of how to refine the palm of fire!

  It seems that Chen Xuan can go back to rest now. But a word flashed in Chen Xuan's mind, as if Jiang Xia...

  However, Chen Xuan felt that he did not need to be too anxious. Since Bai Zhe said that he would definitely be able to see Jiang Xia, then he and Jiang Xia are not yet separated, so I want to meet him someday in the future or in the future.

  This is also a good fate for Chen Xuan. It's just that Chen Xuan didn't expect that Jiang Xia, who was a trigram **** in the Martial Dao Continent, would actually come to the Dao Xin Continent...

  (End of this chapter)

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