Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1776: Refining Fire Palm (2)

  Chapter 1776 Refining Fire Palm (2)

  At this time, Chen Xuan also gave Bai Zhe a more respectful gift, and then returned to his room against the night...

  But at this time, Chen Xuan didn't seem to care about Bai Zhe's smile, but he walked back.

  Chen Xuan strolled through the garden. He saw an autumn leaf falling down, sometimes falling on Chen Xuan’s shoulder, but Chen Xuan did not brush it away. Then the breeze seemed to perceive Chen Xuan's body, and the smell of autumn leaves was like a flattering official, gently blowing the autumn leaves off Chen Xuan's shoulders.

  Chen Xuan raised his head and looked towards the sky, still as dark as before. But Chen Xuan's expression didn't seem to be sucked in because of the darkness at all, but coldly looked at the sky without the slightest change. Chen Xuan looked at the sky, as if the stars above the night had lost his original light under Chen Xuan's gaze.

  Chen Xuan even feels that the autumn leaves in this fall are like the fact that the fate of the previous selves and theirs was determined by this bleak autumn wind. And these autumn leaves fell on his body after falling, as if the autumn wind was afraid to annoy him, and brushed the autumn leaves off his shoulders.

  This is like a bullying heaven!

  Since he is called the master emperor of the future, he should look like an emperor! Maintaining the entire cultivation world and the entire world, Chen Xuan's gaze in front of him seemed to become even deeper.

  It seems that every step that Chen Xuan walks back is very heavy...

  Even Chen Xuan didn't know what kind of future he was in front of him, and Chen Xuan didn't even know how much danger he was in front of.

  But Chen Xuan is not afraid. After Chen Xuan feels that he will be like him now, as if walking in the dark night. But at every step Chen Xuan would walk very steadily.

   Chen Xuan would think carefully every step he took. This might be the benefit of being cultivated in the blue mountains.

  This is of great help to Chen Xuan, and what Chen Xuan is doing now is challenging the way of heaven. He again remembered what Jiang Xia had said to him before. It was very difficult to challenge Heaven's Dao. As for how difficult it was, it seemed impossible for the entire cultivation world.

  But I am destined to be the one who will save the cultivation world, so I will meet Bai Zhe?

  So I came here from the original Yu world? This is very bumpy for Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan has long been used to it, and has adapted to such so-called bumps. It was because Chen Xuan had adapted to this ups and downs that Chen Xuan was able to endure it.

  And Chen Xuan is not numb, so Chen Xuan wants to change him, he can bear it, but he wants to change. Chen Xuan's step forward became calmer. It was so calm that Chen Xuan seemed to pause every time he took a step forward.

  But Chen Xuan seemed to be meditating every time he paused, and he was very determined.

  Chen Xuan may not know what he will face in front of him. Those so-called heavenly challenges may be in front of Chen Xuan, and now Chen Xuan is also an ant. But Chen Xuan believes that sooner or later he will be an ant that heaven will value!

   Chen Xuan's eyes seemed to be sharper, and Chen Xuan was very calm every step forward.

  In this way, Chen Xuan returned to Daoxin Continent, and all he had to do afterwards was to emerge like a Qianlong. He might not look like a dragon, but now Chen Xuan might be more like a small shrimp.

   But for Chen Xuan, one day he will emerge like a dragon. But for Chen Xuan, this day should not be far away.

  In this way, Chen Xuan rested in the room for one night, and that night he dreamed of many things that flashed through Chen Xuan's mind as if they were dreams. With the previous experience in the Yu world, and the experience of the Blue Mountains in the Budo Continent for 20 years, the whole day lived like a year.

  Every day, I think about how I should live, but also the daily life in the fishing village when I was in the Budo Continent. But Chen Xuan didn't regret it at all. For Chen Xuan, all of this seemed to be a thing of the past.

  Just like now Chen Xuan treats all of this as a book, and only needs to look up to see that all of this is like a rush of time flies through Chen Xuan's eyes.

  But the feelings that Chen Xuan has paid during this time, all this seemed to Chen Xuan like a dream. He didn't even know when he would meet Jiang Xia again.

  Because all this is far beyond his control now, because Chen Xuan is not strong enough now...

  Early the next morning, Chen Xuan saw that Bai Zhe had been waiting for Chen Xuan. Still dressed in a fairy style. At this time, the sun seemed to emit a slight dawn, and the golden light shining on Chen Xuan's body felt exceptionally warm. What Chen Xuan wants to learn today is Dao Skills and Fire Palm...

   Refining Fire Palm may have an advantage for Chen Xuan, because Chen Xuan’s furnace fire is earth fire, and he also has the King of Purple Immortal Stone. The preciousness of the Purple Immortal Stone King is very precious to the talisman maker, even Chen Xuan knew that if the entire Dao Heart Continent knew that he was the one who owns the Purple Immortal Stone King.

  I believe that Chen Xuan must not survive one day, but fortunately, the judge put Chen Xuan's king of purple immortal stone into his five-point fire.

  In other words, the fire of Chen Xuan at this time looked like the Qinghuo used by ordinary talisman makers, and Qinghuo was even the standard equipment of every talisman makers, which Chen Xuan himself knew.

   But now Chen Xuan knows even more that he is actually very advantageous for the talisman maker now. Perhaps Chen Xuan still doesn't know the identity of Bai Zhe, but Chen Xuan can vaguely feel that Bai Zhe should be a very good talisman maker.

  Even Bai Zhe’s level of talisman maker surpasses all current talisman maker...

  Chen Xuan slowly walked in front of Bai Zhe, facing the cloudless void and the faint blue sky; there was also a golden dawn, like the golden light when a carp jumped into a dragon gate on the sea.

  However, Chen Xuan doesn't think he is a carp, and Chen Xuan thinks he is more like the Qianlong!

  If Chen Xuan was a carp at first, then Chen Xuan's experience after meeting Bai Zhe was enough for Chen Xuan to become a dragon.

   "Boy, did you sleep well last night? Today you started your first day of training and practiced the skill of Fire Palm, which is considered too low!"

  Bai Zhe just spit out these words coldly. Chen Xuan didn’t know what Bai Zhe meant? Refining the palm of fire is still looked down upon? Fire palm refining is a standard exercise for all talisman makers, and even those who have become a talisman's tool and who can use fire palm refining are generally afraid to provoke them.

  Because the cultivator who provokes the palm of the fire is to provoke a talisman, it is very troublesome to provoke the talisman. Because practitioners need to improve their own shortcomings, they need to find a talisman master, and the network behind the talisman master is generally a large number of practitioners.

  That provokes the talisman, which means it provokes a large number of practitioners. In general, only the talisman master can practice the fire palm, which means that you must not provoke a cultivator who can practice the fire palm.

   Therefore, for these cultivators, it is absolutely impossible to provoke a cultivator who is in the palm of fire. However, Chen Xuan didn't know what the skill of refining the palm of fire was like, it felt like a bead wrapped in a brocade box; the beads were deeply wrapped in a brocade box. And this brocade box is the most expensive box in this world, and this brocade box is the most rare treasure in this world.

  But the treasure that has been discovered now seems to be only the rareness of the brocade box. But what about the beads inside?

   Is it just made of ordinary wood or is it made of the most beautiful gems? It seems that this has not been paid attention to by everyone, maybe this is what Bai Zhe said is to look down on Lianhuo palm.

  Bai Zhe saw Chen Xuan at this moment lost in thought, and his eyes stared at Chen Xuan for a while. A smile flashed, "Boy, you think well! Well, indeed too many people pay attention to the identity behind the palm of the fire...but too few people pay attention to the palm of the fire, but the fire palm itself is a kind of one. This intermediate-level Taoist skill! If the intermediate-level Taoist skill is superbly practiced, it is possible to become a flying dragon in the sky for nine days in the future. However, people now only pay attention to the identity of the person behind the palm of the fire. But the person who cultivates the palm of the fire. Power, but not much attention!"

  Bai Zhe slowly said that there was a hint of regret in his tone, but Chen Xuan also just nodded coldly. Chen Xuan knew that even if refining the palm of fire was only an intermediate-level Taoist skill of the mysterious rank.

  But as far as I am concerned, I have the King of Purple Immortal Stone and Earth Fire, and the Dao skills of refining Fire Palm will definitely be redefined in my own hands.

  Chen Xuan's icy gaze began to become hot at this moment. It seems that from then on, he will become completely reborn like the skill of refining the palm of fire.

After   , not only did the Chen family not be able to trap Chen Xuan, but Wuyang Town would never be able to trap Chen Xuan again!

  Chen Xuan wants to go to a bigger world, Chen Xuan wants to go all over the world! As for Bai Zhe, he just looked at Chen Xuan's scorching peak very peacefully. For Bai Zhe, what Chen Xuan thought in his heart was reality sooner or later, which was still too small for Bai Zhe.

  If Chen Xuan knew what kind of existence the Lord Emperor was, then I believed his vision would not be limited to this. And Bai Zhe just smiled, and didn't say much. Because Bai Zhe knew that what Chen Xuan saw right now was still too small. Sooner or later, the world trapped Chen Xuan's figure. Chen Xuan will return to a wider world sooner or later!

   "Okay master, let's start!" Chen Xuan did not call Bai Zhe an old man or a white-haired old man for the first time. Instead, Chen Xuan respectfully called Bai Zhe a master.

  Bai Zhe knows that now Chen Xuan is only serious, and Bai Zhe also put away his previous smiles, and became very solemn and calm...

  (End of this chapter)

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