Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1778: The practice of refining the palm of fire

  Chapter 1778 The practice of refining the palm of fire

  Chen Xuan now turned to Bai Zhe, the flame on his left hand was almost freely retractable. He knew that Bai Zhe's fire control ability had already reached a terrifying state.

"Boy don’t look at the old man’s powerful fire control ability. The old man’s mood was not as good as you when he first started to practice! It’s just that this exercise requires a very high state of mind. I think you know it too. The old man sent you there before. The Blue Mountains are for this reason."

  Bai Zhe glanced at Chen Xuan, his deep eyes seemed to be able to see through Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan felt uncomfortable being seen, but still did not change his color.

   "Boy, follow the instructions of the master!" Chen Xuan could see Bai Zhe's strength clearly. If Bai Zhe is willing to be his master now, then his path will definitely be a broad road!

   "Well! That's good, you don't need to have any scruples in your practice here. Let's exercise the ability to control fire first!" Bai Zhe's words were still so calm, as if there were no waves on the calm sea.

  Chen Xuan nodded, and began to act like Bai Zhe just now. The symbol of his own sky thunder and five directions fire is also, there is a blue flame symbol in the palm of his left hand.

  But this flame symbol is completely different from Bai Zhe’s orange flame symbol. Chen Xuan’s cyan flame symbol heard Bai Zhe said that it is no different from the ordinary green fire symbol.

  Chen Xuan would not be too conspicuous to use. Chen Xuan started the practice of cultivating the palm of fire at noon that day. It seems that everything in the outside world has nothing to do with me.

  The cyan flames were retracted and bloomed, like a cyan dancer dancing on the palm of Chen Xuan's charm that she should have. Under the golden sunlight; white clouds as the background, this moment makes people feel like a fairyland-like beauty.

  The wind lightly hit Chen Xuan's face, as if nothing could shake this strong boy. Too many dangers and too many setbacks made Chen Xuan's heart hard as a rock.

  Day after day, the green flames kept beating on Chen Xuan's palm. The moonlight and stars in the dark night embellish the cyan flame, and the sunrise and sunset are the background of the cyan flame.

  Even the ethereal wind inflated and cheered the cyan flame. Every time Chen Xuan practiced until the whole white robe was wetted with sweat before going to rest. It seemed that every time Chen Xuan had been exposed to a violent rainstorm, he returned to the guest room to sleep. The owner of the hotel never asked. Because they know what to ask about, and what they can’t manage.

  The cultivator’s affairs are all major events. The insights of the shopkeepers of these hotels have long become as bright as golden eyes. How could they make such a mistake.

  Chen Xuan went home like this with the stars and the moon, and the days when the morning sun did not go up lasted for a whole month and a half. And this kind of pure-hearted cultivation is a huge improvement for Chen Xuan. Even Chen Xuan only drinks dew for a living and eats wild vegetables and fruits to continue his life during his cultivation, which makes Chen Xuan's entire body completely impurity-free. Chen Xuan knew that his body had no impurities, so Chen Xuan's heart was even more thoughtless. This is very beneficial for controlling fire when you practice Fire Palm.

  Chen Xuan didn't know what kind of mountain range Bai Zhe sent to him was. The dewdrops and wild fruits on it seemed to be like fairy fruit and fairy dew, each of which could make an ordinary person salivate. Even this kind of fairy fruit and fairy dew can make a person from an impetuous mood to gradually become calm, and then it is like being thrown into a very quiet and peaceful Buddhist hall. That kind of peace is free from all the impetuousness of the world and the peace of free from all the crowds.

  As for ordinary people, even if their mental power is not damaged, they will be driven to madness by this absolute loneliness. But Chen Xuan didn't. Instead, Chen Xuan enjoyed it very much.

  Because this is so much better for Chen Xuan. At least this mountain range is not in danger of life. At least in this mountain range, I don't need to run for my life every day, and I don't need to worry about whether I can live tomorrow. For Chen Xuan, this is already a great advantage.

  Chen Xuan just practiced in the mountains for a whole month and a half. During this time, he himself felt that his improvement was huge. Chen Xuan watched the sunrise and sunset every day, and watched himself grow up step by step, and his mentality reached an unprecedented peace of mind.

  The day has finally arrived...


  The cyan flame was retracted freely in Chen Xuan's palm, and the cyan flame slowly began to swell. Under the collision of sunlight, the cyan flame was like a balloon that was blown up by someone who kept growing, and soon the flame covered an entire palm of the hand. Chen Xuan's eyes were as cold as Beiming's ice, looking directly at the flower that was irrigated by him.

  The scorching sun in the sky seemed to be the background of the cyan flame, and the hot temperature made all the birds and beasts around Chen Xuan avoid them. The dust on the ground around Chen Xuan seemed to be rustling.

  The leaves behind Chen Xuan seemed to have turned into ashes at this time. He felt as if his heart was no longer like water, it was like a rabbit that was being watched by a tiger beating like crazy.

At this time, Chen Xuan's own skin also began to slowly turn red. Chen Xuan knew that this was his own fire palm and was about to break through. The day he was waiting for finally arrived, but he did not expect his breakthrough reaction this time. It was so intense.

  When Chen Xuan broke through to the fifth rank before, that is, when he was in the fifth rank of the Fanpin, his body was only slightly reddish, but this time Chen Xuan's skin was completely occupied by red. As if stretched by a powerful force, Chen Xuan felt a swelling and pain deep into the bone marrow. However, Chen Xuan's expression remained unchanged.

  It's just the fine sweat on Chen Xuan's face, constantly evaporating. This kind of pain Chen Xuan didn't even frown his brows, the ice-like face even controlled it perfectly, and he didn't become distorted by this inhuman pain.

  Bai Zhe secretly praised in his heart, in fact, although Bai Zhe did not come out to guide Chen Xuan this month. But let Chen Xuan enlighten himself, the reason is that above the practice of practicing the palm of fire, the state of mind is very important.

   And once Chen Xuan does not have absolute silence, and is affected by any outsider, then Chen Xuan's foundation will not be deep enough. In fact, Bai Zhe knew that it was for this reason that the disciples of these major sects made it even more difficult for them to go far beyond the cultivation technique of Fire Palm.

  And what his disciple of Bai Zhe needs is absolute peace of mind in an absolutely quiet environment. Chen Xuan needs to comprehend every trace of the practice of practicing Fire Palm, step by step! Even if the cultivation was extremely slow at the beginning, it was fine.

  But Chen Xuan is indeed very talented, and Bai Zhe was even surprised at this point. Within this month and a half, Bai Zhe also compared Chen Xuan with his original self many times. Bai Zhe found that Chen Xuan's talent was indeed stronger than his original self.

  Maybe it was the reason why I arranged for him to go to the Youlan Mountains. Going to the Youlan Mountains once seemed to stand in front of him as if Chen Xuan was completely reborn. Seeing Chen Xuan's painful look, Bai Zhe knew that this kid was about to break through again. This was already the sixth breakthrough in this month and a half!

   is really a very enchanting evildoer!

  Chen Xuan’s breakthrough should be to directly enter the middle level of refining the fire palm mortal rank. In fact, Bai Zhe also knows that, generally speaking, it is a relatively big bottleneck for cultivators to move from the elementary mortal rank to the intermediate mortal rank. In other words, it was a very big bottleneck for Chen Xuan to move from the fifth rank of the mortal rank of the fire palm to the sixth rank of the mortal rank of the fire palm. But it's only a month and a half!

  Chen Xuan has stepped from a Maotou kid who doesn't know how to practice fire palms to the current level, which is unexpected for Bai Zhe.


   There was another loud noise, as if the sun on the horizon seemed to be eclipsed at this time. At this time, Chen Xuan found that his skin seemed to be stretching at an abnormal speed, and Chen Xuan's side seemed to cover himself with faint blue light. He found that even the white clouds on the horizon had left silently at this time, and the thousand-year-old tree behind him was burning fiercely by the temperature of his palm. The flames obscure the sky. Otherwise, Bai Zhe had set up an enchantment on this mountain, so that the outside world could not see it, I was afraid that countless village names in the surrounding area would come to Chen Xuan for trouble.

  Chen Xuan’s Dantian seemed to have an inexplicable flame crashing into his internal organs. Humph! Chen Xuan snorted, it was that the pain was too intense, and Chen Xuan's face had begun to twist abnormally.

  The fine sweat on Chen Xuan's forehead has become like a rain column when the rain is pouring, falling down. The beads of sweat on the ground around Chen Xuan were boiled.


Chen Xuan felt that after the big tree behind him burned violently, when the flame spread to the roots of the tree, the sound of the mountain collapsed loudly; Chen Xuan felt that the grass under his feet was evaporated into dust by the temperature in Chen Xuan's body. ; Chen Xuan even saw countless fairy fruits humiliating the grand scene in the fire.

  But he didn't have time to appreciate these, because Chen Xuan's dantian seemed to be about to explode. It seemed that there was a rampaging wolf looking for food in Chen Xuan's Dantian, but Chen Xuan's Dantian was torn up because he couldn't find it.

  The pain lasted for a long time, and finally the evil wolf in Chen Xuan's Dantian should be tired. Chen Xuan felt the energy in his body slowly calmed down, but the cyan flame mark on the palm of Chen Xuan's left hand became much deeper and bigger.

   Chen Xuan felt that there was a warm current in his dantian, and it was very comfortable... and his skin had also changed from swelling and red to only slightly red, and the cyan light around Chen Xuan seemed to be completely contained in Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan's body was sweaty, his face seemed to have just been splashed with water, and he casually wiped his cheeks with his white robe.

  Chen Xuan raised his eyes and looked around. They were all the battlefields left when he broke through... It was good, but he finally died without exploding!

  (End of this chapter)

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