Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1779: Family surprise

   Chapter 1779 Family Surprise

   "The kid is really good! Within one and a half months, the palm of fire refining broke through to the level of mortal rank! I really don't know if you are a monster or a human! Haste will not reach it!"

  Bai Zhe first praised Chen Xuan in surprise. Chen Xuan had never heard such an admiration in Bai Zhe’s tone. But for the next half sentence, Bai Zhe still did not forget to put on the demeanor of a master, and coldly reminded Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan nodded, indicating that he still knew something in his heart. This fire palm practice is actually extremely exhausting, but Chen Xuan's practice is different from those of the big clans.

  Chen Xuan first cultivated his mind, and laid the foundation for his own skill of refining the palm of fire. Then there will be the practice of cultivating the fire palm, but the young people in the current clan sect are directly taught by the teacher, step by step, giving them the feelings of practicing the fire palm like a blunt book. Pour in.

  Like children who don’t understand the scriptures, they just shake their heads and babble, they just know his content, but don’t understand his meaning. But Chen Xuan is not!

  Bai Zhe hadn't appeared in front of Chen Xuan for a month and a half, as if he had disappeared. He just threw the fire palm exercises to Chen Xuan, demonstrated to Chen Xuan the fire palm, and then stopped giving instructions. Even when Chen Xuan encountered problems and bottlenecks, Bai Zhe didn't come out and talk to Chen Xuan. But Bai Zhe has always been watching Chen Xuan, probably because Chen Xuan's talent is really terrifying.

  So Chen Xuan's cultivation speed is actually similar to those of the young people of the big clans, and even faster than the average young people of the big clans.

  But Chen Xuan's current strength should be far above the same level! With Chen Xuan's breakthrough in refining the palm of the fire, Chen Xuan's Dao, Mind and Power level actually broke through to the sixth level of the Dao Master, which is considered to be the middle level of the Dao Master. However, if Chen Xuan wants to reach the peak of the Taoist Master, I am afraid that he still needs the help of the other side flower, and he needs the cohesion charm.

  However, this is a surprise for Chen Xuan. For Chen Xuan, he thought that he would need a cohesive talisman to break through from a Taoist to a Taoist, otherwise he might have to stay in Taoist Consummation.

  But I didn't expect that since Chen Xuan practiced Fire Palm, Chen Xuan's Dao, Mind and Power levels began to undergo tremendous changes. When Chen Xuan's fire palm practice reached the sixth mortal rank, which was the middle mortal rank, Chen Xuan's Dao mental strength also broke through to the sixth rank of the Taoist master.

   But if it goes up further, whether it's the Dao mental strength or the practice of practicing the palm of the fire, it will go up. Chen Xuan had to refining the strength talisman, but fortunately his master Bai Zhe was still a powerful talisman maker.

  As long as you get the so-called Bianhua and Boa Demon Snake Gallbladder, the cohesion talisman will no longer be a problem!

"You really don't need to stay here behind closed doors, kid now, and your mood needs more improvement. It's time to join the WTO, and the temporary demon hunting team of the Demon Hunter Guild will start recruiting people in two days! "

"It shouldn’t be difficult for you to join a force in it. The members of these demon hunting squads are also the disciples behind the big sects. Perhaps if you have the opportunity, you will meet some young disciples from some sects, who are very important disciples of the sects. !"

  Bai Zhe smiled and stared at Chen Xuan and said, his tone was still not surprised. It's like a thousand-year-old well, and it doesn't sound alive.

  Chen Xuan and Bai Zhe looked at each other and said that they would do what Bai Zhe said. When Bai Zhe saw Chen Xuan's eyes like this, he didn't say much, and then the Jia Lantu that hid in Chen Xuan's mind went to sleep.

  Chen Xuan went to a nearby pond and took a bath, washing away all the dirt on his body. Chen Xuan instantly felt refreshed, and every time at this time was when Chen Xuan was most relaxed. Chen Xuan knew that he would not use it to cultivate on this nameless barren mountain tomorrow, and he was a little overjoyed in an instant.

After Chen Xuan finished washing, he put on the clean white robe that Chen Xuan brought out. At this time, Chen Xuan really looked valiant, young and vigorous. But at this time, Chen Xuan lacked the frivolous air of the young man, and on the contrary increased the calm heart of the old man. Chen Xuan's gestures were more restrained.

  This may be one of the reasons why Chen Xuan's practice of Fire Palm has improved so much faster than the young people nowadays. In this way, Chen Xuan came to the hotel where he had stayed in the past. But today is very different from the past.

  Chen Xuan glanced at the shopkeeper, as if the shopkeeper had something to say to himself. But the way the shopkeeper was hesitant to say something made Chen Xuan feel bad. Although the shopkeeper's eyes were not focused on Chen Xuan, the shopkeeper's eyes kept moving around Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan certainly knows that the shopkeeper is a person who is very good at observing words and colors. Naturally, Chen Xuan knew that the shopkeeper was probably concerned about his own strength, and he didn't dare say anything.

  For this, Chen Xuan can be considered normal. Chen Xuan's cold face eased a little, and Chen Xuan's aura converged a little bit. He walked slowly to the shopkeeper's side, and then threw a small bag of gold coins to the shopkeeper. In fact, gold coins are the object that best demonstrates Chen Xuan's attitude. On the one hand, Chen Xuan's throwing of gold coins was regarded as a reward to the shopkeeper, and on the other hand, it was also regarded as allowing the shopkeeper to speak freely.

  The shopkeeper obviously understood what Chen Xuan meant. He weighed the bag of gold coins with his left hand, feeling that the weight seemed to be more than he had estimated. There was a happy smile on his face, but after that, the eyeballs quickly rotated a few times, and then he returned to a sad expression, and moved towards Chen Xuan's side.

   Chen Xuan's face remained the same as before, as if he hadn't started to panic or murderous because of the discoloration of the shopkeeper. But Chen Xuan could see that the sorrow on the shopkeeper's face was obviously a sorrowful feeling, and it seemed that the sorrowful expression on his face had become unusually stiff.

  It's like the steamed buns that have been left for a long time become dry, and it is abnormally blunt.

   "Master, I also listened to others, that is..." The shopkeeper's tone began to hesitate, as if he could see that Chen Xuan was also a difficult master to provoke. Once I irritate him, I am afraid he will not end well. But the shopkeeper even saw the dissatisfaction on Chen Xuan's face, as if there was no news that could change Chen Xuan's expression the slightest.

  What is the origin of this young man? It's too powerful too! The shopkeeper glanced at the shameless Chen Xuan and thought. This person's momentum is definitely above all the big people the shopkeeper has seen! But this person's dress didn't seem to be very luxurious, and it didn't look like there was anything other than family power.

  "The Chen family seems to have played, and it is said to have offended a big man! That is the existence of Snow Mountain Sect! Snow Mountain Sect is the Snow Mountain Sect ranked third among the top five sects!"

  The shopkeeper almost finished the sentence, but even so, there is no lack of anxiety in the voice. It seemed that speaking later would completely offend this little ancestor.

  When the shopkeeper finished speaking, it seemed that the air in the entire hotel had solidified. The shopkeeper felt like he was waiting for a prisoner to be beheaded, waiting for Chen Xuan's death. The shopkeeper started to regret it crazily, and he shouldn't have done for Chen Xuan's money...

  After all, even if Chen Xuan didn’t let him go, would the Chen family’s remnants in their hotel, Snow Mountain Sect let go of the big boss behind him? If the big boss behind him falls, will the Snow Mountain Sect let him go? Obviously not!

   "Hmm! I see! Okay, let's check out today, I'll go home and have a look!" Chen Xuan's tone was very flat, as if he was not the one who killed the whole family, but was a passerby who had nothing to do with him.

  It's just that after Chen Xuan finished saying this, the brows of Chen Xuan's ice face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years seemed to be slightly wrinkled. That was an expression that Chen Xuan had never experienced before even the pain of wit.

   But this expression just flashed past, as if no one could capture any emotion from Chen Xuan's face. The shopkeeper is naturally exceptionally fast when checking out. He seemed to wish Chen Xuan, the plague god, to leave his hotel immediately, as long as Chen Xuan hurriedly left his hotel, he would be safer.

  After all, the money of the plague **** is not easy to make!

  Chen Xuan slowly walked out of this hotel, strolling on top of everyone in the middle. But no one knew his name was Chen Xuan, otherwise he was afraid that everyone would wish to stay away from Chen Xuan!

  He feels that he has been in this world for more than half a year, and he does not actually have much feelings for the Chen family, who has only been in this world for three months. But what Chen Xuan cares about is Helan Yuer, and I don't know why Helan Yuer seems to be more and more important to him during the period when Chen Xuan is leaving the Chen family. It was because of Helan Yu'er that he just had some gaffes.

  Chen Xuan's steps became more irritable, as if he had completely lost the calm and restrainedness of the past. He just wanted to return to Chen Mansion quickly, he wanted to see if there was anything wrong with his Yuer. And Chen Xuan still didn't say a word to her, don't you know if it is still too late?

  For these Snow Mountain Sect people, it is best not to touch his Yuer, otherwise, be prepared to bear the anger of Chen Xuan!

  It’s just that Chen Xuan may not think deeply in the panic. How can the Chen family, who is as small as an ant, offend a behemoth like the Snow Mountain Sect?

  (End of this chapter)

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