Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1780: Chen Xuan's anger

  Chapter 1780 Chen Xuan's anger

  Chen Xuan came to the door of Chen's house, still the same as before. It's just that the front door looks very cold, and the family members who usually pretend to be foxes and pretenders don't know where to go for a long time.

  Perhaps it is dead, anyway, if the Chen family offends the Snow Mountain Sect, I am afraid that no matter what living thing in the Chen family is, even the dead grass will be overwhelmed by blood. The more Chen Xuan thought about this, the more upset he was, he was afraid that his Yuer would be gone. Chen Xuan found that he was a little afraid to go in, but his very anxious steps just now became hesitated.

  The scorching sun shone on Chen Xuan and the once majestic gate in front of Chen Xuan, reflecting the neglect in front of this gate. It's just that the West is rich in the East, and the South is poor in the North. The Chen family is expensive, so they are in the west of Wuyang Town, and the powerful aristocrats in those places to the west dare to stay in front of the door when they see the Chen family provoke such a behemoth?

  The more wealthy people are, the more they are afraid of death and entanglement with themselves, so they have already bypassed the Chen family. Chen Xuan hesitated in front of the door, and no one came out to disturb Chen Xuan.

  After a while, Chen Xuan seemed to be inflated and walked in calmly. Snow Mountain Sect, you'd better not do anything to Yu'er, it's best if my Yu'er is still alive, otherwise even if Chen Xuan is going to be cut by thousands of swords, your sect will be destroyed!

  A twenty-six-year-old young man who had just entered the sixth stage of Taoism actually said that he would destroy the Snow Mountain Sect. What a joke is this to say, but Chen Xuan's face at this time is that no one dares to think that Chen Xuan is just joking at this time.

  But the **** eyes that caught Chen Xuan's eyes made Chen Xuan's heart seem to have fallen into the bottom. It was exactly the same as Chen Xuan had imagined, and even worse than Chen Xuan had imagined. This Chen family was slaughtered, it was like being patronized by the devil. It seems to be those demons who eat people but spit out bones, corpses and red everywhere.

  A **** scent rushing toward his face made Chen Xuan feel that he was about to breathe. Chen Xuan had also seen cruelty, and he spent every day in the Youlan Mountains cruelly. But Chen Xuan still felt depressed when he saw such a scene, and even his heart was about to jump in his throat.

  Chen Xuan looked around for a while, it was okay! There is no Yu'er, there is no Yu'er's corpse!

   Chen Xuan's heart seemed to have received a trace of comfort, but Chen Xuan's comfort was only a self-deception! How could Yu'er be alive in such a scene? Chen Xuan walked very slowly, and it was the first time he observed the Chen family in such a detailed manner. It seems that since the day I came to the Chen family, I have never looked at the Chen family well.

  But now the Chen family has changed its appearance compared to usual. The silence is very quiet, so quiet that Chen Xuan feels that this is not the world, but hell. It seems that countless ghosts are shouting in this mansion at this time, shouting for their lost bodies. It seems that countless creatures are waiting, quietly waiting for their lost lives.

   Chen Xuan's heart seemed to be as heavy as pressing a large heavy stone, and he wanted to suppress Chen Xuan's breath. When Chen Xuan came to the main hall, the costume on the main seat, Chen Xuan could guess that it was the corpse of his patriarch Chen Hong without having to look at it, but Chen Xuan did not feel much sadness. Chen Hong had always failed to deal with the owner of his original body, and if he died, he would die.

  On the left hand side of the theme are the two elders, who are more decent than Chen Hong. Chen Hong was not. It seemed that he was burned to death by a scorching flame. At this time, Chen Hong's body had become a scorched corpse. If Chen Xuan hadn't seen Chen Hong's patriarch's outfit, which was rumored to be a golden robe made of gold silk, Chen Xuan would really not be able to identify it as Chen Hong.

   However, the two elders seemed to be cut off the meridians on their necks with their palms and died, and their deaths were pretty good. But anxiety continued to spread in Chen Xuan's heart, and it seemed that the possibility of Yu'er being alive was getting smaller and smaller.

  Chen Xuan still came to Helan Yuer’s room, and there was no change in the interior of the room. Even as when Helan Yu'er lived before, she was cleaned up.

  Chen Xuan stood at the door of Helan Yuer's room and had not walked in yet, but there seemed to be a faint smell of blood in the room. However, this strange smell was buried under the fragrance that Helan Yuer often used.

  The lavender scent that fills the room...

  Chen Xuan finally stabilized his mind and walked in. Everything seemed to be exactly the same as when Chen Xuan came before, without any change. But it's just that **** air seems to be the culprit that destroyed the smell of the house!

   Chen Xuan still has a faint expectation in her heart. What if Yuer is hiding well and is not discovered? That **** gas is someone else's, right!

   "Second Young Master! You are back!"

  An old body voice sounded behind Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan's mind constantly began to search for people who matched his voice. Chen Xuan turned around slowly. An old figure with wrinkles and even some tears appeared in Chen Xuan's eyes. The gray hair is still squatting, and the wrinkles on his face are imprinted with the vicissitudes of this person's face.

It's him! It's the old butler! The old butler, who has always been fascinated by ghosts, has taken care of himself in the Chen family. Since he is still alive, it may also mean that Helan Yuer still has hope to live.

  Chen Xuan nodded abruptly, and even Chen Xuan himself did not realize when his face became so pale, so pale that there was no trace of blood. And the old housekeeper didn't say much. He glanced at Chen Xuan and motioned to Chen Xuan to follow him, and then led Chen Xuan out of Helan Yu'er's room.

Chen Xuan also followed the old housekeeper in a hurry or slow... The old housekeeper’s steps were very calm and even similar to those of the living dead. The depth of each step was the same. Chen Xuan even heard the old housekeeper’s breathing and heartbeat. It's all very uniform.

  However, I just had a face-to-face meeting with the old housekeeper, but Chen Xuan did find that the old housekeeper seemed very haggard. The pale lips seem to have not eaten for a long time, or even water. But for a cultivator, it is not deadly enough without water for about half a month!

  About half an hour later, Chen Xuan came to his own courtyard, but this time the old housekeeper took Chen Xuan into the room he had been living in. Even the room where the old butler himself lived, Chen Xuan had never entered, and the old butler did not let others in.

  But after Chen Xuan entered, he was stunned by such a place, as if it did not seem to be a place for people to stay at all. Even he was much bigger than the main hall of Chen Xuan's other courtyard. Chen Xuan glanced at the old butler suspiciously. What is the origin of this old man?

   "Second Young Master, this is a letter from the young lady!"

  The old butler gave Chen Xuan an exquisite envelope even with the scent of lavender on it. Chen Xuan knew that Helan Yuer should have left this for herself. Chen Xuan couldn't wait to open it, but he didn't see a hint of joy in the butler's eyes.

  "Chen Xuan, I don’t know when you will be back, but I have been missing you all these days when you are gone! Actually, I don’t think about paying you back, but I really miss you, Chen Xuan!"

  When Chen Xuan saw this sentence, he hadn't shed a single tear in the Youlan Mountains for twenty years, but at this time it was tears like rain. And the old housekeeper was like those chairs, without making a half sound, and even the sound of breathing almost made Chen Xuan inaudible. After Chen Xuan saw this sentence, he could not wait to read on...

"Actually, I thought about it for a long time. I wanted to wait until you came back before I told you. But I can't wait. I want to tell you that I love you!" Why didn't Chen Xuan want to tell Helan Yuer? Say something like this?

  Chen Xuan thought for a long time, that is love. And his Chen Xuan is not a spearhead kid who has just left the Chen family, but a real Taoist cultivator, an intermediate Taoist!

  Such a young Taoist mid-level is probably only those big families can have, right? But Chen Xuan has already done it, and his mood is much stronger than the average Taoist intermediate. Coupled with Chen Xuan's current fire palm refining, I am afraid that Taoist Consummation is not his opponent! Chen Xuan thought he could protect Helan Yuer, he had the strength to say so and he had the strength to do so!


  But why is this the case?

  Chen Xuan’s tears filled Chen Xuan’s eye sockets. At this time, Chen Xuan’s eyes no longer looked like the deep blackness they used to be, instead they replaced the red clogged with tears.

  The red is like the blood outside, but the blood outside is tragic, and Chen Xuan’s eyes are full of killing intent! Even the old butler next to Chen Xuan, who looked like a living dead with his eyes and nose and heart, seemed to tremble at Chen Xuan's powerful killing intent.

"Chen Xuan, don't avenge me! can't afford it now! It's just that I should apologize to you, whether it's because I broke into your life and disappeared like this, or because of me and my father It’s good if it hurts your family. Anyway, I’m sorry Chen Xuan, but I hurt you when I love you!"

  "While the people of the Snow Mountain Sect don’t know your existence, hurry up and hide your name! Don’t try to avenge me. If I see you die, I will feel heartbroken!"

  Helan Yuer's letter seemed to have completely restrained the temper of the former eldest lady, but what left Chen Xuan was worry and concern. And... That sentence!

   Chen Xuan's face flushed to the extreme, like a fireball, changing the pale and weak color before. His eyes became scarier and scary, as if he was about to eat people! demon! It's definitely a devil!

  (End of this chapter)

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