Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1797: Yu Gui fiasco

   Chapter 1797 Yugui's Fiasco

  Yugui's hair fell away directly with the white robe cut down. At this time, where is his spirit of half-centred pride?

   "Die to me!"

  Crimson color flooded in Chen Xuan's eyes, and his voice was as cruel as death demanding his life.

  At this time, his eyes seemed to see Helan Yu'er's strange and savage figure, and the old butler's decisive state when he was dying appeared.

  There seemed to be a piece of letter paper slowly unfolding in his mind, and that letter was exactly what Chen Xuan would dream about every day.

  But every time Chen Xuan saw this letter in his dream, his tears would surge like a flood from a dyke.

  But Chen Xuan’s skin has long been replaced by the gentle neighbor next door. In reality, he is still smiling so slightly, and his warm and jade expression seems to be a dream...

  This time, Chen Xuan no longer suppressed his killing intent and anger!


  In an instant, it seemed that even the breeze in Yunei was infected by Chen Xuan's murderous intent, and the wind blew into it in no time.

  The white clouds that were still resting in the sky at this time seemed to be afraid to provoke this killing god, and gradually dispersed.

  Dark clouds and thick smoke gathered like flowers...

  Chen Xuan was wearing a white robe at this time, but the gentleness that faded away from the past, and the intention of killing was like three nine cold snow.

  What a terrible killing intent!

  Is this fool crazy?

  As the crazy roar in Guixin, it seems that I can't escape, I can only fight to the death!

   "No name boy! It's so arrogant!"

  At this time, Yugui seemed to be ignited with explosive anger so that his hair rooted up, and then drifted away like a lunatic madness...

   "Huh! You must die today!"

  Chen Xuan's eyes were bloodshot at this time, and he glared at Yugui as if he was the blood Shura who had just crawled out of the sea of ​​corpses!

   "Then fight!"

  Yugui roared with chills everywhere.

   "Hahaha...I Chen Xuan and the Snow Mountain Sect will never die!"

  Chen Xuanjie smiled, but the second half of the sentence was murderous but very firm.

  Yugui saw Chen Xuan's appearance, but he didn't think that Chen Xuan was joking with himself for ten years!

  What kind of monsters did Master Helan Chong provoked?

  Helanheng's useless trash, what kind of character did the daughter he gave birth to have made?

  Yugui can be regarded as a generation of heroes, but at this time his keen judgment is faintly felt that the Snow Mountain Sect will be destroyed in the hands of this kid in the future.

  He doesn’t know why he has such crazy ideas, it looks like a joke!

  That is the Snow Mountain Sect!

  A big sect that has existed for thousands of years, He Lan Chong has reached the level of Dao Zun, and the mysterious master behind He Lan Chong is legendary as Dao Sovereign!

  Chen Xuan, a young man who is less than 30 years old, actually said that he would destroy the Snow Mountain Sect?


   "Vertical arrogant!"

  Yugui's momentum suddenly appeared. The aura shook the ten thousand-year-old giant trees between the heavens and the earth to abruptly collapsed, and some giant mountains and undulating mountains suddenly collapsed...

   is like a drought that has suddenly fallen from above the nine heavens, which is rare in thousands of years, destroying the ancient forest of the Forest of Secrets.

  At this time, Yugui's crazy survival consciousness began to overflow, and victory would lead to life, and defeat would lead to death!

  The gaze that Zi Yi looked at Chen Xuan at this time became unfamiliar. When did she see Chen Xuan like this?

  He has always been a gentleman, gentleman and jade-like handsome.

  But at this time, Chen Xuan looked like a terrible demon, unrelenting just wanting to take human lives.

   Ke Zi Yi did not have any dislike for Chen Xuan. How could Zi Yi be so smart that he could not see that Chen Xuan was a person who had experienced too much?

  Xiashan looked at Chen Xuan's gaze even more sullenly. This son must be clean and tidy, or he will die!

  Chen Xuan's left palm turned into a breathtaking blue flame, with cold light in his eyes. Killing like an ancient beast.


  Chen Xuan’s green palms collided with Yu Gui’s fists, his green palms seemed to have turned into a huge mountain of azure light, and the fists toward Yugui blocked it.

  Yugui's double fists, like a hammer of a mountain, blasted towards the mountain of blue light transformed by the blue flame of Chen Xuan's left palm.


  Two powerful forces collided in the air, as if two meteorites collided, and the air was cracked by Chen Xuan's blue flames.

  The intent of the two fists of Guigui is like a deadly wind, and the speed is fast like lightning, coming towards Chen Xuanxiang...

  The ancient wood that was lifted up by the gust of fists flew around in the battle barrier, like trash thrown by people.

   "Break it for me!"

  Chen Xuan's voice was hoarse, but there was coldness, and the murderous air in his eyes overflowed.

  Huigui's eyes also turned scarlet, staring at Chen Xuan murderously...


  The blue flame on Chen Xuan's left palm became bright again, and the fine sweat on Chen Xuan's forehead and the cold sweat behind his back showed that Chen Xuan was almost doing his best this time!

  A Tier 6 Taoist and a Tier 8 Taoist!

  Without retreat, he still wants to kill the opponent!

  If it weren’t for Chen Xuan’s previous training in the Youlan Mountains, it would be almost a fantasy!

  But it was because of Chen Xuan's grind in the Youlan Mountains that led to the destruction of Chen Mansion and Yu'er's death...

   But the current self is enough to make the Snow Mountain Sect kid in front of him pay the price!

  The green flame on Chen Xuan's left palm was like death's sickle cold, but it was Chen Xuan's eyes that were even colder. Where is the temperature that a teenager should have?

Do not! Where is the temperature that humans should have!

  Yugui snarled secretly in his heart.

  Is this child still a human? It's a monster!

  The death sickle that was turned into a blue flame in Chen Xuan's hand suddenly slammed into the purple fists of Yugui's double fists! The purple fist intent exploded like a thick layer of ice formed for thousands of years!

   And the death sickle that the blue flame turned into is also brutally slashed towards the Dantian part of Guigui!


   Yugui screamed tragically, the two fists he should be most proud of were actually cracked by the boy who was under thirty years old in front of him?


  Under the mixed mood of eagerness and weakness, Yu Gui suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood. He felt that his Dao mental strength was slowly fading with his cracked fists...


  That is the end of the practice of the double fist of the wind, once the fists are cracked, if your dantian is not properly guarded in time, you will end up in a wasteful end!

  The blood splashed on Chen Xuan's white robe!

   Ha ha ha...

  Chen Xuan smiled miserably, like a ghost, his face was full of sadness without the joy of victory.

   "Then go to hell!"

   Chen Xuan howled angrily, as if he was no longer himself at this moment. The ghost of revenge that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time was released!

  Snow Mountain Sect!

  Very good!

  Give Yuer to the funeral!


  At this time, Chen Xuanqing turned his palm into flames, turned his palm into blade, and slashed towards Yu Gui's abdomen with a single knife.

  Yugui was already unable to resist at this time, fell, fell from the void of a hundred feet high...

   "Want to die? Is that easy?"

  Chen Xuan’s eyes seemed to flood with that permeating cold light once again, and the corners of his mouth actually raised a small smile, and his lips were slightly hooked, which looked very charming.

  The green flame of Chen Xuan's left palm generally embraced Gui Xian's body, as swift as a monkey fishing for the moon.

  Ah ah...

  The temperature of Chen Xuan's left palm is already as scorching as six scorching suns in the sky.

  He was exhausted at this time, and he was no different from a trash. He did not have the slightest resistance to Chen Xuan's palm of fire.


  Chen Xuan snorted, it feels like a grasshopper that is always flying in front of him is slapped to death.

  Yugui was brought to the ground by Chen Xuan, and at this time there was no more arrogance in his eyes.

   is full of fear, this young man is too terrible, comparable to a demon!

  Xiashan looked at Chen Xuan at this time, once again as if he had been caught in his heart by an evil spirit. My heart suddenly tightened, full of horror!

  He began to vomit crazily, because he thought of the fat man who died under Chen Xuan's way of death. It was really disgusting!

   And Zi Yi seemed to have a premonition, gently placed her hand that was as tender as suet and white jade on Chen Xuan's back, and gently patted his back.

  But when Zi Yi put her right hand up, her body trembled, as if Chen Xuan's body was as terrible as hot boiling water...

  The killing intent, even Ziyi, felt that his heart was out of control and frightened.

  What a powerful aura!

   "Ha ha ha... Do you know Yu'er's death?"

  Chen Xuan’s tone seemed to be like a Pluto who crawled out from under the Nine Nethers, his eyes were full of cold light, but the scarlet eyes still did not fade at all.

  There is only one word in Chen Xuan's mind now, that is...


  What a terrible killing intent!

  Who is that woman named Yuer? Is it someone Chen Xuan likes?

  There is something wrong in Zi Yi's heart...

  Is Brother Chen Xuan becoming so bloodthirsty because of the woman named Yuer? That woman named Yu'er must be very beautiful!

  Zi Yi’s heart seems to be frantically surrounded by these questions at this time, as if every question affects a string in her heart.

  At this time, she felt that her heart seemed sour, which was very unpleasant!

   "I... This matter is meant by Lord Jiang He and Sovereign Helan..."

  At this time, Yugui doesn’t want to be able to go back alive, he just wants to die, and die more happily!

  He hurriedly argued that his face was pale as if he was a patient who had been seriously ill for a long time...


  Xiashan and Ziyi seemed to have a bright heart. Is that Helan Yuer?

  This is the infighting of the Snow Mountain Sect, and He Lanheng and He Lan Yuer are also implicated in Chen...

  At this time, they had a clue in their hearts. It turned out that Chen Xuan's background was a member of the Chen Mansion, that is, the pond fish that was hit by the Snow Mountain Sect's internal fighting?

  (End of this chapter)

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