Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1798: Yu Gui died tragically

  Chapter 1798 Yugui died tragically

  That's it!

  Chen Xuanguo is really a not-so-simple person, but this makes Xia Shan's heart even more pleasantly surprised.

  It seems that removing Chen Xuan does not need him to take action. How could Helanchong and Jianghe of the Snow Mountain Sect let him go?


  Chen Xuan snorted coldly, and the chill was everywhere. The killing intent was like a hail in the sky on a cold day and flew towards Yugui.

  The bloodthirsty cold light flashed in his eyes, and his pale face smiled like a vengeful ghost.

  His expression staring at Yuguishi was as terrible as a ghost staring at his murderer...

   "Don't worry, Jiang He and He Lan Chong will definitely come down to accompany you! Anyone who has anything to do with the Snow Mountain Sect will not die!"

   Chen Xuan’s words are like a vicious wizard who has cast a terrible curse, as if lingering in Guigui’s ears for a long time...

   "But you can't die now!"

  A fierce light appeared in Chen Xuan's eyes, and he drank coldly.

  Suddenly, the words fell, and the blue mist on the left palm melted like a scorching sun above the endless sky.

  The green mist in the palm of his hand turned into a huge murderous knife, as if it could split the world, and shook the world with coldness.


   Suddenly his left arm flew into the air like a startled crow, and a large amount of blood spurted out!


  Yugui's face was pale as if he had lost too much blood. At this time, his face was already dripping with sweat. His teeth were biting his lip tightly, as if he was suffering great pain.


  Zi Yi shouted loudly, jumping behind Chen Xuan like a frightened cat.

  But at this time, she did not dare to look at the handsome face that Chen Xuan was splashed on by flying blood, which was distorted because of excessive bloodthirsty...

  At this time, Chen Xuan's face was still half as warm as jade, as if his face, beating heart and even soul were extremely cold.

   "Ha ha ha..."

  Chen Xuan actually smiled miserably at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of cold light like a wolf king who lost his mind, killing him in revenge.

   "This is not enough!"

  Chen Xuan said in an understatement, gritted his teeth.

  The light tone was like a father coaxing his child to sleep, but the light tone and content made Yu Gui's mind suddenly shocked.

   "I...Kill me! Kill me! Let me go, I am willing to use my life as the price!"

  Yugui's face was pale, where is he still half-spirited and graceful of the proud of heaven?

  He used to be very powerful, his hair was disheveled at this time, his white cloth was covered with blood, his eyes were hollow...

   "Let you go? Just let you die like this?"

  Chen Xuan still smiled coldly, and asked Yu Gui softly as if he was discussing what to eat tonight...

  In his eyes, people can't see that there is only endless coldness and bloodthirsty of sadness and joy.

   "But who will let me go?"

  Chen Xuan suddenly raised his voice by an octave, raising his voice and asking harshly.

  The leaves above the towering ancient trees suddenly fell, and the birds within a radius of one hundred soared up, endless killing intent filled the surrounding crazily...

  Yu Guina’s pale face changed drastically. He had been trained in his mood by his master Jiang He since he was a child, and he would not be half discolored if he was added with a sword and axe...

  At this time, the eyes were staring in horror, and the face without a trace of blood was like a heavy rain. The whole cheek was covered with sweat.

  He has never seen a person who can be as scary as this ghost?


   "Why didn't you think about letting him go when you killed Yu'er?"

   "Where is Chen Mansion? The blood of Chen Mansion filled the whole room. Where did you let it go at that time?"

   Chen Xuan's eyes were wide as copper bells, and they seemed to be sculpted by God, and the wings of his nose were lightly twitched, as if he was laughing at some big joke.

   "I...I just..."

  What the return wanted to argue about, he wanted to say that this matter was not his attention, but was interrupted by Chen Xuan's cold voice.

   "What about the Chen Mansion? There are five hundred living people in the Chen Mansion, but now they have become five hundred dead bodies!"

  Chen Xuan's tone was very plain, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

  It seems to be saying that I ate your two buns for breakfast...

  But the cold light in his eyes was like a dagger smashing every piece of blood in Guixin's heart.

very scary!

  Xiashan even saw Chen Xuan when the fat man was slaughtered, but still couldn't help trembling endlessly, and the expression on his face was not much better than Yugui.

  After dying, is it your turn? He is a personal disciple of the ninth elder of Qinghumen, he should have some scruples, it is really not good, he also has a little sister!

  Where did Chen Xuan dare to kill him rashly?

   "The palm that I just chopped for myself! Because of your jealousy, because of your murderous intent to me! You are not wronged with that palm!"

  "The palm was to chop up and down five hundred corpses for Chen Mansion, but five hundred corpses, one of your arms, they were wronged!"

  Chen Xuan is like a judge who crawled out of Jiuyou, counting the crimes that he has committed.

  Just as the harsh words fell, Chen Xuan's left palm once again burst into blue flames, and the scorching blue mist combined with Chen Xuan's distorted face at this time made people look at the body shivering uncontrollably.


  Chen Xuan's figure moved like a tiger coming out of a mountain, and his left palm seemed to have turned into a murderous knife and slashed towards Yugui's other arm decisively.

  The palm raised his arm and fell. This time Chen Xuan used his left palm to capture Yu Gui's severed arm. The fingers on that arm were still shrinking at this time.

  A strong pang of pain forced Yugui's mind. At this time, Yugui's consciousness had begun to trance due to excessive blood loss.

  Chen Xuanjie smiled and took out a small medicine bottle out of his blood-stained white shirt...

  This is the medicine Bai Zhe gave him. It will focus people's mental energy. Of course, they will feel much more sensitive. Almost all of his senses are more than a hundred times stronger than usual at this moment.


  The miserable cry exploded again, like a howling pig in a slaughterhouse. The faint blue light of the flowing blue smoke covered the sorely deformed face, and Chen Xuan's heart seemed to be dripping blood at this time.

   "Pain? Your pain is less than one-tenth of when I lost Yuer!"

  Chen Xuan’s smile was full of ghostly evil, but the paleness in his face made Zi Yi feel distressed. The bloodthirsty air in his eyes filled his eye sockets, but under the bloodthirsty there was a touch of sadness.


   Chen Xuan's eyes once again became fierce, like a wounded wolf king venting his dissatisfaction, but Zi Yi was too scared to step forward at this time. Although she is usually very eccentric, Chen Xuan like this makes her wonder how to comfort her...

   " are simply a demon. If the Snow Mountain Sect falls into your hand in another day, it won't be a loss!"

  Yugui's stiff and whitish lips moved slowly, and those lips became dry and weak like shark fins that had been out of water for many days. Now Yu Gui's heart is like dead water, but every time Chen Xuan inflicts brutality on him, his heart like dead water will tremble with pain.

   "Huh! You shouldn't mess with me!"

  Chen Xuan's face was cold and without expression, his eyes were full of coldness, and he spit out this sentence faintly.

  Suddenly, Chen Xuan's figure moved again, and the meteor galloped before returning home. The faint blue flame on the left palm turned into a faint blue mist floating above Chen Xuan's palm.

  The green mist is like Chen Xuan's unstoppable obsession, it seems that Chen Xuan's cold tears can be seen through the elegant blue smoke.


  The fascinating green mist slashed down towards Yugui's left leg like a sickle of death, and blood from the broken left leg once again gushed out like the water of the Yangtze River.

  At this time, Chen Xuan’s pale face also became full of blood, he did not use his hands to brush it away, just let him intertwined with his own cold tears, and slowly slipped from his cheek...

  "I slashed this palm for Helanheng! He is my half-father-in-law, but his fate rests on your Snow Mountain Sect's head!"

  Chen Xuan’s voice is not slow, but it does not have the slightest temperature. The evil charm's face is full of blood returning, which is more devil than a demon.


  Yugui's heart was violent, and he was so much better than He Lanheng now. His method of death is truly shocking... Pour cold water in a huge iron pot, boil people to death alive.

  Although all of this was the attention of Helan Chong and Jiang He, it was carried out by himself and Yu's second imprisonment. The tragedy is really cruel to the extreme...

"Ha ha……"

  The corners of Chen Xuan's mouth were slightly aroused, as if he was mocking something.

  "Do you still think I am cruel now? Yu'er told me in the letter how she felt when she saw all this. At that time, I wished to find a big pot and cook everyone in the Snow Mountain Sect!"

   Chen Xuan's anger suddenly burst out, like a furious lion, his eyes fixed on Yugui, bloodshot and chill in his eyes.


  Yugui's face was pale, he knew it, he actually knew it!

There was no longer any struggling color on Yugui's face, and it became dull. His existence is like a pile of meat, without any vitality.

  This conversation is simply a word of death for Yu Gui, if all the pain his body suffered at this time was **** torture. So at this time, his heart suffered more than a hundred times more pain than his body.

  But where can Chen Xuan get better at this time?

  The pleasure of revenge can indeed calm some of the anger in his heart, but the deep sadness cannot be alleviated. How can the endless love become bloodthirsty and hate just disappear because of Yugui's death?

  Even a Snow Mountain Sect is not enough, and he can’t get his Yuer back!

  Damn it!

  Chen Xuan scolded in his heart, the blue flame on his left palm once again turned into a blue mist and slashed towards Yu Gui’s head...


   Suddenly, Yugui’s body seemed to be scorched, and the temperature of the green mist was too hot. It was like a sharp knife formed from the magma of six volcanoes and slashed towards Yu Gui's head...

  (End of this chapter)

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