Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1977: Fourth assessment

  Chapter 1977 Fourth Assessment

  At this time, Chen Xuan, who was in the maze world, thought of Tianling, as well as those relatives and partners in the past. He told himself not to be impulsive and to calm down.

  In the end, he slowly suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

  He thought of the giant beast at the beginning. Although it came fiercely, it finally turned into nothingness under Chen Xuan's firm belief. In this way, the test of this pass is the will.

  Thinking of this, he stood up, sighed lightly, adjusted his own state a little, and his conviction gradually became firmer.

   then ran straight ahead, all distracting thoughts were left behind, there was only one belief in his heart, go out!

  The walls he had touched disappeared at this moment.

  Chen Xuanyong moved forward, not knowing how long he ran, and finally, his eyes suddenly brightened.

  He smiled brilliantly, and finally came out. The assessment should have passed at this time.

  The old man appeared in front of Chen Xuan again, smiling.

   "Congratulations, you passed the fourth assessment."

  Chen Xuan smiled heartily.

   "It's just a fluke."

   "Haha, how can there be so many flukes, in the final analysis, your will is strong enough." The old man smiled slightly, "but the old man is very curious how you suddenly calmed down after running away."

  Chen Xuan thought for a while and spoke slowly.

  "You said that I was dissatisfied with that, I was impetuous at the time, and suddenly remembered some important things, and there were relatives and partners waiting for me."

  "Family~" The old man seemed to think of some past events, and his eyes were faintly sad.


  Chen Xuan yelled softly.

  The old man wakes up from his memories.

   "Well, it's all about the past, and I don't want to."

  Then the old man looked at Chen Xuan.

  "Your potential is great. The old man is looking forward to what level you can grow to. If you make adjustments, you can start the fifth assessment. The old man believes that you can pass."

  The old man looked at Chen Xuan with a smile, and said slowly.

  He agreed, and then sat down cross-legged to make fine adjustments.

  After half an hour, he stood up and looked at the old man firmly.

   "Senior, I'm ready!"

  The old man nodded, and then the brilliance in his hand circulated, sending Chen Xuan into a space.

  Unlike before, as soon as Chen Xuan entered this assessment space, he was suppressed by a powerful coercion.

  In the distant air, there seemed to be a powerful figure raging, and everything it went to was destroyed.

  A gust of wind and dust was swept up in front of Chen Xuan, blocking his vision. He can only exude conscious power to wrap himself, and then he can withstand the pressure.

  The figure in the distance seemed to perceive a creature against him, and flew towards Chen Xuan with a roar.

  From a distance, he exploded and blasted towards Chen Xuan.


  He was blasted into the ground, embarrassed.


  Coughed a few times, he got up. Looking at the terrifying figure ahead.

The powerful and terrifying aura in front of him stopped. As the line of sight became clear, the figure gradually became clear. It was a middle-aged man. It seemed that they were much younger than Duan Yaosheng, but there was nothing on his face. Gentle and kind, and some have only endless terrifying killing intent, with red eyes, black hair standing upside down into the sky, and the body full of strong muscles.

   Stubbornly resisting the coercion of the middle-aged man, Chen Xuan only felt a surging demon aura pressing on him, making it difficult for him to move.

  But what made him dignified was not the man's terrifying strength, but the demon aura contained in his power. His aura was no different from that of the demon. Chen Xuan seemed to be facing the master of the demon of the day.

  Since it is a demons, there is no need to be polite, but with the power of a man at the moment, it is estimated that only Floating Jue Sixth can hurt him.

  But now Chen Xuan's cultivation base can't make use of the sixth level and there are no side effects. I can only take a gamble!

  He gritted his teeth, running the consciousness in his body, pushing the consciousness and slowly moving in the same way as before running in the meridians.

  His eyes slowly climbed into a silvery white, and the temperament of his whole person became calm and powerful, but the Buddha did not appear, but his body was completely silvery white.

  Long hair fluttered, he looked at the demon man in front of him with cold eyes, and he had a vaguely contending feeling in his aura.

He turned into a streamer and flew towards the man. The silver-white light circulated, attached to his body, and turned into a cold and hard armor, making a buzzing sound, and there was also a burst of light in his hand. The silver-white color turned into a spear, flowing sharp. Cold light.

  It was slow to speak, but it was actually only a moment. Chen Xuan had already arrived in front of the demon man, his spear was raised up, and the man roared, raising his palm and firmly grasping the head of the spear.

His palm was as hard as iron, and the tip of his spear was stuck. Chen Xuan couldn't help gaining a bit more strength. He broke free and stabbed at the neck of the demon man. Although the man was crazy, he knew the key point and punched him. The hammer hit the tip of the spear, causing the spear to change its position.

   Chen Xuan saw that a blow was missed, and then swept across the man's waist with another shot. As he expected, the shot was still blocked.

  But what the demon man did not expect was that Chen Xuan released a hand holding the spear, his hand was shining with silver, and his clenched fist hit the man's face desperately.


  The air exploded with this blow, and the man was like a bird with folded wings, hitting the ground straight, making a huge vibration.

   Then he flew to the man again, like an arrow from the string, with another punch.

  The ground was shattered by the hammer, and the demon man who could be knocked down didn't seem to be a serious problem, just a small hole on his face.

   Stopped the attack, Chen Xuan opened the distance from the demon man, the silver light in his eyes was full of silver, and a pair of ruthless and indifferent eyes appeared in the sky, emitting endless eyes, and moved towards his control.


  The man who was on the ground was blasted into the ground by this attack.

  Chen Xuan sighed lightly, the silver in his eyes dissipated. What surprised him was that apart from being a little tired, he didn't have any major problems. It seemed that as long as he didn't use too much power-consuming skills, he wouldn't pass out in a coma.

  This sixth level can be used as an augmented skill, and it will definitely play a great role in future battles.

Chen Xuan withdrew his mind and looked at the man in front of him who was blasted into the ground. He was still a little dignified. He knew that with the strength of the man, he would not be defeated in this way. .

Sure enough, within ten breaths, another figure bounced from the ground. The man patted the dust on his body, looked at Chen Xuan, and sneered in his mouth.

   then ejected his body and rushed over, punching!


  This simple punch almost killed Chen Xuan. He was beaten up and flew out, his bones were innumerably broken, and he vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

  He was dripping with cold sweat on his forehead, and just struggling to get up, the demon man’s offensive came in front of him again.

  Two punches!

  The ground was hammered into countless cracks, the space was shaking, and there were faint signs of breaking.

  He spit out a mouthful of blood again, the vitality in his body was slowly dissipating, the fluctuations on the surface were already very weak, and Chen Xuan was very dangerous now!

  The third punch!

   blasted to the ground, the ground that was already broken, shattered again, and countless areas collapsed.

  The demon man seemed to be a little confused, tilted his head and looked at the empty pit in front of him.

   Then he looked at Chen Xuan standing in the air.

  A cold sweat broke out on his forehead, so dangerous! Fortunately, at the last moment, the movement of consciousness was completed, and it entered the sixth state again, but then it was really unthinkable.

  The demon man rushed towards him with a wicked smile, holding his fists and blasting.

  I don’t know how many retaliatory moves have passed between the two people. From a distance, I can only see the explosion in the air, but no human shadow.

  After beating each other countless times, he distanced himself from the demon man. This time he could only use that trick. Even if he fainted, he had no choice but to give it a try.

  As he enters concentration in the air, the whole person becomes dignified and solemn, with the feeling of an ancient Buddha, the silver light of the whole body is flowing, and a huge Buddha gradually appears behind him.

   Chen Xuan murmured, then Gu Buddha raised his arm and printed a giant palm to the demon man.

  The man felt tremendous power at this time, and his expression was also slightly solemn.

   broke out the power of the whole body, punched the giant palm, and resisted desperately.


  The man vomited a mouthful of blood, and the pressure of the giant Buddha made him tremble slightly, and the momentum behind him also showed signs of collapse.

  This is the first time that a man is actually injured.

  The giant palm's offensive is not over yet, and he is still pressing down on the man slowly and quickly.

  Finally he couldn't resist, he was pressed under the palm of the Buddha and was seriously injured.

Chen Xuan's brain felt dizzy, and he almost passed out a few times. A will support him to persevere. He knew that the assessment had not yet ended, and he could still feel the man's breath, although it was already very weak. Up.


  He couldn't bear it, and finally spit out a mouthful of blood and passed out into a coma.

  The whole person is like a broken kite, falling towards the ground.

   "Little guy, it is really surprising to the old man to be able to do this, so I can barely count you as passing the exam."

  A voice of vicissitudes but full of vitality suddenly sounded, as if it came from the demon man.

  I saw the middle-aged man flying out from under the giant palm just now, catching Chen Xuan who had fallen down, with a gratified smile on his face.

  Different from the man who was full of demonic energy just now, he seemed to have changed his personality, and the breath on his body was faintly surging with vitality, which was like a spring breeze.

  The man supported Chen Xuan's body and disappeared into this space.

   Chen Xuan, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and sat up, still lingering in the figure of the demon man in his mind.

"Woke up?"

   He turned his head suddenly, saw the man beside him, his heart was shocked, his silver-white consciousness was shaken, and he was about to attack the man.

   Seeing his palm gently stroked, Chen Xuan's consciousness immediately dissipated, and the breath of life was still slowly calming Chen Xuan's mind.

   "Don't move when you wake up. The trick you just used was very expensive, so take a good rest."

  The man looked at Chen Xuan and smiled.

  He realized that he didn’t seem to be in the cracked battlefield just now. Did he pass the examination? The demon man in front of him seemed a bit weird, and the breath of life that shouldn't exist in him was so surging, which made Chen Xuan feel a little comfortable.

  "I will heal your injury. The murderousness of these years is still the same. The attack is not serious. If something really happens to you, Lan Cangsheng will not kill me."

  (End of this chapter)

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