Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1978: Demon traitor

  Chapter 1978 Demon Traitor

  Chen Xuan understood that his assessment had passed, and the middle-aged man in front of him should be the same person as Duan Lao. But as for why the attack on him was also a middle-aged person, and it should be part of the assessment.

  Thinking of this, he slowly got up, although he was still very weak, he could barely stand up.

  He gave the middle-aged man a fist.

   "Chen Xuan has met seniors."

"Hahaha, okay, my name is Qing Wuxuan, and you call me Uncle Qing." Qing Wuxuan waved his hand and said, "Sure enough, Lan Cangsheng didn't look away. Your talent above the pill is compared to ours. These old guys are much stronger. Originally, this level test was just a few tricks to pick me up. If you don't hold back, you will play more. Don't blame me, hehe."

  Chen Xuan looked at Qing Wuxuan who was smiling in front of him, with three black lines on his forehead, quite helpless.

  It’s no wonder that the assessment of this level is so difficult. It’s all to blame for this playful master in front of him, but he is a senior, and Chen Xuan naturally can’t say anything.

  Chen Xuan remembered what Duan Lao had said, to make him be careful of the guardian of the fifth pass. It seems that Qing Wuxuan's personality is not as scary as he said, but he is approachable and has a little childish personality.

   However, during the assessment, Qing Wuxuan was quite consistent. In that state, it was extremely terrifying.

  He retracted his mind, sorted out his language, and asked what he had been puzzled about.

   "Uncle Qing, I want to ask you why you had such a powerful demonic energy in your body during the assessment just now." Chen Xuan was a little solemn.

  Qing Wuxuan slowly put away the smile on his face, his expression became serious, he looked at Chen Xuan. Opening his mouth lightly, the vicissitudes and sorrows that were completely different from those just now revealed.

   "There will be demons in me...because I used to be a member of the demons."

  Chen Xuan was shocked, Qing Wuxuan was once a member of the Demon Race, and the horror and devilish aura he had just assessed can be explained.

  He calmed down, looked at the sudden vicissitudes of Qing Wuxuan in front of him, and sighed. There must be some other stories in it, but he can't touch it yet. He was very curious about the past of Yao Sheng, Duan Lao, Huang Lao and Qing Shu, and these hidden things can only be explored when he becomes stronger in the future.

   "Sorry, I was reckless."

   "It's okay, it's okay, some old things, nothing."

  Uncle Qing suddenly replied to the bright and gentle smile just now, and put his hand on Chen Xuan's shoulder.

   "I've been in this place for thousands of years. I don't even have a speaker. I can't be the same as a few of them. I can stand loneliness so much." Qing Wuxuan said with emotion.

   "It's better for you to stay here these days. I will teach you the problems of cultivation by the way. As for the sixth assessment, you have to prepare well."

  Chen Xuan thought for a while, agreed, and followed Qing Wuxuan to a mountain forest. There was a simple wooden house hidden in the forest. Although this place is simple, it has everything.

  "Sit down here first, and **** craft later."

  Qing Wuxuan smiled, settled in Chen Xuan, turned around and went into the kitchen, and then there was a sound of consciousness fluctuations and cooking.

  After a loud noise, bursts of fragrance floated out, and Chen Xuan subconsciously sniffed, the fragrance swirling in his nose.

  He has practiced bigu for many years. Today, the smell reminded him of the food his mother had cooked for him before he practiced. Recalling that, he felt a lot of emotion in his heart. These dishes made him look forward to it faintly.

   "Stone Dragon Fish, Stir-fried Spirit Bamboo Shoots, Sauteed Man Niu Slices..."

  A dish was heard in these voices, and it slowly landed on the table in front of Chen Xuan.

   Then Qing Wuxuan wiped his hands, and the bright smile matched the food on the table, with a warm feeling.

  Chen Xuan smiled faintly, stood up and invited Qing Wuxuan to take a seat, and then he also took a seat, and the two sat opposite each other, separated by a simple stone table with bright dishes and a faint fragrance.

   Qing Wuxuan made a big move, and Chen Xuan had a pair of chopsticks and a pot of old wine in front of him.

   "Taste it and see how it goes."

  Qing Wuxuan smiled, plainly like an uncle next door, who could have imagined that this is such a person, before that, there was an incomparably terrifying power.

  Chen Xuan nodded, stretched out his chopsticks and gently picked up a piece of beef, and sent it to his mouth to taste it.

  Suddenly, the fragrance of beef burst out from his mouth, Chen Xuan's eyes lit up instantly, and the aftertaste was endless. When the beef was completely swallowed, the fragrance still returned in Chen Xuan's mouth.

   "Uncle Qing, your dish is really a delicacy." He exclaimed from the bottom of his heart.

   "Hey, what fairy products are just some home-cooked dishes. I am really bored in this place. I can only find something to do. After so many years, I should make a little progress."

  Qing Wuxuan smiled and waved his hand, raising the glass in his hand to signal Chen Xuan to drink.

  He also raised the cup and took a sip, stunned.

   "Good wine!"

"Let me tell you, this wine is also slowly researched out by me for so long. We drank this pot, but it has been brewed for more than a thousand years." Qing Wuxuan said to Chen Xuan with a smile, there is a hidden expression in his expression. Unable to be proud. "Come on, eat food, eat food."

  The two laughed and talked about the past and the present.

  A meal gradually ends late at night.

  In the morning of the next day, Chen Xuan woke up early to practice. He can now feel the level of consciousness power, slowly practicing according to the schedule.

  After a long time, Qing Wuxuan came out sleepy when the sun was three poles.

   "Morning, Chen Xuan."

  "Uncle Qing is early."

   Chen Xuan answered, Qing Wuxuan nodded, and walked to the stream to wash.

  Qing Wuxuan lived a life more like a mortal, doing everything by himself.

   Chen Xuan looked at all this, and when he quit the practice world in the future, it would be good to find a place like one to live in.

   Then he put away his mind and entered the practice again.

  After three months of cultivating slowly, Chen Xuan's consciousness had some signs of breaking through.

   During this period, Qing Wuxuan also came several times and pointed out some of his problems in the cultivation of consciousness, and he benefited a lot.

   "It seems that cultivation has reached a bottleneck, and it's time for me to change and set off." Chen Xuan thought to himself as he looked at his lack of consciousness.

  He gave Qing Wuxuan a fist.

   "Uncle Qing, my cultivation is almost done, and there is no way to progress further. I think it's time to go to the sixth assessment."

   Qing Wuxuan's eyelids twitched and said slowly.

   "Did you think clearly?"

  He nodded.

"Well, I'll send you to the sixth exam in a while." Qing Wuxuan sighed, "Although your consciousness has become a bit better now, I am still worried that you will not pass the sixth exam. In this regard, I I can only tell you a little bit, so that you can prepare in your heart that I, Lan Cangsheng, Lao Duan, Lao Huang and Lao Gui will all appear to test you together."

Chen Xuan's heart twitched. He also guessed the strength of this lineup, but when he heard it, he was still a little frightened. He had dealt with these few people, and he had a concept in his heart, but the old ghost mentioned by Qing Wuxuan, But he never understood that if he guessed right, he should be the guardian of the first assessment.

  (End of this chapter)

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