Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1979: Purgatory level assessment?

   Chapter 1979 Purgatory Level Assessment?

  Hearing Qing Wuxuan's words, Chen Xuan felt unprecedented pressure, but still adjusted his mentality and prepared to meet this last assessment in the best state.

   "Uncle Qing, I'm ready, you can send me over."

  He smiled heartily and said to Qing Wuxuan.

  Qing Wuxuan nodded, smiled on his face, and then waved a big hand, Chen Xuan was instantly teleported into another space.

  He looked around him, it seemed that it was just a small dark room, completely unable to match the final assessment.

  Looking around, I am indeed in a small enclosed space, the entire room is only 30 square meters in size. Chen Xuan didn't know what the last assessment was.

   can only sit down and watch the changes.

  Thinking about this, the surroundings suddenly lit up, and a blazing red swept across the room, quickly covering the entire room.


  The flame burned on Chen Xuan, making a sizzling noise. Although this level of flame did not threaten his life, he could feel the intense heat and intense pain, and it was painful for a while.

  At first, he wanted to try to resist with the power of consciousness, but found that it had no effect at all. This flame was strange, completely ignoring the defense of the consciousness, and burned directly on Chen Xuan's body.

  He gritted his teeth, his body was suddenly sweaty, and he was quickly dried by the flames, leaving a large amount of sweat stains on his slightly scorched skin.

  The intense pain made him almost fainted. He persisted desperately, guarding the last trace of clarity to prevent him from fainting. He knew that this was also part of the assessment, and the assessment could only be completed if he passed it by himself.

  In this way, he sat cross-legged in the middle of the room, feeling the pain that swept all the time.

After a few days, he was already numb to the pain, and he could even calm down and practice. In the past few days, the flame has increased several times, not only the temperature has risen, but the density of the flame has also begun to increase, and there is a faint change. For the sense of substance.

  But he managed to get through all of these and survived the most difficult period. No matter how high the temperature of the flame is, it will only cause him a little more pain. As long as it doesn't endanger his life, the others are nothing.

  After another period of time, the flame seemed to know that it had no effect on him, and began to slowly dissipate.

  Before he could take a breath, in a blink of an eye, the wind and snow all over the house began to replace the flames to erode Chen Xuan.

  The wounds that were originally burned by the flames were frozen by the frost at this time, so that he felt a little better, and there was still bouts of pain. At this time, under the effect of the low temperature, he could no longer feel it.

   Before Chen Xuan had time to react, ice cones began to drop in the space. The tip of the cone was extremely sharp, and the entire length was slender and rigid. Numerous ice cones plunged into his body.

  He couldn't help groaning in pain, but he persisted. The Bing Cone seemed to be manipulated by someone, and he actually drilled into his body by himself, and soon all the cones fell into it.

  He was panting heavily. Such an assessment was really painful. His eyes were bloodshot, his eyes were a little red, and the whole person looked embarrassed and cruel.

  The wind and snow stopped, and the temperature gradually increased. This time the scenery in the space changed, warm and bright.

  But Chen Xuan could not enjoy it, because as the temperature increased, the ice that had frozen his body began to melt, including the thousands of ice cones in his body.

  The skin that had been ravaged by the high temperature and extreme cold began to crack, and the pieces were incredibly hideous. Blood holes were left where the cone of ice had been pierced, and blood continued to bleed out.

  Chen Xuan soon became a blood man.

  The physical and mental torture made him shout loudly, as if he was about to release all the grievances in his whole body.


After    shouted, Chen Xuan felt better, at least a little bit more relaxed in his heart.

  He breathed a little hard, and the blood and cold sweat on his forehead mixed together and condensed into a solid.

  This **** assessment. He was in a daze, almost fainting, biting his tongue violently, and the pain from his tongue made him awake a bit, and he was no longer so drowsy.

  Chen Xuan adjusted his state, and the assessment seemed to intentionally give him a buffer time. He knew that the more terrifying was still to come, so he could only adjust it as soon as possible.


  Suddenly some animal sounds came from his ears, which made him awake suddenly, opened his eyes, and saw a terrifying scene.

   is densely packed, almost occupying the entire space, only the place where he meditates has some open space.

   These monsters screamed and rushed over. Chen Xuan wanted to hide but there was nowhere to hide. These monsters were like those flame winds and snow, and their consciousness could not be blocked at all.

  The first monster opened its mouth full of sharp teeth and bit on Chen Xuan's leg with one bite. Its teeth were green. While biting Chen Xuan, it was still injecting something into it.

   Soon, Chen Xuan's legs swelled up like steamed buns, turning purple-red, with fierce blood vessels.

  Countless monsters swarmed up and bit him. At the same time, there were those unknown toxins that made his whole body swell extremely. The bitten wounds began to pus and leaked black and red liquid, and his whole person looked miserable.

Biting like this, I faintly saw the bones. Just when Chen Xuan thought he was going to die, something happened. His bitten wounds began to heal at an extremely fast speed, and the swollen body gradually subsided. As good as ever.

  He sat up with some doubts. He really felt death just now, and he secretly guessed that this should be only the first wave, and this assessment is not that simple.

  Sure enough, the group of monsters that had disappeared just now appeared again in a dense crowd, just like swarming up, tearing at him.

  He meditated on the spot, no matter what kind of damage the monster caused to him, he was indifferent, and he silently confirmed a belief in his heart, I want to pass the test!

  Scenes like this lasted for dozens of days.

  The monster never appeared after the fifth time it faded. Chen Xuan sighed lightly. The small first wave in front of him seemed to have passed. I don't know what kind of test will come next.

  This sixth assessment is too terrifying and perverted, it can be called purgatory!

  Suddenly, the light in front of Chen Xuan's eyes changed, and he was teleported from the original small room to another space.

  In front of you is an ancient thick gate with hundreds of devil’s heads carved on it. Above the gate, there is a big “one”.

  Suddenly a message flooded into his mind, the content was...let him enter the front door and defeat the monster inside.

  I didn’t tell him how many doors there were.

   Right now, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush. He opened the door and walked in. The dark room suddenly lit up, and the strong light element reflected the figure of a fierce beast.

  (End of this chapter)

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