Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1980: War beast

   Chapter 1980 Fighting the Fierce Beast

  The fierce beast has horns on its head, and its overall appearance looks like a cheetah. Its sturdy body is perfectly streamlined, and its body is burning with red flames. There are cruel gazes in its eyes, and the tail behind it flicks like a sickle.

  The fierce beast saw Chen Xuan slowly standing up, his body arched, ready to attack at any time.

  Chen Xuan's eyes were solemn, he was thinking about how to deal with the fierce beast in front of him, because the level of consciousness just now did not work, he was not sure whether it was still useful.

  I can only try now. Withdrawing his thoughts, he communicates with the consciousness in his body and turns into a silver armor spear.

  The overall silver light circulates, and the tip of the gun exudes a sharp cold light.


  The fierce beast roared, and rushed towards Chen Xuanfei like an arrow from the string, and his ferocious mouth suddenly opened. He seemed to be able to smell the stench in the beast's mouth.

  He provoked his spear, pressing down on his entire body, and bursting out the power of his whole body. He jumped up and stabbed at the beast in the air. Unexpectedly, the beast reacted extremely sensitively and twisted his body in the air to avoid the blow.

   Chen Xuan saw this, his arm swung, and the spear in his hand was stabbed into a sweep, which hit the beast's abdomen.

  The sharp tip of the gun cut a wound on the beast, and black blood was flowing outward.

  He was overjoyed, and the consciousness attack was effective. In this case, it would be much easier.

   Then he exploded with power, his whole body was extremely swift and violent, his body left a trail of shadows in the air, and the silver spear in his hand was shining even more, and he attacked the beast.

  The extremely fierce offensive swept the fierce beast like a hurricane, leaving several wounds of different sizes on its body.

   Soon its body was stained with its own blood.

  The pain made its animal nature more ferocious, and there was an abominable low growl in its throat, and the fierce light in its eyes was full of fierce light.


The fierce beast looked up to the sky and roared. The flames burning on its body became fierce and burning. It suddenly rushed towards Chen Xuan, and its speed increased a lot.

  His footsteps were lighter and he could have escaped the blow, but then the scythe of the fierce beast's tail quietly went around behind Chen Xuan and stabbed him viciously.

  He felt the crisis from behind. Although he reacted quickly, he was still cut to his shoulder, and his body was immediately stained red with blood.

  He was covering the wound. Although he slowly healed, he couldn't use weapons anymore. He could only lift it up with one hand, the silver light flowed, creating countless clones, and attacking the fierce beast.

  This trick, he had already practiced so thoroughly, countless clones pounced on the beast, with different methods, leaving hundreds of wounds on the beast.

  It screamed in pain, thumped up and down in a rage, trying to wipe out these **** clones.


  It roared, the flames on its body burned, and then it swept all the clones like a hurricane. Under the offensive of the flames, the clones disappeared, and in a blink of an eye, only Chen Xuan and the fierce beast were on the battlefield.

  It raised the corners of its mouth, showing a very humane sneer, looking at Chen Xuan, suddenly got into trouble, opened his blood basin and bit at Chen Xuan.

  He was calm and steady, with silver light flowing in his hands, and a huge palm print hit the fierce beast. The fierce beast flew out, with blood flowing in its mouth.

  The blow just now was a floating mark made with consciousness.

  While the thoughts flowed, the use was extremely smooth.

  The fierce beast slowly got up, shook its huge head, gradually became sober, and then pounced on Chen Xuanfei again.

  He watched the fierce offensive, but he didn't panic at all, muttering in his mouth, the light of his left hand bloomed, his fist was clenched, and the force of horror burst exploded, and a punch hit the beast.

  It uttered a painful scream, like a kite with a broken line, slammed to the ground.

This time, it should have completely lost its combat power, only to see the fierce beast's chest collapsed, with a huge depression, breathing intermittently, tightly closed the beast's eyes, panting heavily, and the blood in the mouth was flowing and erect The tail is also limp.

  It opened a door behind it, and the words "two" were printed on the door, which meant that Chen Xuan had passed the first level and could enter the second level at any time.

Chen Xuan came in front of the fierce beast. It felt Chen Xuan's arrival. It opened its eyes fiercely, and the fierce light was more intense, and its mouth let out a cruel growl. Waiting for death.

  He looked at the fierce beast in front of him, sighed, and the silver light in his hand covered the fierce beast, and then he stepped into the second gate.

  The fierce beast saw the silver light in Chen Xuan's hand, had given up resistance, closed his eyes tightly, and waited for the arrival of death.

   What surprised it was that these silver lights were slowly healing his injuries, and the collapsed chest was recovering at a slow speed.

  The fierce beast was silent, not knowing what was thinking in his heart, the fierce light in his eyes dissipated, and his complexion...

   Chen Xuan, who came to the second level, looked at the space in front of him, and seemed to be no different from the first level.


A dull sound sounded, and a stone statue fell from the sky, which looked somewhat similar to Yaosheng, and then followed the first stone statue and gradually dropped a few more, corresponding to He Qingshu, Duan Lao, Huang Lao and The old man in the fourth assessment was similar.

  It's just that the stone statues have no expression on their faces, and they are cold and merciless, raising their hands and flying towards Chen Xuan.

  A message was poured into his mind again, as long as he persisted for 120 breaths under the attack of these five stone statues, it would be passed.

   Actually only insisted on this short one hundred and twenty breaths, he smiled bitterly, these stone statues must be powerful and terrifying.

  Adjust your body. Since you want to stick to the offensive of the stone statue, your speed and defense must be strong enough.

  Thinking about this, the silver light wrapped his body and turned into an armor that was harder than before. Although thick but not bulky, the joints were perfectly covered, and the entire armor showed a perfectly streamlined shape.

  The power of the explosion was injected into the legs.

  He is confident that he can make it through.

An hourglass appeared above the space. At the moment the sand flowed down, the stone statue moved and rushed towards Chen Xuan, giving him the feeling that he was walking on the road and suddenly facing a high-speed train, and he couldn't see it quickly. shadow.

Fortunately, he reacted fast enough to escape the blow, but then the uncle Qing on the side began to move. Although he was not as fast as the medicine saint, his offensive was fierce and tricky, and he almost sealed Chen Xuan several times The escape route.

  He finally felt the difficulty, and unprecedented pressure fell with the fist of the stone statue of Medicine Saint.

  (End of this chapter)

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