Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1989: past

  Chapter 1989 The Past

  Hongcang appeared behind them like a ghost, and several people were startled.

The end of    Third Junior Brother had already made them feel terrified. They did not expect that the Fire Serpent Silver Spear would become so powerful in Hongcang's hands.

"Do you know how I feed it? Every day, I cut off a piece of my own flesh and blood, and poured it on this silver spear bit by bit, day after day, for a year, only to stimulate his Magical."

  He said these words expressionlessly, but the few people felt a surge in their stomachs.

  "You betrayed the teacher and defiled the saint. No matter what you ended up, you deserved it. Who blamed you. We are your fellows, but you can play such a bad hand. You really shouldn't have kept you!"

  Bai Rongxing scolded, still unable to conceal the panic deep in his eyes.

"The same door?" Hongcang chewed the two words carefully and let out a sharp laugh. "At the beginning, you once regarded me as the same door. I was talented, but you regarded me as ominous and insulted me. , That's all, but what about you? When the tide of beasts came, you pushed me out as a sacrifice, and I finally escaped and suffered serious injuries, but you were afraid of being involved and wanted to kill me!"

  Recalling the past, those heart-wrenching experiences are something he will never forget.

  Now that he speaks it out, he feels a lot easier.

   "I admit that we are not treating you badly, but what is wrong with the master? You not only defiled the saint, but also stole our sacred treasure, the fire snake and silver spear, so rebellious, people and gods are angry!"

  As if finding a breakthrough, Bai Rongxing's voice suddenly rose.

"I do not have!"

  At this time, Hongcang was like an angry beast, completely losing his mind. He grabbed Bai Rongxing's neck and slowly squeezed his hands.

  Bai Rongxing was lifted up in the air by him. He desperately wanted to break her hand, but it was useless. His hand was like a pair of iron tongs, holding him tightly.

  His breathing became faster and faster, his face flushed, and his legs continued to kick.

  He cast a glance at the juniors for help, but facing the grandeur at this moment, who would dare to come forward to rescue him?

  Several people looked at each other and lowered their heads at the same time.

"My senior sister and I are innocent, but you say that they are embarrassed and committed. It doesn't matter if you insult me, but this matter has nothing to do with the senior sister. When I was most helpless, she saved me. At that time, I swear. , I will guard her throughout my life. If anyone dares to hurt her, I will want him to go to hell!"

  His voice was low and the whole person looked extremely gloomy, the snake shadow behind him twisted, and the silver gun gave off a cold light, all of which seemed to herald death.

  At this time, Bai Rongxing panicked completely. He tried his best and begged him for mercy, "I was wrong... let me go! I was also forced, I don't want to do that..."

   "Who forced you? Tang Yuan?"

  Hongcang's voice was like a curse, echoing in his ears over and over.

  He has been blushing at the moment, if it were not an accident, he would never stop.

   "Yes... it's the master. He made me do this. He forced me to do everything. If you want revenge, go find him!"

  Bai Rongxing has completely lost his reason, but what he said is true.

  The fear of death enveloped him tightly. No matter what Hongcang wanted to ask now, he would know everything he could say.

   "I knew it a long time ago."

  Hongcang's expression was stern. After saying this, he showed sharp fangs and bit down Bai Rongxing's neck.

  Bai Rongxing screamed, and soon lost his breath, his eyes widened, and his eyes were deeply horrified and unbelievable.

  In the blink of an eye, all the blood on Bai Rongxing's body was sucked up, forming a mummy.

  This picture stimulated everyone, and the others knelt down quickly, and kept begging Hongcang for mercy.

  At this moment, Hongcang is completely a murderous god. He has a deep magical nature in his eyes. All the sounds of the outside world have nothing to do with him. At this moment, he just wants to kill the Quartet and vent all the humiliation he has suffered in the past.

  He waved his hand, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the snake shadow on the stone wall madly bit the crowd.

  The screams came and went one after another, and those screams seemed to be experiencing purgatory torture, but soon, there was no more sound, and only the hissing snake sound remained.

   "Crimes and sins."

  Chen Xuan saw all this in his eyes. Although he didn't make a move, he was also a little palpitated about the cruelty of this man.

   "You just said, what do you need me to do?"

  Solved all this, Hong Cang looked like a different person. He was covered in blood and stood coldly in front of Chen Xuan.

  The woman has recovered a trace of blood, looking at the black needle on the ground, he no longer doubts Chen Xuan, he knows Chen Xuan can save her.

"Although I am not a nosy person, I also advise you not to continue practicing. This Fire Serpent Silver Spear is powerful. With your current cultivation base, I am afraid that it will be difficult to control it. If one day is backfired by it, No one can save you."

   Chen Xuan saw that the vicious tricks he used just now, although they can kill with one move, but over time, there will be many drawbacks, which are completely beyond the ability of his current cultivation base.

The Fire Serpent Silver Spear is a decent magic weapon. It has been nourished by righteous energy for a long time, and suddenly fell into the devil's way, and there must be a buffer period during this period. For people of the fairy level, this buffer period can even take several years.

   And he only used it for a year, one can imagine how much load it placed on him.

  Hongcang turned to the beginning, "I know, this is my business, you only need to save her."

  Chen Xuan closed his hand and shook his head helplessly, “I don’t want to worry about it, but now, you have what I need, no, or it’s mine now.”

   Chen Xuan said very clearly that the reason why he shot was entirely for the fire snake silver spear.

   "Is she all right?"

  Hongcang was ecstatic and didn't think of anything else.

  (End of this chapter)

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