Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1990: Treat the symptoms but not the root cause

  Chapter 1990 Treating the symptoms but not the root cause

Chen Xuanbai glanced at him, stood up, and clapped his hands, "How could it be so simple. She was poisoned by the extremely cold and cold, and it lasted for a year. This poison has spread to her limbs long ago, and I just temporarily sealed it. After staying in, its toxicity will no longer erode itself, and it will only treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

  Although he has studied with Yao Lao for some time, but the conditions here are bad, there is no spiritual grass, he alone can not make her heal at all.

  A clever woman can hardly cook without rice, even if she has the intention, she is powerless!

   "What do you mean?" Hongcang's eyes narrowed dangerously. He remembered that Chen Xuan had promised before that he would save her.

Feeling the killing intent on his body, Chen Xuan was not afraid, but smiled lightly, "Don’t use yours on me. If you want to do something to me, I’m not afraid, but I believe that apart from me, the world is basically No one will save her anymore."

  The reason why he dared to be so sure was entirely because after so long, she still could only be frozen under this ice layer.

   is not Hongcang's fault. On the contrary, he sought medical advice, but he still had no results.

   "You are very confident, but if you really can't save him, I won't kill you. Don't forget, I am a magic cultivator. There are thousands of ways to make people feel unhappy."

   "This is what you said?"

  Chen Xuan suddenly approached, putting his fingers together on his chest.

  Just as he wanted to resist, he felt a pain and numbness all over his body. His raised hand froze in the air, without falling for a long time. He looked at Chen Xuan with weird eyes, "What did you do to me?"

  At this moment, he seems to have been subjected to a fixation technique, his feet are as heavy as lead, and he can't move at all. Moreover, if he breaks through forcibly, he will feel a biting pain.

"Don't you know? Your fire snake silver spear is powerful. But the few shots just now have hurt your vitality. Over the years, it has become sick from overwork. It has long been like a heart-piercing Gu worm. Buried in your bones and blood."

  Every time Chen Xuan said a word, his eyes widened unconsciously, recalling the bit by bit of the year, he had never noticed that his body was deteriorating.

  Although it seems to possess powerful spiritual power, it is actually strong outside, supported by brute force, and now, Chen Xuan just glanced at it and knew where his culprit was. How terrifying such a person should be.

   "That's it, I didn't think I was planted in your hands today."

  Hongcang laughed mockingly, and a trace of ice flashed in his eyes. He put down his disguise and resisted, and slowly raised his palm. The silver gun appeared on it, and many twisted snake shadows appeared on the surrounding stone walls.

  "If you want, take it. My life is worthless. I should have expected it. If I die, please do your best to save her. She is innocent."

Chen Xuan did not make a sound. He took the silver gun in his hand, weighed it, and looked at it carefully. It is indeed a rare treasure. Watching the video of the glowing silver gun from a distance, you can take a closer look and it is engraved on it. Exquisite patterns, hundreds of snakes coiled on it, at the top, there is a bright bead with layers of black air lingering on it.

  Chen Xuan covered his hand, and a burst of spiritual light radiated from his palm. After a while, the black energy dissipated, and the light on the silver spear disappeared. Originally, the evil spirit was so high that I couldn't feel it at all.

  "Have you purified it?"

  Hong Cang was surprised. He spent half his life's spiritual power and practiced hard for a year to demonize him, but Chen Xuan broke everything he had before in just one shot.

   "This thing is not yours."

  Chen Xuan raised his eyes to look at him and saw that he looked ugly, and added, "But it's not mine, I didn't evolve it, it has its original will, but it was suppressed by you, I just awakened it."

  Hongcang was a little bit lost, "What about it? I got it. It's in my hands. This is the best proof."

  To this day, he always thinks he is right.

This fire snake silver spear is a treasure, but if it falls into the hands of those guys who are full of benevolence, justice and morality, they are really gloomy in their hearts, that is the real violent heavenly creature, what about falling into the devil's way, and the desire to destroy me? Willingly.

  So, even if he smashed a path of blood and a path of no return in a desperate situation, he would never regret it. Seeing that he had no regrets at all, Chen Xuan shook his head.

   "You are too persistent, so you got into the cage you set."

  He didn’t plan to persuade him bitterly, because he didn’t have his experience, so he didn’t dare to make false claims. If he changes positions, he may not be able to do better than him.

   "I can't stay here, let's go."

  Chen Xuan waved his hand and released the shackles on him, Hong Cang puzzled.

   "This place has been exposed, how long do you think you can stay?"

   "But we have just silenced them, and the news will never leak out."

  Chen Xuan chuckled, "Innocent, he has already released the news when you solved the last person."


  Hongcang was shocked, "Why didn't you stop it?"

  I didn't expect this to blame myself. He didn't have to intervene when he met him peacefully, but he was so soft-hearted, but now he was bitten back.

  Although he was angry in his heart, he still patiently explained, “If you don’t enter the tiger’s den, you won’t be a tiger. I can’t help it. The only thing that can save him now is to find the person back then.

"what do you mean?"

  Hongcang's eyes narrowed slightly, she could understand no matter how stupid she was.

  "I don’t need to explain this. Use poison to fight poison. There are so many cold poisons in this world, but I don’t know everything about it, especially since time has passed."

To be honest, he didn't want to take this muddy water at all. Just when he took the pulse for the woman, he learned that her skill is not weak, and there is a powerful spiritual force in her body that has not yet awakened. The power behind this must not be simple, but This kid was lucky, he had been hiding for so long before he was discovered.

  Hongcang didn't say any more, he directly picked up the woman, and took another pill to her. Chen Xuan glanced at it casually, which was a hanging pill.

He just noticed that this pill has the effect of keeping the body from decay, and it has been frozen under the ice layer, so it is well preserved. In other words, the woman is already a dead person. This is going against the sky. Even Chen Xuan didn't have much confidence.

  But seeing the determination in Hongcang's eyes, he sighed helplessly. I met him when I went down the mountain. I don't know if it was a blessing or a curse.

  "Are you sure it is Yuheng School?"

  Chen Xuan glanced at the majestic and solemn building in front of him, somewhat surprised.

Hongcang took him to Cangyun City, which was located at the eastern end of the mainland, and went out to the boundless sea, facing Lingshan across the sea. He had never been in the future, but he had also heard of the name Cangyun City, which is rich in resources, all year round. The weather is smooth, and the people settle down and work, and even prosperous to the point that they do not close their homes at night.

  Of course, there are also many cultivators gathered here.

One of them surprised Chen Xuan. People here can even coexist with spirit beasts. On the street, you can see people and spirit beasts side by side. Some are high-level spirit beasts, which are not restricted by humans, but they have an IQ. , Knows how to be independent, easy not to deal with people, and some are tamed by others.

  (End of this chapter)

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