Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2010: Tianxuan Domineering Team

  Chapter 2010 Tianxuan Domineering Team

  Chen Xuan paid two spirit crystals and entered the city. Although the city is small, it is extremely prosperous. The streets are covered with countless vendors and shops, and the pedestrians are even more crowded.

  He had been to several other cities, but compared with the one in front of him, there seemed to be something missing. Perhaps, the Profound Sky City looked more like a mortal city.

  In front of him was a avenue leading directly to the Temple of Profound Sky. Chen Xuan walked along this road, watching all the way, and at the same time planning for the next step in his heart.

  Now that he has escaped, it is even more difficult in Baimo City. Whether he can survive from those people is still a problem, but he is a big monster after all, and everything needs more attention.

  Suddenly, the shouts from the front of the street caught Chen Xuan's eyes.

  "Xuan Xuan!! Domineering!!!"

   "Xuan Xuan!!"


  A group of extremely gorgeous four-person squad, riding a strange animal, came from the crowd of pedestrians on both sides, it was in Chen Xuan's direction.

   Tianxuan domineering? The name is too arrogant.

  Chen Xuan shook his head, but it had nothing to do with other people. He stepped back and prepared to get out.

  Unexpectedly, the person in front of the leader who saw Chen Xuan shook his head and snorted coldly, and he rushed over with the strange beast directly, looking at the posture to crush Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that he was really as his name, he was not outdone, and punched the rushing alien beast.


  The head of the monster beast was shattered by the hammer, and the luminous blue blood flowed all over the ground, and the person sitting on the alien beast was almost shaken by the shock and was about to fall down.

  This punch seems simple, but it actually hides a little bit of the power of the Floating Jue, which is naturally not something that these level 5 and level 6 monster beasts can bear.

  Chen Xuan has been merciful, otherwise it is not just a strange beast, even the person sitting on it will be severely injured.

  But those people didn't think so. Seeing that the head was wounded, they rushed over and surrounded Chen Xuan.

  The man stabilized, stopped, and seemed to become angry. He pulled out the saber behind his back and was about to stab Chen Xuan.

  He raised his eyebrows slightly, flicked a finger on the sword, and the saber was flicked by him. The palm of the man was tingling, and she realized that she had encountered a master, and gestured to stop the remaining three who were about to attack.

  She turned over and got off the strange beast, and ordered a few words to the people behind her. The injured strange beast was transported back for treatment by them.

  Chen Xuan looked at the person in front of him with great interest, and it seemed that she should be a woman. She took off the helmet, and Chen Xuan was a little surprised by her beautiful face, she was indeed a woman.

  With big eyes and Qiong nose, a small face looked at Chen Xuan angrily, she opened a small cherry mouth and said: "You robbed my strange animal, how should I compensate?"

Chen Xuan was a little speechless. It was obvious that the woman rushed over and wanted to hit him, but now she took a bite back. He didn't want to pay attention to this woman, his eyes were indifferent, he glanced at her, and said, "Obviously you were the first to commit evil intentions. I cannot blame me for being injured, I am a legitimate defense."

  The woman knew she was wrong, and bit her lip.

   "For your unintentional sake, you won't be asked for compensation, but you have to agree to a request from me."

  Chen Xuan rolled his eyes, really didn't want to pay attention to her, turned around and left.

   "You will regret it if you leave! My father is the lord of the city!" The woman shouted anxiously behind Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan stopped when he heard this, turned around and looked at the woman, and asked, "What's the requirement?"

  The woman looked around. Many people were watching them. She lowered her head and whispered to Chen Xuan, “There are so many people here that is inconvenient, so follow me first.”

   Then she turned her head and said to the other three people: "Lulu, Afu, Tianbao, you go back first, I have something to do with this person."

  The remaining three people looked at each other, they could only nod their heads and then turned and left.

  Chen Xuan followed the woman to a secret room. While looking around, he asked the woman: "Hey, let's talk about it."

  The woman looked at Chen Xuan, stared at him with big bright eyes, and exhaled lightly.

   "I want you to take me out of the city to explore."


   "Because I am the daughter of the city lord, these guys worry about my safety all day long and can't do anything. There is also a domineering team that is really boring."

  The woman lowered her head and played with her fingers. She raised her head again and looked at him.

   "You do me this favor, and I will let my father do you a favor, too. Also, your master is Yao Lao."

   Chen Xuan was very alert when he heard this, he secretly used his spiritual power, ready to attack at any time.

"How did you know?"

   "I have some special talents. The spirit medicine breath in your body is obviously inherited from the old medicine. In my house, there is a heritage monument, which is the same as yours."

  Chen Xuan thought secretly, if the woman was right, then Yao Lao’s inheritance monument must be checked by herself. Hold her temporarily, as she said, there will be a chance to go to the inheritance monument later.

   "Okay, I promise you, but how to take you out, I can't put you in the ring."

  The woman was a little happy, and smiled happily: “It’s easy to take me out. I saw a task in the union a long time ago. It’s very suitable. You can pick up this task, team up with me, and go out of town.”

  The trade union should be an organization like a mercenary group, so thinking about it should be no problem.

   "Then say that, tomorrow noon, I will wait for you at the gate of the union."

   "Okay, but I don't know your name yet."

   "Chen Xuan."

   "Lu Qinger"

Chen Xuan bid farewell to Lu Qing'er, found a tavern, and stayed in it all night. The next morning, he asked some passers-by to know the approximate location of the union, and hurried over. He is extremely low-key, with a mask on his face.

  Chen Xuan felt the breath of this person, which was undoubtedly Lu Qinger.

  He patted Lu Qing'er on the shoulder and motioned for her to go in together.

   "You came quite early." Chen Xuan asked lazily as he walked.

   "Of course, a free person like you can't understand my mood. I'm so excited to be able to go out." Lu Qinger was so excited that he even took Chen Xuan's arm and walked together.

  Chen Xuan came to the front desk and gave Lu Qing'er a questioning look. Lu Qing'er coughed and pointed at the bright yellow light behind the person in charge.

  Chen Xuan looked at the beam of light curiously, and immersed his consciousness in it according to the instructions.

   Tens of thousands of tasks appeared in Chen Xuan's mind, and the number was so huge that Chen Xuan could not greet them for a while.

  He recalled the name of the mission Lu Qing'er had said, to explore the sea.

found it!

  The content of the mission is extremely simple. As long as you go to Chaolihai outside the city to explore and bring evidence when you come back, the mission will be successful.

  (End of this chapter)

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