Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2011: Move forward towards the sea

  Chapter 2011 Forward to Leaving the Sea

After handing over with the front desk, Lu Qinger excitedly took Chen Xuan to a huge market, located to the west of the city gate. Chen Xuan curiously followed Lu Qinger in. It was not very conspicuous from the outside, but when he entered, the inside was huge and boundless. The space made Chen Xuan a little moved.

   "There should be a space law in this place, it's a big handwriting." Chen Xuan walked inside and asked Lu Qing'er casually.

   "This, it's a rule set by my father himself." Lu Qinger jumped around and said casually.

  Chen Xuan was a little surprised. Originally, he thought it was created by someone with a history, but he didn’t expect it to be Lu Qing'er’s father, the city lord.

  It seemed that the strength of the city lord was stronger than he thought.

  Lu Qing'er took Chen Xuan to a dilapidated shop and stopped.

   "Here, there are things we need to go out. Buy more later."

  Chen Xuan and Lu Qing'er walked in and looked around. There were countless goods hung on the wall. He took off a bag and felt it, his expression became weird.

Inside    turned out to be a sixth-level good fortune pill. This kind of pill was placed in other places and could be entered into the auction. I did not expect that it was just hanging on the wall at will.

  There are also many strange magic weapons and charms, countless.

   This heavenly Profound City is stronger than he thought, and he seems to have come to the right place.

  Lu Qing'er carefully selected a few of them, and after making sure that he was well prepared, he directly pulled Chen Xuan away.

  Chen Xuan was stunned, looking at Lu Qing'er with a strange expression. She took Chen Xuan and looked up at him.

   "Go, what are you doing here?" Lu Qinger said puzzledly.

   "You... just go straight away like this?"

"if not?"

  "No need to pay? Forget are the daughter of the lord."

  Lu Qing'er gave him a blank look and said, "Of course I will give it, but I will wait until I get back."

  The two walked to the gate of the city together, showed the union certificate, and walked out directly.

  Chen Xuan was still thinking about Yao Lao, a little distracted, Lu Qing'er patted him, and he looked in the direction of Lu Qing'er's finger, and an animal cart was parked there.

  Shenjun’s Pegasus has a pure white hair, a blue jewel on his forehead, and a two-seater chair behind the horse.

   "Let's go, just sit here."

  Chen Xuan looked at it at will, the fourth-level strange beast, although it looks good, but its strength is not very strong, and its speed is more than a little slower than Chen Xuan's Sky Profound Sword.

  He shook his head to Lu Qing'er, and said, “Sit down. It’s too slow to drive with this animal cart. I have my way.”

  Lu Qinger looked at Chen Xuan curiously.

"what way."

  Chen Xuan drew out the Sky Profound Sword, injected spiritual power to increase, and he stood directly on the sword.

  Lu Qing'er had some doubts in her eyes. She always thought where she had seen this sword, but she just couldn't remember it.

  Forget it, let's hurry up.

  Lu Qinger stopped Chen Xuan.

   "Chen Xuan, how about let's have a try, my Pegasus must be faster than your flying sword."

  Chen Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly and agreed.

  He really hasn’t been afraid of anyone in terms of speed.

  So, when Lu Qinger's starting voice fell, Chen Xuan flew out like an arrow from a string.

  Lu Qing'er didn't rush, took out four talismans from his arms and attached them to the beast. In an instant, the speed of the horse was several times faster, and he soon caught up with Chen Xuan.

  He looked at Lu Qing'er who was chasing from behind, a little surprised, he noticed the talisman on the horse.

  This should have been bought in the shop just now, but I didn’t expect that the Sky Profound City would be extremely sophisticated on the talisman.

   It seems that apart from some deficiencies in cultivation base and alien beasts, the rest of the domains are very powerful.

  The two slowed down slightly.

  After half a day, you can see the coast towards the sea from a distance.

  The surface of the sea is blue and crystal clear, like crystal, located beside the densely foggy mountains.

Although    has a sea in its name, it can actually be said to be a relatively large lake.

  A mountain range by the sea surrounds half of the sea. What Chen Xuan and the other two have to do is to explore the things on the mountain. The requirements of the trade union are very vague. In Lu Qing'er's view, it is nothing more than a cutscene.

  But Chen Xuan was different. He felt different from approaching this sea area. There was a powerful aura hidden in the mountains, and the sea hid countless dangers. He always felt a sense of crisis.

  He walked vigilantly next to Lu Qing'er, but she didn't take it seriously, happily feeling the freedom and freshness that he hadn't touched for a long time.

   "Hey, be careful, this place is a bit weird, I always feel a strong breath around us."

  Lu Qing'er heard Chen Xuan's words and turned his head to look at him, and said, "What's weird? My father took me here once, how could it be as dangerous as you said."

   "Your father is so powerful, who can make a difference in front of him?"

   Listening to what he said, there seemed to be some truth. Lu Qing'er was a little frightened, and the body of Tianma under her seat was shaking, obviously she was afraid of something.

  Chen Xuan looked solemnly at the misty purple mist ahead, his eyes a little complicated.

   "I guess, this is not a simple exploration task at all. It is obvious that someone is going to harm you."

  Lu Qing'er stayed for a while. She recalled that during this time, it seemed that someone recommended this task to her, and the idea of ​​going out of the city for fun seemed to have been brought up by others.

  Thinking about this, her back was faintly cold.

  Some things seem to be resolved by going back to my father.

   But now that Chen Xuan is there, the problem shouldn't be big, after all, she has simply understood Chen Xuan's strength.

  Since she came out, she played outside first. Chen Xuan was there anyway, and she still had the hole cards given by her father.

  There was a beast roar in the distance, and Tianma raised his front hoof in shock and was about to flee.

  Fortunately, Chen Xuan's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he grabbed the horse in time to stabilize.

  However, the alien beast in the distance seemed very powerful. Not only did it frighten Tianma, but the aura from it made Chen Xuan a little dignified.

  This place...somewhat dangerous.

   And judging from the fluctuations from the surroundings, there are not a few powerful monsters hidden among them. He is thinking about whether to go back, he is naturally fine, but Lu Qing'er, who has a rather low cultivation base, is very dangerous.

  He glanced at Lu Qing'er, and just about to speak, Lu Qing'er took the lead.

   "I know what you want to say, I'm not as weak as you think. You have to know, my father is the lord of the city." Lu Qinger glanced at him.

   "Well then, you must be more careful."


  (End of this chapter)

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