Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2105: Talk alone

  Chapter 2105 Let's talk alone

   "It seems that he is already a titled Daoist. He said it himself."

   "What, Titled Daoist?"

Everyone was very surprised. In just a few years, they have grown from a Taoist monk to today's titled Taoist monarch, and they have also used the titled Taoist monarch cultivation base to reach the peak of the holy. When did it become so simple to break through the realm? It's time to fight leapfrog so easily and pleasantly.

"The titled Daoist cultivation base leapfrogged into the holy peak. This is indeed very enchanting. It seems that my apprentice brother is not easy! And the stone formation..." Han Bing was also very surprised, watching Chen Xuan from the side, falling into meditation.

  The battle was over, and Chen Xuan walked over with the embarrassed person and the group of happy faces.

  "Little friend Chen Xuan, use the title of Taoist monk cultivation to hit the pinnacle of holy entry. This is the first time the old man has seen him in his life. It's amazing, miraculous, incredible!"

   "Yeah! This is simply an incredible thing. I am an eye-opener. I thought Little Friend Chen Xuan was very good at formation. I didn't expect..."

  Zou Yi and his party, except for Zou Yi, are full of admiration.

  Zou Tian looked at Chen Xuan with a face full of admiration, and he was also grateful in his heart.

   "Haha, such an enchanting person is my master!"

   And Qing'er also wanted to say something, but seeing that the person who was beaten was a person of the respected Master, and that he usually took good care of himself, he just cast a idiotic look at Chen Xuan.

  Han Bing also spoke at this time,

"Chen Xuan, Qing'er is my only apprentice, and this girl begged me to come this time. I was curious about the charm of Brother Chen Xuan who made my apprentice so concerned and desperate." said Here, Han Bing paused for a while, then continued,

"You are very good!"

   "Shall we talk alone?"

  "Master..." Qing'er wanted to say something at this time, but the ice gave him a look, and he didn't say much.

Because in this world, except for Chen Xuan, the person in front of Qing'er treats himself best. This kind of goodness comes from the heart. As a nine-tailed divine fox, Qing'er has a clear perception of this point, and Chen Xuan does not even use it. Having said that, when facing these two most important people, he still chose to be silent, and she also believed in Chen Xuan's brother.

  Under the doubtful eyes of everyone, the two came to a secluded place.

  Chen Xuan was also at a loss. He didn’t know what the cold was doing, so he asked first.

   "What do you mean by I don’t know the cold senior?"

  Hanbing thought for a while and said,

   "Chen Xuan, you are excellent, I admit it, and I also know Qing'er's feelings for you, but..."

   "But what?" Chen Xuan asked.

  Hanbing suddenly asked in another tone.

  "Tell me, how much do you know about Qinger?"

   Chen Xuan was confused again after hearing that, he didn't know what the **** was doing with this ice.

   "Senior Han, if there is anything you can say directly, I don't like roundabouts!"

  "Well, I think you'd better keep your distance from Qing'er,"

  Chen Xuan is even more solemn,

"What do you mean by this? Qing'er is my sister. You told me to keep a distance from him. When Qing'er and I were dependent on each other, you still don't know where they are. You'd better make it clear, otherwise don't think you are cold How amazing is the Deputy Sect Master, believe me, I can make you pay!" Chen Xuan became angry when he said that, what is the relationship between himself and Qing'er, what to do with him!

  Han Bing may not know that Chen Xuan’s reaction will be so big, try to use a gentler tone,

"Chen Xuan, I know that you have a deep relationship with Qing'er, but I want to say that this will affect Qing'er's practice, and you know Qing'er's identity. You think if she is not strong on her own, she Can you protect yourself?"

  Chen Xuan interrupted firmly,

   "I can protect her!"

  Han Bing didn’t know what was going on, but after hearing what Chen Xuan said, he was also a little angry.

   "You can, I tell you, if it weren't for me, you might not have seen her..." Chen Xuan became anxious when he heard that.

   "What's the matter? What happened to Qinger?"

  Han Bing obviously didn’t want to say anything more on this matter, so he returned to the topic just now.

"Chen Xuan, you may have misunderstood what I mean. I am not trying to prevent you from being together. I just want Qing'er to grow and become a strong man. However, Qing'er has a good talent and is also a nine-tailed divine fox. "At this point, Chen Xuan suddenly showed a trace of murderous aura.

  Han Bing certainly felt it, and looked at Chen Xuan very comforted.

"It seems that Qing'er has a good vision. Do you know that it is stupid to show a murderous in front of me, a holy king? However, it seems that you care about Qing'er. Put away your murderousness and listen to me to finish. "

  Chen Xuan took back his breath, and looked at Han Bing defensively. Han Bing just smiled helplessly.

"Qing'er is a nine-tailed divine fox. You should know that they are powerful. I mean, although Qing'er has a good talent, she is not in the mood to practice when she hears from you. She even ran here alone. So what I mean is, let you keep a distance from her and give her enough time to practice so that she can become strong and grow up." Han Bing said, with a very hopeful expression, it seems that she has feelings for Qing'er. Also very sincere, Chen Xuan relaxed a little now, but still asked a little worried.

"Since you know that she is a nine-tailed divine fox, then you should know her value, don't you be tempted? Moreover, as the deputy sect of the Frost Sect, you have seen a lot of geniuses! Tell me why Qinger is a disciple." Chen Xuan was also very puzzled, and the nine-tailed **** fox heart was too tempting for monks, Chen Xuan had to ask clearly, if there is such a malicious intention, even the holy king can't do it. .

Han Bing smiled, but didn't get angry, because it was normal. How could Demon Heart's temptation to monks be? As the master of a sect, she didn't know how, so she understood Chen Xuan very well, if Qing'er hadn't told her Chen Xuan almost died in order to save her before, and she also suspected that Chen Xuan was purposefully approaching Qing'er.

"Chen Xuan, you too underestimate me! How can my cultivation way be achieved at the cost of other people's lives? Moreover, Qing'er is such a kind and pure girl, I also want to protect her, in fact, in our name She is the master, but in private she still calls my sister and accepts her as a disciple, just to provide her with training resources in a fair way, and to provide her with an identity that can protect her." When Han Bing said this, Very sincere, Chen Xuan still believes what she said with Chen Xuan's eyes of reading people for so many years.

  Finally, Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that Han Bing was so thinking about Qing'er, his tone became more peaceful.

  "Senior Han, please forgive me for being rude just now. I misunderstood you, but you just came up..."

   "Me too..."

  Chen Xuan touched the back of his head, and did not know what to say for a long time.

  (End of this chapter)

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