Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2106: Part ways

   Chapter 2106 Parting Ways

  Looking at Chen Xuan’s embarrassed appearance, Han Bing also said apologetically.

   "Well, Chen Xuan, I actually said that on purpose. I just want to see how your reaction is and see if the person in my Qinger's dream is really like what she said." Then he continued,

  "Also, I am so old? You have a senior on the left and a senior on the right. Actually, I am not much older than you. I think you should call my name!"

   "What, about my age is a holy king?"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan was surprised. Although the age of the monk is not what he can see on the surface, he is still credible. Such a young Saint King, it seems that the ice is not simple.

  Han Bing looked at Chen Xuan with this surprised face, and said indifferently.

   "In fact, it's nothing, our sect is as old as me, and the holy deity has it."

  Chen Xuan was surprised again.

   "Of course this is an evildoer, our sect legend level evildoer, like you, defeated the holy master level when entering the holy level."

  Chen Xuan was expressionless at this moment, and he was severely hit.

  Han Bing felt that it was not very good to hit Chen Xuan in this way, so he hurriedly said,

"Actually, you are also very good. After all, you are already very good by your own efforts. If you have a very good sect, I believe you will be very strong." When saying this, Hanbing was very good. She looked at Chen Xuan seriously, but in fact she already had the intention of soliciting.

  Chen Xuan was still expressionless, but at this moment, the old man spoke.

   "Little Master, this girl is right. You are indeed short of training resources. Don't worry, when our Chamber of Commerce is started, these are all minor problems." Chen Xuan was relieved. Swept away the decadence just now, full of confidence.

   "Uh, what did you just say?"

   Han Bing rolled his eyes and said

   "Uh, what I said is your cultivation resources. It's better to join a powerful sect."

  Chen Xuan only then understood the meaning of these words, the feeling is that he wants to join her Frost Sect.

  Chen Xuanzheng wanted to speak, but Han Bing took the lead.

"That, in fact, my purpose of talking with you alone is to explain things clearly to you, but also to attract evildoers like you to join my sect. Don’t worry, I will give you the best resources for cultivation. Treat me the same." When Han Bing said this, he looked like he was willing to go.

  Chen Xuan replied with a smile,

  "If you are treated like you, can you give me a blessing lord?" Chen Xuan joked, and then went on to say

   "Qianqian... Han Gu... Sect Master Han." Chen Xuan stubbornly found a suitable name.

   "I am used to being free and I don't want to join any sects, and I plan to build a force of my own. I understand your kindness, and you can rest assured about Qing'er. I know how to do it."

  What else Hanbing wanted to say, Chen Xuan continued,

   "By the way, this is for you. There is a flower of enlightenment and some stone formations in it. Thank you for taking care of Qing'er. I will trouble you to take care of Qing'er in the future." After that, he handed her the things.

   "What, the enlightenment flower? How can you have the enlightenment flower, and you give it back to me?"

   "Yes, what's the matter!" Chen Xuan also looked indifferent.

  Even if they are super powers, it is difficult to find this enlightenment flower, so Han Bing was so surprised, and she happened to need this kind of medicinal material that is very helpful for her cultivation recently.

  So she did not refuse, she also took out a box and handed it to Chen Xuan.

  "This thing is very precious and I need it, but I can't take you for nothing, and your stone formation is very valuable, so..."

   "Well, if you say it, give it to you, don't change me, let's go! They are still waiting for us,"

   Talking about Chen Xuan without turning his head back, he turned around and left, leaving a complex face of cold ice.

"It seems I still underestimated him, Chen Xuan, a very mysterious person, Qing'er, your brother Chen Xuan is not easy!" He underestimated a few words, Han Bing collected good things and followed Go up.

  Sure enough, Qing'er and his party were still waiting where they were. Seeing Chen Xuan's appearance, Qing'er quickly got up and came to Chen Xuan's side.

   "Brother Chen Xuan, what did my master tell you?" Qinger asked in a low voice.

   "It's nothing, she's just interested in my stone formations and just talk to me." Chen Xuan said perfunctorily.

  "Really?" Qing'er was a little disbelief.

   "Of course it is true, when did Brother Chen Xuan fool you?"

   "By the way, Qing'er, you should collect these things and don't tell others that these are precious medicinal materials and pills for your cultivation."

When    Qing'er heard it, tears burst into her eyes.

  "Brother Chen Xuan, don’t you want Qinger, why are you giving me these things, Qinger don’t leave Brother Chen Xuan!"

  Chen Xuan, this is the first two big people, feels like it wipes Qinger's tears away, rubbed and said,

   "Stupid girl, how could Brother Chen Xuan not want you? Brother Chen Xuan said that he would protect you all the time, so I will do it."

   "Then why are you giving me these, I thought you..."

  Chen Xuan laughed loudly.

   "I said silly girl, I want to give you this to make you work hard and become stronger, so that Brother Chen Xuan can rest assured, you silly girl, where did you want to go."

  Qing'er smiled happily now,

   "Hey, Qing'er knows, Qing'er will definitely not hinder Brother Chen Xuan. Qing'er has the teacher's guidance, so don't worry about Brother Chen Xuan!"

   Then he said a few more words, until the ice came, and his party set off and left here.

   "Sect Master Han, just send it here! Take care of Qing'er!"

   "Qing'er is my apprentice, don't worry."

   Chen Xuan felt that this woman was really strange. When she talked to herself alone, her tone was quite calm, but she became cold again.

   "Brother Chen Xuan, I..."

  Chen Xuan knew what he wanted to say,

"Okay, Qing'er, Brother Chen Xuan has important things to do. I can only protect you by becoming stronger. You must be obedient, practice hard, don't be lazy, and remember our agreement." Chen Xuanmo Looking at Qing'er's head, he said with great dismay, but Chen Xuan really wanted to start building his own power, as well as working hard to become stronger.

"Okay then! When I understand the true meaning of Daojun, Brother Chen Xuan is not allowed to lie, and promises me that the gift must be prepared." Qing'er is not pestering Chen Xuan, he also knows how much his presence will affect Chen Xuan, and She also wants to work hard to become stronger, so that Chen Xuan can rest assured.

  Chen Xuan was very pleased.

   "Sister Qing'er, don't just think of Master, but also think of me!" Zou Tian also smirked from the side.

   "Boy, the skin is itchy, right? Master's joke is also dare to start."

  Chen Xuan gave him a fierce look, and was so frightened that he shut up quickly.

  (End of this chapter)

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