Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2107: Present

  Chapter 2107 Gifts

  Qing'er is blushing on the side, very charming.

  After seeing Qing'er and his party leave, Chen Xuan also said,

"Let's go!"

  Zou Tian asked weakly from the side,

  "Master, where are we going?"

   "Why, I can't bear your sister Qing'er? Anyway, they haven't gone far, let's catch up by themselves!" Chen Xuan replied lightly.

   "No, Master, I mean..."

   "Haha, Tian'er, your master intends to go back to Tianfeng City and the sky auction house." At this moment, Zou Yi interrupted.

   "Really! Let's go back? But isn't the auction house destroyed? Can people still live?" Zou Tian was very happy, but asked somewhat puzzled.

   "Can't it be rebuilt if it is ruined?" Chen Xuan was also amused.

   "Little friend Chen Xuan, now that you are safe, some of our old guys have also gone back." Wu Yi's second brother said.

   "Haha, Chen Xuan would like to thank several seniors here!"

"Eh, confession! I didn't help with anything. I thought I could have a good fight with the sky auction house that day. Unexpectedly, Chen Xiaoyou would solve it alone." It was Zou Yi's fourth. Brother, these people were all those who fought with Fang Youwei and a group of people with Chen Xuan that day.

  Chen Xuan also smiled embarrassedly,

"Haha, it is already a great kindness to Chen Xuan that the seniors can come. I have a few medicinal plants here, which are not precious things. I also ask seniors to laugh at it. This is also a little bit of the younger generation's heart." He took out a wooden box and gave it to them quickly, for fear that these people are not good, and then said sorry,

   "In this case, the juniors will leave now!"

   "Haha, little friend Chen Xuan take care!"

   "Second brother, fourth brother, fifth brother, take care!"

   "Third brother, remember to visit us often,"

   "Yes! Third brother!"

   "Okay, definitely!"

  "Goodbye, grandpas!" Zou Tian also stepped forward to say goodbye.

   Then, Chen Xuan and his party rushed towards the place of right and wrong before.

  Looking at Chen Xuan and his party's leaving figure gradually disappearing into the sky, these talents withdrew their gazes.

   "Second brother, this little friend Chen Xuan is really amazing! Why do I say that third brother supports him so much?"

   "Yes, I still have fresh memories of the formation back then!"

   "Yeah! I am afraid this wild world will be raging again."

   "Why did the second brother say this?"

   "Little Friend Chen Xuan and his third brother are going back this time, just intending to establish a power of their own!"

   "What," exclaimed, everyone was silent.

   "Okay, let's go too! I believe that in a short while, the two characters Chen Xuan will surely resound throughout the world!"

   "Well, this is given to us by little friend Chen Xuan. If you say it is some medicinal materials, you can give it to your fifth brother! Anyway, you can concoct medicine among us."

   He passed the wooden box that Chen Xuan had given him.

"Haha, then I'm welcome, such a big one, it seems that the little friends have sent a lot." Then he opened it casually, and I wanted to see the medicinal materials, but when I opened it, the air suddenly became quiet. Up,

  "Second, second brother, Chen, Chen, Xiao, You, tell you, what did he send, nothing?"

   "What's wrong with you? I can't say anything clearly. Of course, he said it is ordinary medicinal materials! What's wrong?"

  After the sound of swallowing saliva,

   "Watch it for yourself!"

  Then the three of them ordered the wooden box and watched it for a long time, dumbfounded.

   "Second brother, am I dazzled?"

   "I don't know, you ask the fourth brother."

   "Four brothers!"

"I think should not be!"

   "Would you like to catch up and pay it back."

   "Can you catch up?"

  "Stop chasing, little friend Chen Xuan is determined to give it to us, otherwise he won't lie to us."

   "Isn't this thing saying that a plant is rare in a thousand years?"

"one two Three."

   "I didn't count it wrong, right!"

  The mood of the three people at the moment can no longer be described in words.

  Chen Xuan was already a thousand miles away from them.

   "Xiao Xuan, did you give me something precious to my second buddy." Zou Yi couldn't help asking.

   "Hey! How did the eldest brother know." Chen Xuan smiled.

"Yi Xiaoxuan, your kindness of dripping water must be the character of retribution to the spring. Since it is given, it will not be too bad, but you lied to my second brother that it was just ordinary, which shows that the thing is very precious, because of you I'm afraid that my brother would refuse it. Am I right?"

   "Haha, whoever knows me, elder brother too." Chen Xuan laughed.

   "I'm curious, what is it, is it your stone formation?"

   "I originally wanted to send it, but found that I had almost used up what I had painted, so I just sent three enlightenment flowers!" Chen Xuan looked indifferent.

   "What? Enlightenment Flower? This, Xiao Xuan, this can't be done! Quickly follow me back, my brother must be chasing us at this time."

   "Hey, they can't catch up unless they come directly to Tianfeng City." Chen Xuan looked confident.

  "Okay, brother, I know that thing is precious to you, but I don’t lack that. I will give it as soon as I give it. If you like it, I’ll give you a few plants later to taste it!"

  Zou Yi was too scared to speak.

   "Little Master, why is your big brother like this? This enlightenment flower is very precious? I still have so many in the tower." The old man's voice also sounded at this time.

  Actually, Chen Xuan got the **** tower, and of course he could use the things in the tower. Chen Xuan was very fortunate that he was not fascinated by those things at the beginning, otherwise he would have regrets in his intestines.

  "Ta Lao, this thing is precious to us."

   "That's it, it seems that this wild world is even more backward than I know!"

  Chen Xuan was speechless.

  Zou is also speechless.

   "Grandpa, that enlightenment flower is very precious." Zou Tian asked weakly.

   "If someone pays to buy it, it's almost time to buy Tianfeng City!"

  Zou Tian was also speechless.

  Then on the way, the atmosphere was very silent, and none of them spoke. Ten days later, Chen Xuan, Zou Yi, Zou Tian, ​​rushed to Tianfeng City, where they were forced to leave.

   "Finally back!" Zou Yi exclaimed as he looked at Tianfeng City in front of him.

   "Yes, this is the first city I came to this world." Chen Xuan also sighed.

   "Grandpa, Master, I'll take a step first, take your time." Zou Tian speeded up and entered the city in a blink of an eye.

   "This kid,"

   "Hmm, wait, Xiaoxuan, did you just come to this world?"

"Haha, brother, let’s tell you, I’m a monk from another plane." Chen Xuan smiled heartily because after experiencing such a thing, Chen Xuan had already regarded Zou Yi as his elder brother, so he didn’t hide it. He believed Zou Yi. Besides, this is no secret.

  Zou Yi looked at Chen Xuan and was very moved, because he knew that telling himself his origins was Chen Xuan's trust in him.

  (End of this chapter)

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