Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2110: Holy Fire

   Chapter 2110 Holy Fire Tribulation

   "Hahaha, Xiaotian, what are you doing? Your grandfather is only going through the Holy Fire Tribulation, and the last level is the baptism of the soul. That's why this happens."

  Zou Tian stopped crying as soon as he heard it, and looked at Zou Yi on the bed with fear.

   "I was scared to death, it turned out to be crossing the robbery!" Zou Tian's uneasy heart finally let go.

  "Master, did my grandfather break through?" Zou Tian was very happy, and then asked somewhat puzzledly.

   "What holy fire robbery! Isn't the holy fire robbery going to the holy robbery? When will there be another holy fire robbery."

   "I will tell you this in the future, we can watch it carefully, don't let your grandfather be disturbed, we are guarding outside the door."

  Actually, Chen Xuan was also very worried. First, he didn't want to worry about Zou Tian, ​​and secondly, Chen Xuan believed that his elder brother would be able to survive.

  Sure enough, Zou Yi lived up to the expectations, survived the painful baptism of the Holy Fire for a few days, and woke up on the third day.

  Chen Xuan and Zou Tian stayed at the door day and night, and finally heard Zou Yi's exclamation.

   "Haha, I am done, I have survived, I finally stepped into the holy way, God's favor!"

  Chen Xuan and Zou Tian hurriedly opened the door and entered, but Zou Yi didn’t seem to know, he was still intoxicated.


   "Xiao Xuan, Tian'er, what are you guys?"

   "That's not right! I'm not in the back mountain outside the city, why did I come here?" Obviously, Wu also didn't know everything about her coma.

   "Grandpa, are you okay!" Zou Tian looked worried and concerned.

   "Haha, your grandpa, I'm fine. This accidentally broke through the holy way, stepped into the holy level, and stepped directly into the holy peak!" Zou Yi said proudly, very satisfied.

   "Then thank you elder brother, I have been at the peak of this titled Daoist for so long, and elder brother also triggered the Holy Fire Tribulation, I thought I could enter the Holy Master level in one fell swoop!" Chen Xuan was also very happy.

"Xiaoxuan, you are really my lucky star. Since I met you, I seem to have returned to the time when I rushed to the mainland. Now, I am full of passion, and I have broken through to the peak of the holy in one fell swoop. Xiaoxuan, I'm not saying those thankful words anymore. In short, my life will be yours for my brother in the future!" Zou Yi was very excited. Chen Xuan's words untied his heart and made him right. The passion rekindled during the cultivation process, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it was the grace of rebuilding! How can I not be grateful.

"Big brother, you are a little out of the way, I need to talk about this with you, and what does it matter to me that you can break through, this is my talent and hard work, and the Holy Fire Tribulation is the best explanation! "

  Then the three laughed heartily!

Because of the breakthrough of Rui Yi, the construction of the Chen Xuan Chamber of Commerce was put on the agenda. After all, it is a world where the weak and strong. In the past, because of the sky auction house of Rui Yi, several big families and the lord of Tianfeng City were also interested in this. Give a little bit of face, after all, the patriarchs and city lords of these big families are at the holy level, and they are somewhat inferior to the strength of Ruyi, although Ruyi is also a titled Daojun peak powerhouse who understands the true meaning of Daojun, in front of them It’s still a bit inferior, but it’s not the same now. Wrinkle also climbed into the sky and reached the summit of Sainthood. I heard that Zou Yi broke through the summit of Sainthood in one fell swoop because of the baptism of the holy fire. That is awe and kindness, with a full face. They are all dedicated, so when Wu Yi said that he was going to build a chamber of commerce, those people who paid for the money and contributed their efforts were called enthusiasm.

  In this way, time passed. During the construction of this chamber of commerce, Xu Yi was basically busy with it. Chen Xuan mentioned that he was busy for a few days, but he refused.

   "You will concentrate on cultivating and portraying the stone formations. Although you are not against you in terms of cultivating and formations, your eldest brother, I am not against you, but in this kind of thing, you are the one... Anyway, there are ten of you and I still look down on it, so..."

What else can Chen Xuan say, so he went to the Hongmeng Tower to practice cultivation under the advice of the old man, and then he was guided by the old man to portray more advanced stone formations, as well as the way of penance. Anyway, he was too busy. Excited!

  Furthermore, as Chen Xuan's fit with the tower is higher, many uses of the tower have been discovered by Chen Xuan. I don't know this. I was shocked when I saw it! This Hongmeng Tower is simply an incredible existence. It is not only a Hongmeng artifact that integrates offense and defense, but also an auxiliary artifact against the sky. Chen You has to admire how powerful this master who inherits his memory is. This thing can actually be made by him.

  In the space of the **** tower,

   "Little master, what do you think, don't be lazy!" Old Ta said seriously.

After several months of getting along with each other day and night, Ta Lao has long no longer regarded Chen Xuan as the master, but a student and junior. Although he still calls the little master, it is because he is used to calling it and it is difficult to change his words. , This made Chen You couldn't help but miss the time when he was respecting Ta Lao as a guest, but he couldn't go back anymore.

   "What is it? I ask you something." Seeing that Chen Xuan didn't answer him, Ta Lao raised his tone a few more.

   "Tallao, do you think we can go back? How about going back to the days of respect and respect?" Chen Xuan looked affectionate, looking a little bit awkward.

"It's impossible, little master, you told me not to treat you as a master, saying that you didn't like it very much, or if I was like that, I would lose the Hongmeng Tower, and I did it all. , You can't throw it away, but if you really don't like it, I don't have any problems with it. Anyway, I have been alone for so many years and I am used to it." The old man said as if you were biting me.

   "Lost, how is it possible, I'm not a fool." Chen Xuan flatly said.

   Lost, how could it be possible, how could such a heaven-defying artifact be lost, unless Chen Xuan was really stupid.

   "Let me see, how is your stone formation depicting?" The old man floated over as he said, because the tower is always a spirit body, so basically it floats, of course he also walks every hour.

  Ta Lao looked at the stone formations full of tables and nodded with difficulty, while Chen Xuan nodded at Ta Lao, and he was also deeply relieved.

"Well, barely! The past few months have been considered fruitful. The stone formations in the early stage of the Holy Lord finally reached a 90% success rate, and in the mid-stage there is also 70% to 80%. Fifty percent."

   "Haha, don't look at who I am, Chen Xuan. You are simply pediatrics. It's too simple and not difficult." Of course, Chen Xuan didn't dare to say this, and could only say it unscrupulously in his heart.

  (End of this chapter)

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