Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2111: Practice hard

   Chapter 2111 Hard Practice

Chen Xuan would not dare to speak out. The main reason is that although he is the master of the sacred tower, Nana’s sacred tower has tool spirit and is still a very powerful tool spirit. If the old man doesn’t speak, Chen Xuan can’t get out. Go, this is what Chen Xuan only recently learned about.

And if this is said, Chen Xuan must not be locked up to depict the stone formation. Although Chen Xuan said that the stone formation is simple in his heart, it is actually very rare. If it weren't for the slow flow of time in the tower of the prehistoric god, that is to say, one day outside, It was ten days here. If he practiced carving stone formations outside, he wouldn't have to paint until the year of the monkey to achieve his current results.

  So Chen Xuan is now being subdued by Ta Lao, and he dare not presumptuously in front of Ta Lao.

   "You can barely pass the level! Then go to practice the way of space, practice until you can enter the space freely without the power of Xiao Hei!"

   "Ah! I still have to practice! Old Ta, I haven't seen this for a long time..."

  Tao Lao's eyes condensed, and Chen Xuan abruptly swallowed the word “go out”.

   "I mean, I haven't seen Xiao Hei for a long time, and miss him very much."

"is it?"

   "Yes, I just want to say that I haven't seen Xiao Hei for a long time."

"Oh, I guess you won't see it during this period of time. You said that such a powerful existence as Xiaohei was actually abandoned. I also planned a training course for him. It didn't meet my standards and couldn't get out like you. When? You can go out when you reach it." Ta Lao said lightly.

  How can Chen dare to say no, otherwise, if the old man becomes angry, then he will feel better.

   After finishing speaking, Ta Lao drifted away without realizing it, leaving only one sentence for Chen Xuan to practice seriously again.

  "Little master, try to meet my standards. Not only can you go out, but I will also give you some stone formations at the Saint King level."

  Then, Chen Xuan seemed to be hitting chicken blood again. He devoted himself to the cultivation of the power of space. It was too boring. He wanted to go out, and he still had such a generous reward. How could Chen Xuan stick to it!

  After more than ten days, Chen Xuan finally ended his cultivation in the tower in accordance with the requirements of the old man.

  Sky Inn,

  "Master, what do you tell me to do? I am cultivating?" Zou Tian complained a little from the side.

  "You kid, how do you talk to your master, pay attention to your tone of voice,"

   "Looking at how hard you cultivate, I asked you to come, I am planning to give you a gift,"

  "Really, what gift?" Zou Tian was very happy, because he knew that Chen Xuan’s gift would not be bad.

  "Is it a treasure of heaven and earth, or a superb Taoist weapon!" Wrinkled anticipation.

  Chen Xuan patted Zou Tian on the head unanimously, and said,

   "If your kid can be a little prosperous, you can't think about good things anymore,"

   "I want to give a big chance." Chen Xuan was a little bit playful, and went on to say,

   "It's just that the process is a bit hard, do you want?"

   "Yes, of course, I am not afraid of hard work!" Zou Tian replied without thinking.


   Talking about Chen Xuan dragging him into the tower space, pointing to the front,

  "This is a gift I prepared for you quietly, do you like it?"

  Zou Tian looked at the direction Chen Xuan was pointing with a dazed expression.

   "Master, there is nothing!"

   "Isn't there? You are walking closer."

  Then Zou Yi walked forward, just a few steps away.

   "This is the formation! Master, what are you doing!"

"Haha, Xiaotian, if you want my reward, it depends on your performance. I have arranged a few formations for you. Whenever my formation is broken, you can come out whatever you want, and then I will reward you. "Chen Xuan said with a smile, and then disappeared into the tower space.

  "Master, don’t go! I don’t want it anymore, let me go!"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan was already strolling leisurely on the streets of Sky City.

   "Hey, have you heard that? The Sky Chamber of Commerce has bought the land in the west of the city again, and construction has begun."

"What? Where did you hear? This is already the fourth land. The president of the Chamber of Commerce is really rich and rich! He almost occupies a tenth of the land of our Sky City. I don't know what the city lord thinks. "

   "You don't know this! Zou Yi, the helm of Sky Auction House, know it!"

   "I know! It's not already..."

  "Is this chamber of commerce his?"

"That's not true. He is just the vice president. This president is very mysterious. He didn't even show up on the day his own palace was built. Moreover, this Zou Yi is no longer the same Zou Yi. She is not only this mysterious now. The vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, and he has already reached the peak of Sainthood."

   "What, no wonder the city lord and those big families were indifferent to the unscrupulous expansion of this chamber of commerce. Zou Yi is already the veritable first person in Tianfeng City."

  "More than that! In the cities near us, the strong man who has the peak of Sainthood?"

"Yeah yeah!"

   "It seems that our little Tianfeng City will become lively in the future."

  Chen Xuan was stunned to hear from the side! It turns out that my own chamber of commerce has not yet been fully completed, and it is already the subject of discussions among others.

   "It seems that Big Brother is quite efficient."

   "Hey! You are right, this Sky Chamber of Commerce will definitely make this city prosperous and lively, you have to be prepared!" Chen Xuan was talking, and he left without looking back.

  Everyone look at me, I look at you,

   "Who is this person?"

"do not know!"

  "It should be a member of the Sky Chamber of Commerce, otherwise he would not say these things."

   "Oh, what a pity, if I get along well with it, maybe I can join this mysterious chamber of commerce."

   "Yes, so rich and powerful, the treatment must not be bad!"

   Then Chen Xuan went straight to his chamber of commerce. He had never seen what his chamber of commerce looked like.

The remains of the Sky Auction House are no longer in ruins, but houses are arranged in an orderly manner, showing nobleness and elegance. The words "War of the Sky Auction House" at the gate have been replaced by the Sky Chamber of Commerce. Walking dragons and snakes, lifelike, makes people feel very comfortable after a glance.

  Moreover, there are patrolling guards here, which surprised Chen Xuan.

   "Even the guards have been found so soon?"

  The group of guards stepped forward, and took the lead to ask Chen Xuan politely.

  "This fellow Taoist, this place is the site of my Sky Chamber of Commerce, because my Chamber of Commerce is still under construction, and outsiders are not allowed to approach it, so if you want to see it, stand farther away, thank you for your cooperation."

  Chen Xuan was very satisfied, because the guards had a very good attitude and were very disciplined, and none of them left the formation.

   "Well, are you the guard of the Sky Chamber of Commerce?"

  (End of this chapter)

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