Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2112: Be despised

  Chapter 2112 Being despised

   "Yes, fellow Taoist, what do you do?" the guard asked

   "I'm looking for your vice president, is he there?"

  "Look for the vice president?" The guard looked at Chen Xuan suspiciously.

   "Every time you make a mistake, you say I, Chen Xuan, look for him!"

  And when the guard heard the name Chen Xuan, his expression was incredible!

   asked a little uncertainly,

  "Are you really Master Chen Xuan?"

  Chen Xuan was also confused.

   "Could anyone pretend to be me?"

   "Second guard team, see the chairman!" As they said, the group knelt down on one knee and paid their respects!

  Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then spoke,

  "Do you know me?"

"Yes, the president, the vice president personally explained that our president's name is Chen Xuan, and he is a handsome young man, and the name of the president has not been announced yet, so it won't Someone pretended to be, besides, you are the only one named Chen Xuan in Tianfeng City." The guard replied respectfully.

   "Uh, well, take me to the vice president!"


   Then, under the leadership of the guards, Chen Xuan passed through the buildings exuding noble atmosphere to a more gorgeous palace-Tianxing Palace.

  "Your guild president, the vice president has ordered that if you come to him, he tells you to wait for him here first. I have already sent someone to notify you. This is your palace!"

  Chen Xuan kept his eyes on the behemoth in front of him. He knew that this was Zou Yi’s underground mansion before, but now that mansion is no longer there, but has been expanded into such a heavenly palace.

  Led by the guards, Chen Xuan came to a hall, which should still be a reception hall, with an area more than twice the size of an ordinary reception hall.

  "Please wait a moment here, the chairman, the vice chairman should be here soon. Subordinates retire!"

   "Well, go!"

  After a while, Chen Xuan saw Wu Yi and a group of people coming in haste.

"Chairman!" Zou Yi came to Chen Xuan and bowed. Chen Xuan also knew that when so many people watched, there must still be rules. Rules play a very important role in whether a power can develop and grow. .

  Chen Xuan nodded, and looked at the group of people behind him, and at the same time the group of people behind him was also looking at him.

"these are?"

   "Haha, Lord President, I will introduce you." Zou Yi introduced them one by one.

  "Everyone! This is our president, Chen Xuan." The introduction was very brief.

   "President, this is our City Lord of Tianfeng,"

  Although Chen Xuan was very young, he still had to be courteous, so the city lord also said to Chen Xuan.

  "Chairman Chen, admiring his name for a long time, I am lucky to meet you!"

  Chen Xuan nodded lightly, without speaking.

  This made Tianfeng City Lord a little dissatisfied. He was the owner of a city at any rate, and Tianfeng City was still his own territory, so he didn't give himself face so much.

  Zou Yi continued to introduce,

  "This is the Patriarch of the Zhao Family, this is the Patriarch of the Li Family, and this is the Patriarch of the Han Family..."

   Then everyone said something polite to Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan nodded in response, without any extra words.

  Because Chen Xuan knew that he would be looked down upon by these people without prestige, so he responded so arrogantly to everyone, the purpose is to make these people upset, and then take the opportunity to build prestige.

  Finally, the head of the Han family spoke,

   "Haha, I didn't expect that the president of this huge Sky Chamber of Commerce turned out to be such a young man, he is really young and promising!" It sounds like he is touting Chen Xuan, but he is actually underestimating Chen Xuan's youth.

   Patriarch Li also followed,

   "Yeah! I don't know if Chen Xuan is so young and manages such a large chamber of commerce, do you know how busy you are? Do you need my Han family to share your worries for you!" As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent.

   "Patriarch Han, please pay attention to your words. This is the residence of the President of the Sky Chamber of Commerce, not the residence of your Han family. If you dare to be rude once, don't blame me for not remembering the old feelings!" Zou Yi warned.

  Chen Xuan finally heard something he wanted to hear, and looked at this Han family Patriarch who Zou Yi didn’t dare to express with a smile, and asked,

   "You mean you want to manage the Sky Chamber of Commerce for me?"

  The head of the Han family is silent, but Zou is also present, how dare he answer.

   "Why don't you speak anymore, I ask you, do you want to manage the chamber of commerce for me, or do you think our chamber of commerce is too big, you want to..."

  Chen Xuan didn’t finish speaking, then Patriarch Han finally looked like he was willing to go out and said

"Chairman Chen Xuan, Master Yu Yi is a strong man who has reached the peak of the holy, worthy of my respect. Han Ming only respects the strong!" The implication is that even if you are the president, Han Ming feels Chen Xuan's strength Not as good as him, so he doesn't need to be polite to Chen Xuan.

   "Han Ming, you are looking for death!" Zou Yi said angrily.

  After Han Ming said this, the originally quiet hall began to become noisy.

  When Zou Yi wanted to say something, the city lord stepped forward.

   "Brother Zou, calm down, I think Han Ming is rude, but it's true!"

"You, you are looking for death," Wu Yi was already burning with anger at this moment. He didn't expect that these people were eager to see Chen Xuan just to see if Chen Xuan had the strength to convince them, and Wu also understood, but this There is something wrong with the way, Chen Xuan hates others to look down on him the most, wrinkle is also understandable, the reason why he is like this is to save these arrogant people, if Chen Xuan is really angry, these few may have to...

   "You, you are dying! Ignorance!"

   "Well, in this case, I will tell them, you go aside! Set up a barrier, I am afraid that my new house is a bit unbearable!"

  Wrinkle also knew that Chen Xuan was already angry, and wanted to say something, so she heard Chen Xuan’s voice transmission.

   "Brother, rest assured, I only have a sense of measure. This is a good opportunity to stand up, otherwise this group of people are not so obedient. You have to teach them how to behave."

Wrinkle couldn’t help but mourn for these people. He is the peak power of the sage, and he is also the peak of sage who understands the true meaning of Daojun. It is also a person who has received the baptism of the sacred fire. Under the premise that Chen Xuan does not use the formation method, it is also how to do it. No matter what Chen Xuan's, if he uses the formation, then he will be out of play.

   And these people deliberately angered Chen Xuan. In fact, the purpose is the same as Chen Xuan, that is, to give themselves a prestige.

   "I know you are not convinced, so come on! Let me see if you are qualified to yell in front of me!"

  Looking at Ruyi who stepped aside and watched, these people were always relieved, because if Zou Yi made a move, what else could they do? A few people could barely hold on for more than a dozen rounds together.

  (End of this chapter)

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