Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2119: Suddenly realized

  Chapter 2119 Suddenly realized

"Hahaha, yes, I killed my own brother and my parents. I also slaughtered my family. I also slaughtered thousands of monks. What does this mean? The whole process of cultivation is to step on the bodies of others. Go up, otherwise it’s yourself who fell, and besides the kid, haven’t you killed anyone? But I’ve killed more, this is the **** world, this is the cruel world of reality, I will wait if I don’t kill them Tell them to kill me?" The two suddenly stopped fighting, but just stood there and chatted face to face.

   "You are right, I will not show mercy to those who want to kill me, but I don't think I will kill innocent people indiscriminately and be bloodthirsty."

   "Hahaha!" The old man laughed wildly, and then said again,

   "Boy, you are really like me, and I never kill innocent people indiscriminately. The person I kill is the one who deserves it." Then he said,

"The world only knows that I killed my brother, but the world doesn't know that my brother practiced evil ways, specially forcing the yin of a young woman. He was mad, and even his sister-in-law did not let it go. I ask you, this Should one kill or not?"

  Chen Xuan was very surprised. I don’t know what the old man said suddenly.

   "If this is the case, then it should be killed!"

"The world only knows that I killed my parents, but the world doesn't know what kind of crime the slain parents are worthy of death. Although my father is the lord of a city and a monk, he oppresses the people. Yurou villagers are even more lustful. They messed up after drinking and strengthened their own personal servants. Afterwards, he was afraid that the scandal would be reported, so he mercilessly killed the servants’ family members, and then imprisoned the servants in the dark little black. The room was insulted until a new student came. He thought it would end. But after knowing about it, this conscientious father actually had a murderous intention. He wanted to kill the mother and daughter a hundred, because for him , This woman is just his tool, but the child is actually a special furnace, so the father decided to kill the child’s father, leave the child, and wait for the child’s furnace to fully explode. As a result, this child survived and was humiliated by his adoptive mother day by day. Even the servants could humiliate at will, so he became a tool for everyone to irritate all bad moods."

  "I ask you, this kind of parent, should, no, should, kill!"

   Chen Xuan was more shocked and more angry, and also sympathetic, because the old man in front of him was the child.

  "I’ll ask you again, if someone pretends to be your thing, and then tries to call others to take it, what will you do?"

   "Things are your own, then you have to hold them in your own hands."

   "So, I killed those who pretended to be my treasure!"

   Then there was a moment of silence.

   "Hahaha, happy, kid, I don't know why I told you this, but I want to say it inexplicably, maybe I saw the boy who fought for life in you!"

   "But, you just started killing me, so you have to die too!" The old man started his fierce attack again.

  Chen Xuan also greeted him without fear, and the two began an endless battle again. In the end, the two ended up exhausted, sitting slumped on the ground, even speaking very weakly.

   "Hey! Old man, you are amazing!" Chen Xuan admired sincerely.

   "Boy, you are really just a titled Daojun cultivation base, you don't even understand Daojun's true meaning?"

   "Cultivation does not mean everything."

   "Hahaha, I'm old, I'm still old, I can't even help a junior in Cangshi, I'm really old!"

  "Do you want to kill me? Old man!" Chen Xuan was very proud.

"Boy, if it wasn't for the old man's serious injury, which caused the cultivation base to retreat violently, the situation would have recovered in a hundred years, otherwise, even if you are a genius, I can kill you with one look!" The old man was obviously not to be outdone, and looked at Chen Xuan and said disdainfully. .

   "Old man, I just wanted to kill you just now, one is because you were intent on killing me first, and the other is because I must destroy this city lord mansion!"

   "This has nothing to do with me, I only know that you just wanted to kill me, so you must die!"

   "Haha, let's wait and see, old man, to see who gets back to the state first."

  Then the two began to concentrate on recuperation.

  On the side of the city lord’s mansion, under the oppression of Chen Xuan’s Great Formation and Li Qi’s two joint Sky Chamber of Commerce guards, they fought hard to separate. It was not until Han Ming came that they won a big victory.

   "It is indeed the city lord's mansion. It is hidden deep enough. We have joined forces, and if it is not for the leader's formation, even if it is won, it will be a tragic victory." Han Ming sighed as he looked at the corpse on the ground.

   "Thank you Brother Han for your help, Li Quan represents the Li family, thank you!" Li Quan stepped forward and said apologetically, also covered with scars.

   "Yes, I, Qi Heng, on behalf of the Qi family, thanked me here too!"

   "Haha, you two are very polite. From now on, we will be a family, and we will not talk to each other!" Han Ming waved his hand and said with a smile.

  And Li Quan and Qi Heng are embarrassed.

   "Brother Han, the two of us were covered by lard, we were tempted to use by the City Lord's Mansion, and offended President Chen. We were very disturbed, and, moreover..."

   "And what? How to say it in a fair way! By the way, where will we grow up?" Han Ming replied anxiously.

   "Brother Han, that person is not dead, and he has returned to Tianfeng City. We, we may be over!" Li Quanquan said ashamed.

   "Yes! Unexpectedly, the city owner always wanted to swallow us, hiding such a trick, alas!" Qi Heng also looked disappointed.

   "What the **** is going on? Who is back, where are we growing up?" This was a roar, not just to Qi and Li, but everyone present.

   "Brother Han, Cangshi, that devil is alive, and has been in the mansion of Tianfeng City Lord, President Chen and him..."

"What! How is it possible? Didn't he die? How could a person more than 200 years ago come back to this place again!" Han Ming, like Qi Hengquan, panicked after hearing the name. The voice of speaking was trembling.

   "No, the president is in danger, go, we have to help, hurry!"

  Then the Han family and the Sky Chamber of Commerce guards quickly came behind Han Ming, but the Li Qi family did not move.

   "Brother Han, you are crazy, that is Cang Shi, a devil who is frantic, and we go to die,"

   "Yes, let's go back and move the rescuers first!"

   "You, you guys!"

"It's still so indecisive now, don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. It is ridiculous to take the time between us and Zhou Xuan Cangshi and continue to run. You think you can run away!" Han Mingxiang It was madly roaring.

  (End of this chapter)

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