Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2120: There is a real Cangshi

  Chapter 2120 There is a real Cangshi

  And these two people were obviously told their true thoughts, and they lowered their heads in shame, trying to find a place to sew in.

"I also tell you that no matter whether our Sky Chamber of Commerce was destroyed or Cangshi was destroyed, even if you flee to the end of the world, you will not escape death. You know who Cangshi is, you think you can escape smoothly. Also, my Sky Chamber of Commerce is not a vegetarian, and the strength of the guild grower is not something you people can see clearly. If you go with us, there is still a way to survive. At least our president is not a murderer of innocent people."

  Han Ming paused again.

"But, if I don't go, Han Ming, I swear that as long as the Sky Chamber of Commerce is still there, you can't escape! You can do it yourself!" Without looking back, Li Qi left with big eyes. Small eyes.

   "Brother Li, what shall we do, shall we go?"

  "Finally, Brother Qi, I think Han Ming makes sense. If we leave, no matter who laughs at the end, we will definitely be bereaved dogs, wandering everywhere, and if we desperately stop, there may be a chance of life!"

   "It seems that this can only be done, in order to survive, in order to develop, we must fight back!"

  Then the two followed with their own people.

   Soon, three waves of people came to Chen Xuan, one is Han Ming and his own chamber of commerce, and then he went to Li Qi's house. Seeing the scene in front of him, his eyes were almost falling off.

   "Brother Li, this time we finally made the right choice!"

   "Yeah! Who would have thought that a young man who looked at him in his early twenties was so powerful that we are still frogs at the bottom of the well, and what we see is just such a sky."

  Han Ming has come behind Chen Xuan and said, looking at Chen Xuan sitting on the ground covered with scars.

   "My lord, the city lord's mansion has been wiped out, and the Li Qi family has also taken refuge in us."

  Chen Xuan closed his eyes so that he could mobilize his life force to recover his injuries quickly, and when someone spoke, he opened his eyes.

   "Very well done, take them, and go back!" Chen Xuan said.

After Han Ming finished speaking, he looked at the legendary Cang Shi ten meters away with fear. He also closed his eyes, as if he was healing his injuries. He was a little relieved because he was overly nervous. Attention was focused on Cang Shi, so that Chen Xuan's weak voice was not heard.

   "Han Ming, what are you still doing? He will leave it to me, don't worry about you!" Chen Xuan raised his voice a little, but Han Ming still seemed to stare at Cang Shi motionlessly, for fear of something unusual.

   "Han Ming, Han Ming!" Chen Xuan raised his voice, and then he called out Han Ming to agree.

   "Subordinates are here!"

   "What I just said, didn't you hear me?"

   "Ah! What did the president just say." Han Ming was very embarrassed and asked cautiously.

   "Forget it, I said you go back first and leave it to me here. That person can't be dealt with with too many people, understand?"

   "But, the guild grows up, that person is called Cang Shi, he is a..."

   "I know, you want to talk about the out-and-out devil, the beast of conscience?"

"Hahaha," just as the two were talking, Cangshi's laughter suddenly came, making everyone present as if they had fallen into an endless abyss, shivering, and Han Ming was no exception at this moment. Both legs are a little soft.

  "Junior, I didn’t expect the old man to be such a big name. After two hundred years, my reputation is still like this. I am very satisfied!"

  Han Ming dared to speak at this time. That kind of laughter was like a smile from hell. People couldn’t help but start to fear. Chen Xuan knew that they were affected by Cang Shi’s murderous intent, so Chen Xuan Dao,

   "Hey! Old man, they have no intention of killing you! You said you don't want to kill innocent people."


"This is the end of them disturbing me to rest." Then they took back the murderous aura. Everyone was relieved in an instant, panting heavily, because the aura of the people who cultivated the avenue of killing and cutting can affect people's minds, Han Ming, these People have fear of Cangshi, so that's why.

   "Han Ming, are you okay!"

  Han Ming glanced at Cang Shi fearfully, then quickly retracted his gaze.

   "It's okay, I will grow up, I..."

   "Okay, I see, you guys go back first, don't worry about me, kill the road, it's not something you can resist."


   and then left with everyone.

   "Brother Han, just leave like this."

  Li Quan asked,

   "Otherwise? What else, look up to myself, I don't even have the courage to speak in front of him, so what can I do?" When I said this, the feeling of fear was still there.

   "Yes, why are we not!" Qi Heng also said.

  "Hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing! The name of Cangshi is indeed worthy of the name!"

   "Let's go! This level of battle is not something we can mix. We can only pray silently for the president!"

   "Yes, if we want to believe in the president, we can share the same color with that guy, President Chen is amazing, we really have no eyes."

  Chen Xuan's side, after everyone left, the two began to chat again.

   "Old man, believe it or not, I'm back to my original condition now!"

   "Oh, by coincidence, so am I, then stand!"

   "Wait, I don't think we need to do this. If we continue to fight, the result will be the same, you say yes!"

   "That's not necessarily true, boy, you are indeed a wicked evildoer, but you shouldn't kill me."

   "Hey! Old man, I said you can make some sense. You want to kill me first! We have no grievances and no grudges. If you didn't have the intent to kill first, how could I..."

   "Boy, there is nothing to say, let's fight!"

   Then Cang Shi stood up and was about to prepare to do it, Chen Xuan said again,

   "Okay, don't force it, you have to do it a long time ago, and you have recovered so soon, you think you are a god!"

   "Cut, isn't your kid ruining me? Didn't you recover? I had to sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman." Chen Xuan suddenly felt that this "evil" famous old man was very cute.

"Then you misunderstood me, I really didn't lie to you." Chen Xuan stood up as well, and then suddenly burst into an invincible aura. Looking at the aura, he was undoubtedly returning to the peak, Chen Xuan's. The life force is not a joke, but the toughness of his reincarnation body, as long as it is not dead, no matter how severe the injury is, it can be recovered.

   "What, you, how could you possibly!"

Cang Shi was very surprised. The injuries of the two were about the same, and Chen Xuan had been crushed and beaten by him. He should be more serious than himself. He couldn't figure out why Chen Xuan's resilience was so strong. He was once again caught by Chen Xuan. I was shocked.

  (End of this chapter)

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