Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2121: chat

  Chapter 2121 Conversation

"What kind of monster are you? Not only is the formation so good, you can also use the Dao that is so difficult to cultivate in the way of space. The titled Dao Monarch cultivation level makes me, the Holy Master, helpless, and I For some reason, your cultivation base has regressed, so this shouldn’t be even more so. Although I don’t know what Dao you are cultivating, I feel that the endless will of death in this Dao of yours is stronger than my killing the Dao. Even this self-recovery ability is so strong." Cang Shi crackled a lot of words. Now he has no other intentions about Chen Xuan, only deep curiosity. He really wants to know how Chen Xuan cultivated. of.

In fact, although Chen Xuan looks young, his grade is not too young, but from the bottom plane to the high plane, the world rules of the plane are more complete. It can be said that Chen You gets a new life again, so it looks even more than before. He was young and looked like a young man in his early twenties. No wonder this Cang Shi was so emotional.

  Although this was a compliment, Chen Xuan remained unmoved and said lightly,

   "I said, old man, can you still fight?"

   "If you have to bully me, this old man, I can't help but bite the bullet!" Cang Shi waved his hand helplessly.

   "Oh, didn’t you just say something, it’s not necessarily, what will happen, how come they are afraid of the terrible devil and don’t look like a devil! It’s not like what they said..."

"Hahaha, what other people think of me is their business, I have always been like this, but many people think that I am a crazy butcher who doesn’t want to know me. Besides, a man who knows the current affairs is a good man. Being able to bend and stretch is not!"

Chen Xuan suddenly felt that he could not see the old man in front of him. Like Cangshi, Chen Xuan was also full of curiosity about the devil that the world was afraid of. It was this curiosity that caused the two of them to have their own thoughts and the plot began to reverse. Just now the two fought hard, and the appearance of either you or me disappeared instantly, but it was like an old friend who hadn't seen each other for many years.

After some conversations, Chen Xuan gradually began to understand this old man, he was a poor man, and even more admirable. Although the world looked at him and said he, as long as he didn't touch his bottom line, he would ignore him. For a former half-step saint, how big a mind is needed for this, so Chen Xuan began to think carefully.

   "By the way, having said so much, I don't know why the old man came to lie down in this muddy water? Didn't you say that it has nothing to do with Tianfeng City?"

"Oh, this is a long story! My cultivation level has been declining because of the failure of the breakthrough and many other reasons, and this slippage slid directly to the late stage of entering the holy. There is no way, this strength, I still stay What are you doing in Central China? There are so many enemies, you don't know how you will die by then."

   "So, I came back here. I came here in a remote location, relatively backward, and second, I am a person who went out here anyway. I plan to come back and start all over again."

   "Then, you haven't answered my question yet," Chen Xuan said in a nonsense tone.

   "Hey! Boy, I am also your senior no matter how you say! Why don't you know how to respect the old and love the young? I'm not talking about it anymore, what are you anxious," Cang Shi said a little unhappy.

   "Yes, you say, your old man speak slowly."

   "That's right." Cang Shi continued with a teachable look like a child.

"Because I usually don’t love money very much. With money, I either buy medicinal materials or Taoist tools or something. Because my body had a problem at the time, I sold what I could sell, and then I slowly sold my body. The problem is solved, and that’s it. I have become a poor man. I don’t have much money to buy cultivation resources. I don’t have cultivation resources. I can only absorb the power of heaven and earth by myself. When will I have to absorb it! I have no choice but to go everywhere. Make money."

   "It is for money and cultivation resources that you came to lie in this muddy water?" Chen Xuan was very speechless, cultivation resources, what you have is, why don't you come to me!

  Cangshi also saw what he meant.

   "Boy, when I came, I hadn't heard of a Sky Chamber of Commerce. There was only one Sky Auction House, and it was still in ruins."

"Therefore, the City Lord’s Mansion is undoubtedly the place with the most resources in the entire Tianfeng City. The current City Lord’s tricks were subdued by me. He insisted on admitting me as a father, and then gave me a lot of resources, so I promised my father that I would stay in the City Lord’s Mansion and practice with peace of mind. Until that day I saw him come back with a gray face and asked him what happened, so I had a heart and wanted to make a good amount of money, so I reported to me. The name, that kid was really scared by me, and then..."

   "You will know everything about the next thing."

  Chen Xuan looked thoughtful, then his eyes flashed, and then there was another burst of laughter.

   "Hey! Boy, what are you laughing at, is it funny?"

   Cang Shi looked serious.

   "Uh, that, old man, since you want to cultivate resources, why not come to my chamber of commerce! I will provide the resources for cultivation, and I promise to bring you back to the top!"

   "Hahaha, you, don't laugh, don't think I don't know that your chamber of commerce has not been built, what can you give?" Cang Shi looked unbelieving.

   "What I can give you depends on what you need. After all, I can give too much." Chen Xuan looked confident.

  But Cangshi still doesn’t believe it,

   "Boy, don't make fun of the old man. It's not fun at all. You have a chamber of commerce that has not been built yet. What resources can you give for cultivation."

   "Senior Cang, I'm serious, I really want you to join our chamber of commerce," Chen Xuan was very serious, his expression was serious, and he didn't seem to be joking at all.

   Looking at Chen Xuan’s serious appearance, Cang Shi was a little surprised at first, and then said seriously,

"Boy, I'm also very serious to tell you, old man, I am all alone. I have never added any influence. Now I am forced to be helpless, and I still have very important things to do. Therefore, the time and resources for cultivation are right For me, it’s very important, do you understand?"

  Chen Xuan thought for a moment, then said,

   "Old man, please trust me. As long as the chamber of commerce is completed, the cultivation resources will naturally flow continuously. What I lack is people, and there is no shortage of cultivation resources."

  "In this way, if I show something, you will know if I lied." Then Chen Xuan took out the stone formation and handed it to Cang Shi.

  "This is? This is the formation stone?"

   "The formations are quite ordinary!"

  Chen Xuan smiled helplessly,

   "Old man, what kind of look do you look at? My name is stone formation, what formation stone, what is the value of formation stone, and don't you think it is familiar? I just used this to make someone very embarrassed!"

  (End of this chapter)

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