Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2122: Successful solicitation

  Chapter 2122 Successful solicitation

  Cangshi still looks confused,

   "What the **** is it, you mean, don't be sloppy, old man, I like to have fun."

  Chen Xuan shook his head, then took a step forward, took the stone formation in Cangshi's hand, and shouted mischievously.

   "Old man, look good, don't blink."

  As soon as the voice fell, a wave of formation was caught by Cang Shi, and his eyes widened.

"This, you can set up a formation so quickly, and getting this treasure speeds up the deployment time. Old man, I have been alone in the world for many years and I have never heard of such a thing. When I just fought with you, I was still wondering. Why did you arrange the formation so fast, I thought you were the first to set me up!" Cang Shi turned a hundred and eighty degrees, and then continued,

  "This treasure is indeed precious. If it is sold to those guys in the Zhenzong, it will definitely be sold at a sky-high price."

   "Boy, this thing shouldn't have a mine! Yes, it's like this, I said, where is your self-confidence, it turns out to be like this!"

  Cang Shi was like a child, and he said a lot to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan couldn’t listen anymore.

   "Hey! Old man, I just said that I respect the old and love the young. Can you just listen to me and finish, are you expressing your opinion?"

  Cangshi realized that he was a little gaffe, and rubbed his hands awkwardly.

   "Okay, you say, I won't say it."

   "Yes, every time you say something wrong, this thing will indeed be able to set up the formation very quickly, and it will be formed in an instant."

   "What, instantly, so..." He was going to say something, but seeing Chen Xuan's unhappy look on his face, he still chose to shut up.

   "But, this is just his basic function, do you know why you add it to the stone formation?"

   Cang Shi shook his head.

   "That's because it is a combination of stones and formations."

  "It is to depict the formation on this ordinary stone, and this stone is actually a carrier. When you need it, you can inject Dao power into it, and then you can stimulate the formation on the stone."

   Cang Shi looked thoughtful.

"And more importantly, it does not require you to know the formation, anyone can use it, but there is a time limit, and the stone formations I have drawn by myself can reach the middle stage of the Holy Lord at most, but it will be better in the future, you Say, my thing is not high in value. If my chamber of commerce sells this thing, do you think it can support your cultivation, old man!" Chen Xuan looked at Cang Shi with a wicked smile.

  And Cang Shi has been deeply shocked by Chen Xuan’s introduction, motionless, like a sculpture, and slowly speaks after a long while.

   "Well, kid, you are sure you are not joking, there is such a thing in this world, I have never heard of it again, if she really exists, such a powerful thing could not be so unknown."

  Cangshi still didn’t believe it. This was really incredible. There was no way. Chen Xuan took out another stone formation and threw it to Cangshi.

   "According to what I just said, inject the power, and then throw it in the direction you want to throw. If you try it yourself, you will know if what I said is true or false."

  Sure enough, after Cang Shi followed Chen Xuan's instructions, he stayed on the spot, motionless, slowly digesting everything he experienced today.

  It wasn't until Chen Xuan's voice sounded that Cang Shi's thoughts were interrupted.

   "Old man, old man, hey!" Chen Xuan waved his hands back and forth in front of Cang Shi's wide-open eyes.

"Boy, do you know what kind of sensation this thing will cause once it comes out? This thing, if you don't pay attention, can cause chaos in the world, and you will be in danger yourself." Cang Shi changed the pair just now. Serious expression.

  Chen Xuan could not wait to agree to himself in the future, and then talk to himself about the number of cultivation resources he needs, and Chen Xuan himself is still thinking about how to bargain with him.

However, the imaginary scene did not appear, and Cang Shi did not eagerly agree to Chen Xuan, but seriously analyzed the pros and cons. From the words, Chen Xuan also heard a hint of worry, which made Chen You more determined to think. It's time to recruit Cangshi.

   slowly speak,

   "Old man, I know this, but my generation of cultivators is always going against the sky. Don't we already survive in such a chaotic world? If you mess up, what does it matter?"

   "Old man, join us! Let's pursue the top of the avenue together, wouldn't it be nice!" Chen Xuan looked forward to it.

   Cang Shi still had a serious face, and was not affected by Chen Xuan’s words at all, and slowly spoke.

  “Once your thing comes out, it must be wireless scenery, but these are just superficial phenomena. What you have to face is in this world, all the people who covet your stone formations, do you think about it?”

   "Hahaha, I'm not afraid of Chen Xuan, besides, my things are not so easy to take." Chen Xuan said confidently.

   "Also, do you know that by doing this, you are undoubtedly vying for business with the super power of Zhenzong, do you think you are sure?"

   "Haha, that's not necessarily true. My stone formation is only used for combat, and it has nothing to do with Jinzong's business! Besides, Jinzong can have no thugs as a profession, so how can I grab business?"

   "But you have also shaken the name of the holy place with the number one formation in the world, what should you do?"

  “If it’s just for fame, it’s easier to do it. They can sell it in his name and they can also earn popularity.”

   Cang Shi did not say anything, as if to consider whether Chen Xuan's words were feasible.

   "Then I'm asking you, if you want to sell, how will you sell this thing so that you can guarantee the greatest benefit?"

"This is first sold by security level, and the stone formations are also leveled. If you sell them by level, the price and profit will be higher. Then, the selling objects will be divided into levels. The bigger and stronger the force, the more you can buy, so you can guarantee. There will be no major changes in the power structure, which is conducive to our own development, and personal purchases must also be strength first. After all, it is a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong, and the basic rules remain the same. Where can we go." Chen Xuankai said.

  "Okay, the answer is that the old man is very satisfied. The president is not only strong, but his brain is also very good." Cang Shi joked.

The reason why Cang Shi wanted to ask Chen Xuan these questions was actually to see if Chen Xuan had the strength to develop and grow the Chamber of Commerce. After all, the development of a power is closely related to its own interests. After all, who would enter a power with no future for development? After all, who would choose a leader who has only military power but no intelligence, no matter how good the starting point is and not good at management, the road cannot go too far.

  (End of this chapter)

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