Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2131: Nosy Chen Xuan

  Chapter 2131 Nosy Chen Xuan

   "Hmph, even if it will release two Dao skills at the same time, what's great, but they are all low-level Dao skills, I don't even bother to use them!"

   "The Way of Ice-The sky is cold and the earth is frozen!"

   "I'm going, but I'm a child of a rich family, and an advanced Taoist skill." Hearing this, Yang Wei was very satisfied, and cast a contemptuous look at Xiao Fei with Yu Guang, as if to say it again.

   "Did you see it? This is the gap!"

  However, Xiaofei didn't care. Under the pressure of his two Dao skills, Yang Wei's cold weather was abruptly blocked, and it was very easy.

However, Xiaofei seemed to know that his Dao skills could not break the opponent's Dao skills, and at the moment the Dao skills were released, he had already flashed behind Yang Wei, and when Yang Wei was proud that he easily took over the opponent's Dao skills, Xiao Fei The fist has arrived as promised.

  Only hearing a bang, the proud Yang Wei flew upside down like a kite with a broken line for more than ten meters before landing smoothly.

   "Okay, awesome! This kid is so young and has so much combat experience, and he knows how to make a difference!"

  Chen Xuan looked more and more and felt that Xiaofei fit his own appetite, and even the fighting style was the same as that of Chen Xuan. He always liked to slap the west and combine reality and reality.

   "Haha, little master, how is it, not bad!"

"very nice!"

   Yang Wei who reached the ground let out a painful wailing, and then got up from the ground with some difficulty.

"Xiaofei, I want you to die! Ah, I must kill you." After a few rants, he rushed towards Xiaofei like crazy, but it was of no use. Xiaofei avoided calmly and found a suitable one. The timing was once again waited on with a fist, obviously this Yang Wei was beaten by Xiaofei.

  Yang Wei saw that his attack was ineffective, so he stopped the attack, then took out a long spear and yelled,

"Did you see it? This is the Frost Gun, a high-level Taoist tool recently given to me by my master. You have never seen it in your life, you country guy! You asked for it. It was originally prepared for this selection. Since you are so Don't blame me for being rude."

A high-level Dao weapon can indeed increase the fighting power of a monk, that is, because this high-level Dao tool is reversed just now, Xiaofei can only evade in a hurry, and there is no chance to get close, and Dao skills are useless, because of him. There is indeed no advanced Dao skill, so your own Dao skill attack will also be easily won by the opponent.

   Seeing Xiao Fei who had no power to fight back under his own attack and could only evade, Yang Wei finally raised his eyebrows.

   "How is it! Xiaofei, wasn't it amazing just now? How come you can only run around like a bereaved dog now, haha!"

   "Huh, it's just relying on advanced Dao implements. See what you can do. Why? Advanced Dao implements are in hand. You haven't even touched the corners of my clothes. What are you proud of!"

   "You," Yang Wei wanted to get angry again, but he still held back.

   "I almost forgot, we are talented geniuses. We can't even afford a low-level Taoist weapon. Taoist weapon is also part of our strength. Don't be convinced."

   Indeed, Dao Qi is also a part of strength, so Xiao Fei did not speak, but was silent.

  The crowd onlookers is a pity,

   "Oh, what a pity,"

   "Yes, but this kid is really good. If you lose, you lose at birth, but it's a glorious defeat!"

  These words reminded Chen Xuan that since he wanted to recruit this kid, he still had to say that Chen Xuan could not miss such an opportunity to give charcoal in snow.

   So Chen Xuan took out a long sword, which was also a high-level Taoist weapon. For now Chen Xuan, these things were thrown in the storage bag by Chen Xuan like rubbish, and he didn't expect it to come in handy now.

  Chen Xuan walked out of the crowd, threw away the long sword in his hand, and said to Xiaofei.

   "Boy, you are very good, I am very optimistic about you, don't let me down, this is also an advanced Taoist tool, but the name is too long to use, forget it."

   Xiaofei obviously did not expect that someone would be willing to help a poor boy like himself, and he thanked Chen Xuan very gratefully.

   "Thank you senior! Xiaofei will not let senior down!"

   Just when Chen Xuan wanted to be polite, the old man accompanying Yang Wei spoke.

   "Friends of Daoist want to be more nosy!" Then a breath of sage peaking pressed towards Chen Xuan.

   "Unexpectedly, it is still a pinnacle of sanctification. There is a good show to watch." The onlookers have always been people who fear that the world will not be chaotic.

   Then Chen Xuan waved his hand, and the momentum of entering the peak of the holy disappeared without a trace. This hand surprised the onlookers!

   "This person can easily resolve the imposing pressure of a holy peak with such a casual wave. I am afraid that he is a powerhouse of the Holy Master level!"

  At the same time, the old man was also very jealous. He gave a cold snort, didn't dare to speak, but walked to Yang Wei with a surprised look and took out a big knife.

   "Come on, disciple, this is the Celestial Sword, an intermediate holy tool that has been used by the teacher for many years and has killed countless enemies. Don't let the teacher down."

   "What, the intermediate holy artifact, it's really magnificent!"

   "Yes, it looks like the child is in trouble."

  Hearing these onlookers say this, the old man looked at Chen Xuan proudly.

It is true that the value of Dao implements of the same level are precious, and Dao implements are the best weapon to enhance monk’s combat power, but Dao implements themselves are expensive to make, and the more advanced Dao implements, the greater the value. Intermediate sacramental artifacts can't be used by ordinary small forces, so people are surprised.

But to show the Taoist tool in front of Chen Xuan is to play a big sword in front of Guan Gong. Let’s not say that Chen Xuan has the chaotic artifact of the Hongmeng Tower, that is, Chen Xuan’s Yin-Yang Cut-off Twilight is also advanced to become with the help of the old man. A high-level sacred tool, and Chen Xuan intends to continue to advance this yin and yang.

  So, Chen Xuan took out the Yin and Yang cut out at will, and when he took it out, there was a lot of noise on the scene.

  "This is the Taoist Xiaguang, the high-level sacramental instrument,"

   "Yes, and it's the best among high-level sacramental artifacts."

   "It looks like there is another good show to watch."

  Chen Xuan handed the yin and yang to Xiao Fei, who was already dull.

  "Since people have the sacred instrument of Zhongji, we can't be too bad. This instrument of mine is called Yin-Yang Cut-off Dawn. It is a high-level instrument. Let you use it to teach the kid on the opposite side."

   "Senior, we don't know each other, why do you want to help me?"

   "Hey, maybe it's too idle, but it's rare to see one who is pleasing to the eye. I see you pleasing to the eye, it's that simple."

  Xiaofei is already in tears, and no matter what, he is just a child. Wouldn’t he be moved when he meets a senior like Chen Xuan.

   "Boy Xiaofei, I have nothing to say, please be respected by the boy!" Chen Xuan felt obstructed, if he said deeply, he was about to kneel down.

   "Keep it here for later worship!"

  (End of this chapter)

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