Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2132: Naked face slap

  Chapter 2132 Naked face slap

   These words stunned Xiao Fei, scratched his head, and asked in confusion,

   "Will worship later?"

   "I mean, teach me the bitter and mean boy on the other side. I just can't see this kind of person. If you teach him a good meal for me, you are repaying me."

  Poor Yang Wei was shot innocently, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Chen Xuan. He was a figure of high-level sacramental artifacts at hand. A fool could see that Chen Xuan's background was not simple.

   Then, Xiao Fei took the Yin-Yang Cut-Fun Xiao and planned to return the high-level Taoist artifact in his hand to Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan waved his hand.

   "I really see you very pleasing to the eye, so I'll give it to you. Anyway, leaving me here is also a waste product. It is worth a few dollars at most. I am not bad for that money. It is of no use to me."

  As soon as these words came out, the audience fell into a deadly silence, and they had already scolded Chen Xuan countless times in their hearts, "Why is this person like this? High-level Taoism tools are still scraps, and showing off wealth is not so dazzling, right!"

   Xiaofei is already at a loss,

   "No, senior, this won't work!"

   "Why, I don't like long swords? It just so happens that I have a lot of advanced Taoism tools here, there are guns, knives, and bows and arrows. Do you like that?"

  The audience is another fierce clamor,

   "Let me go, who is this person!"

   "Yes, there are a lot of advanced Taoism tools, and I am not afraid of talking big and leaking." Of course, Chen Xuan didn't care, but looked at Xiao Fei very seriously.

   Xiaofei is flattered,

   "No, senior, I like swords, but my dad said that there is no reward for no merit, so I can't ask for it."

  Chen Xuan was a little angry,

   "What, where is your father, call me out, don't you want to give it away for nothing?" Although Chen Xuan said that, but there was a little more appreciation for this kid in his heart.

   Xiaofei had no choice but to agree first, and then waited for this to be exchanged to Chen Xuan afterwards, and this was the result that Chen Xuan had known for a long time.

  On the opposite side, Yang Wei, the teacher and the apprentice, had a livid expression and envy and jealousy. Anyway, they already remembered Chen Xuan and Xiaofei fiercely in their hearts.

   Then Chen Xuan stepped aside, and the onlookers had consciously vacated their positions. When the two were about to start fighting, an angry voice came.

   "Bold, do you know where this is? Actually dare to fight, when my Ice Sect is."

  Everyone can't help being a little disappointed. It seems that this good show is about to stop.

  The old man was finally relieved when he saw the incoming person. In fact, this person was called by him. The incoming person was the handyman elder of the Frost Sect, who was not very talented, and was given the title of old-age care by the sect.

   "It turned out to be Brother Gao! Long time no see."

   "Oh, isn't this Brother Song, what's the matter?" The two of them acted so realistically. People who didn't know thought it was a chance encounter with old friends for many years.

   "Brother Song, this is the case. I brought my apprentice to Guizong to participate in the assessment. I had some quarrels with the guy opposite, and the guy fought hard. We had no other choice but to take the initiative."

   "What, there is such a thing, where is the person?"

  The old man surnamed Gao pointed to Chen Xuan’s side, and then whispered,

   "That kid is a hillbilly, but someone is nosy, and has to help that kid against me, and that person should still be a powerhouse at the level of the Lord, Brother Song should be careful."

"Haha, don't worry, brother! This is the realm of my Frost Sect. Even the Sovereign I am not afraid. Your brother, I am the subordinate of Sect Master Frost." The old man surnamed Song looked confident and turned towards Chen Xuan. Walked over.

   Chen Xuan saw that this was not the arrogant old man who had gone out with Han Bing to save him, and he was given a severe lesson.

  The old man surnamed Song came over and shouted angrily.

   "Boy, do you know what this place is, you dare to be so unreasonable, do you live impatiently?" Chen Xuan planned to say something, but Xiao Fei said without humbleness.

   "Senior, I'm not unreasonable. It was Yang Weifei who asked me to trouble, and I did it."

   "I still dare to argue, I Hanbing doesn't need a person like you, let's go!"

   "But senior, I..."

   "Why, I need an old man to drive you away?" The old man surnamed Song threatened.

  Chen Xuan couldn’t read it anymore, and said coldly,

   "What a mighty prestige! How can such an indiscriminate force as the Ice Sect be so indiscriminate!"

"Boldly, my Frost Sect does things. I want you to give pointers. Don't think that you are a holy lord. It is great. My Frost Sect is not a place where you go wild." Then, the old man surnamed Song also broke out of his early holy lord. The momentum.

  Chen Xuan certainly wouldn’t put him in his eyes,

   "I'm in the wild, you can ask these onlookers who are telling the truth!" Chen Xuan was already angry. If this person dares to be so unreasonable, Chen Xuan does not recommend teaching him again.

   "Two seniors, I just leave."

"Senior, thank you for your great kindness. Since this Frost Ice Sect is so indiscriminate, you don't need to go!" Chen Xuan was so happy when he heard this. This old man surnamed Song actually indirectly helped Chen Xuan and Chen. Xuan was not so angry anymore.

   However, this old man surnamed Song obviously didn't want to let Xiao Fei go so easily, of course he was instructed by old man Gao.

   "Boy, dare to insult my Ice Sect, you can't leave so easily."

   "Then what do you want!" Xiao Fei finally broke out. This rabbit will bite people when he is anxious. People have tempers. It's strange that they are not angry if they are made things difficult for so many times.

   "What do I want, kid, you have insulted the majesty of my Frost Sect just now, you have to pay the price!"

   As he said, he was about to do it. How could Chen Xuan pull Xiao Fei over as he wanted, and then coldly looked at the old man named Song and said,

"What is going on? You'd better figure it out by yourself. If it's really what you said, I won't stop it, but if you don't know the truth, then you will die. In front of me, you Can't move him!" Chen Xuan said lightly.

   "Are you sure? Then don't blame me, old man."

When I said that, I started with Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan is not a soft persimmon, I just pinch it if I want to pinch it, if it's not for the fact that this is at the headquarters of the Frost Sect, Chen Xuanzai would just take care of it, but since they do it first , I have a reason.

   Then Chen Xuan teleported and took Xiaofei away from the place, and then came directly behind him.

   "The power of reincarnation, reincarnation punch!"

   "The power of reincarnation, extinction of the void!"

   "I'm going, another two dragons are sending together!"

"Yeah, look at this power, at least it is a high-level holy Dao skill! Great!" The crowd onlookers began a fierce discussion, because Chen Xuan practiced the Tao of reincarnation, and the Tao skill was created by Chen Xuan himself, so People can't see it.

   With two simple moves, Chen Xuan ended the battle easily. The old man surnamed Song was overwhelmed by Chen Xuan's Taoist skills without even having a chance to shoot.

   "You dare to do it in the Frost Ice Sect, and you still do it to the elder Frost, you, you, you are dead!" The old man named Gao was very angry and somewhat unbelievable.

   "You have to say a word, believe it or not, I will prevent you from seeing the sun tomorrow." Chen Xuan glanced at the old man Gao coldly, and said murderously.

The old man with the surname Gao shut up immediately. He saw the killing intent in Chen Xuan's eyes. He felt that if he really dared to say one more thing, Chen Xuan really dared to kill himself, and to kill the powerhouse of the Holy Master in a second, his own point. Chen Xuan's cultivation was not enough, he closed his mouth quickly, and then went to help the old man surnamed Song.

   "Brother Song, are you okay!"

  The old man surnamed Song was already in a fit of anger, and shouted like crazy,

"You're looking for death, dare to hurt me on the site of my Frost Sect, I tell you, you must..." The tone of voice fell off in an instant before the words were finished, very scared, as if seeing something terrible. same.

  Yes, when the old man surnamed Song scolded, Chen Xuan took off his hat, revealing his young but resolute face.

  Not only the old man surnamed Song was surprised, but everyone present exclaimed.

   "Oh my God! I just covered my face, I thought I was an old man, I didn't expect to be so young!"

   "And the strength is so terrifying, kill the strong of the Holy Master level in seconds."

   "This person is only in his early twenties! How did he cultivate!"

  Xiaofei also looked at Chen Xuan dumbfounded, as if there were flowers on Chen Xuan's face.

   "Boy, what are you doing, don't know me anymore."

   "No, senior, I just didn't expect you to be so young."

  Chen Xuan smiled indifferently, he was used to this kind of vision and these evaluations.

   He condensed his eyes and looked at the old man surnamed Song,

   "Elder Song is such a majesty! Why, Han Bing usually teaches you how to be a human being?"

  The old man surnamed Song has the slightest arrogance before, no wonder how he felt familiar just now, originally thought it was his own illusion.

"Hey! It turned out to be Shao Chen. It was really the flood that rushed into the Dragon King Temple. The family didn’t recognize the family. Shao Chen, you covered your face. I didn’t recognize it just now. I was offended just now, so I invite Shao Chen to you. Don't count the villains."

  As soon as he said this, everyone present, including the old man Gao and Xiaofei's strong curiosity caused by the asymmetry of Xiaofei, can be seen by fools. From the change in the attitude of the old man named Song, he knows that Chen Xuan is definitely not simple.

   "How dare you! Didn't Elder Song want to make me what? Go on, I'm still curious and I hurt you, I want to get revenge from your Frost Ice Sect."

"Chen Shao, you see what you said, I was accidentally thrown by myself, how can I blame Chen Shao." Just kidding, revenge, don't say Cheng Xuan's own strength is strong and mysterious, that is Chen Xuan's sister Qing'er's core discipleship is enough to make him completely dead and dead. How dare he retaliate against Chen Xuan at this time, let alone revenge for today's matter, maybe he can be kind.

"Chen Shao, I am always confused. I am also deceived by this person. This person should be damned. I will teach him a good lesson for Chen Shao." There is no way, in order to eliminate Chen Xuan's anger and make himself retreat. This can only be done.

  (End of this chapter)

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