Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2133: Identity exposure

   Chapter 2133 Identity Exposure

  And the old man with the surname Gao also saw that Chen Xuan’s not easy, and he quickly said with fear,

   "Chen, Shao Chen, the villain has eyes but no knowledge of Mount Tai, and offended Shao Chen. I also ask Master Chen to ignore the villain and let the villain go. The villain is grateful."

  This is the world where the weak eats the strong. As long as your fists are big enough, you can do whatever you want. These two people know this deeply, for fear that Chen Xuan will be upset, and they will lose their lives.

  But Chen Xuan still looked indifferent, and it was useless to be very angry. This made the two of them unclear about the situation, and they didn't dare to say more, waiting for Chen Xuan's emotions unsurely.

Perhaps because of the words of the old man surnamed Song just now, Chen You feels that Xiaofei, the child is already in his pocket, and he is in a good mood. At the same time, Chen Xuan also knows that this is the site of the Frost Sect. , So he said to Xiaofei,

   "Boy, this is your business. They have the final say. Don't worry, today I will be the master. As long as you don’t admit your fate, break your arm or leg, it’s okay."

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief as soon as they heard that Chen Xuan broke his arm and leg. If it was really like that, it would be better to die. They begged for mercy one after another,

   "Um, little brother, I was indiscriminately indiscriminate when I was deceived by a rapist, but it's not that serious, right? Please raise your hands high!"

   "Xiao Fei, you and my apprentice, and I are not acquainted with each other, although every time Yang Wei can't beat you, I will stop it, but I am not too much. I hope you can't be too much."

"Xiao Fei, I surrender, please raise your hand and let us go." Yang Wei also spoke. Although it was difficult to say, he could not help it. Out of fear of Chen Xuan, he only wanted to Can do that.

  Now, everyone in the room is staring at Xiaofei. The protagonist of this incident, Chen Xuan, also looked at Xiaofei and nodded, let him do it without worry, he will bear the consequences.

   Xiaofei bowed again to Chen Xuan, but there was no language.

   Then turned around and looked at the three people,

   "Elder Song, you are going to chase me away indiscriminately, and you are planning to take action on a child of me. I have seen what it means to be extremely shameless." When the elder Song was said, his face was pale, but he did not dare to speak.

"In this case, I'm just as you wish. I don't need you to rush, I just go by myself. I can't afford to climb this huge ice sect, but you remember that today is the light of Senior Chen. How long will I Xiaofei collect this account by myself, you wait."

  "Senior senior, the lover is eager, I can understand, but don’t be too wicked, this will ruin him instead, don’t say I am a little country boy in the future, anyone can kill him."

  "Yang Wei, don’t be too small and intestines. If you fail, you have failed. Don’t admit it, and you have to look down on anyone. Hedong for thirty years, Hexi for thirty years, don’t bully the young and poor!"

"In short, I will ask Xiaofei for today's account. I know that you are jealous of Senior Chen, but it won’t be long before you’ll be jealous of me. I'm not an indiscriminate person like you. When the time comes, I sincerely apologize to me and admit my mistakes. I will also let the grown-ups ignore the villains and let you go. After all, I can't do it if I want me to be as shameless as you are."

   "This is the end of the story, so I can do it for myself!"

  The crowd onlookers applauded and praised Xiaofei for his young age and noble character, and his future achievements could not be limited.

Although the three of them were humiliated by Xiaofei, they were extremely happy in their hearts. There was a kind of fortunate escape from the dead. After all, they were scolded by Xiaofei. The last three days and nights were also worthwhile.

   "Senior, let's go!" After saying that, Xiao Fei turned around and left.

   "Listen to the three of you. From today, if you dare to retaliate afterwards, you know the consequences and do it for yourself!" Chen Xuan followed after speaking.

   "Senior, I still don't understand why you helped me." Chen Xuan followed, and the two said as they walked.

  "You kid, I have said it many times, not so much. Why, I think you are pleasing to the eye, but I also can't understand the kind of arrogant and domineering person. Why does your kid keep asking?"

   "Senior, let's talk about what you have! No merit is left, what can I do to help Senior?"

   "It seems that this kid is smart enough, is it because I behaved too obvious? Shouldn't it!" Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

  "This is not a place to talk. Or, chat with me?"

   Although Xiao Fei was puzzled, because Chen Xuan helped him, the dripping water should be reported by the spring. He still understands this truth.

   So the two came to the inn where Chen Xuan lived, and Chen Xuan also ordered two good medicinal meals, and the two of them ate and chatted.

   "Xiaofei, good, good name!"

  Xiaofei smiled shyly, and answered Chen Xuan, lowered his head and gobbled it up.

   "Slow down, no one will fight you."

   "Senior, I have always heard that this medicated diet can't help but be helpful for cultivation, and it is delicious. Today I can see why an ordinary medicated diet is so expensive. I haven't eaten it again. It made Senior laugh."

   "Haha, you kid, it's okay, I will let you eat enough today, not enough for me to prepare."

   "No, no, no, no, enough, too much, I can't digest it with my cultivation base."

  Looking at Xiao Fei's gorging appearance, Chen Xuan couldn't help laughing.

   "Boy, where are you from? How come you go to the Frost Sect for the exam alone, I think everyone else is accompanied by an adult."

  After Xiaofei swallowed his mouthful of medicated food, he replied,

  "My father passed away not long ago. My father is a hunter. He lives by hunting monsters. In order to live, he has to hunt monsters. But this monster is not that easy to hunt. You have to pay attention to the method..."

Chen Xuan originally wanted to diverge from this heavy topic, but Xiaofei naturally diverged from this topic, and chatted with Chen Xuan about how the hunter profession hunts and kills monsters and how to fight against monsters. of.

Chen Xuan could see that although this child was only twelve years old, he was very stable. It seemed that he was a self-improving child. Everything that was brought to him by birth did not seem to be the difficulties in the eyes of ordinary people. In his eyes, he Treat all these difficulties as wealth.

   "That said, I want to be a hunter too." Chen Xuan joked after hearing Xiaofei's Kaikai talk.

   "Senior, don't make a joke. Hunters don't still do that."

   "But I think the job hunter is interesting!"

  (End of this chapter)

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