Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2134: Xide Xiaofei

   Chapter 2134

   "Although there is a lot of fun, it doesn't need to be based on the conditions of seniors!"

Chen Xuan chatted with Xiaofei from the north to the south again for a long time, and the name changed. Chen Xuan’s name was Xiaofei and not a kid, but Xiaofei. Xiaofei was not a senior who opened her mouth, but closed her mouth. Instead, he was kindly called Brother Chen Xuan. Originally, Chen Xuan thought that this title was not suitable for him, but Xiaofei was obviously already called Shunkou, just a title. Chen Xuan didn't care about these, so he just called it like that.

   Chen Xuan felt that it was almost done, so he got to the point.

   "Xiao Fei, what are your plans for the future?"

"I! I don't know, maybe inherit my father's profession, continue to be a hunter, and survive!" Xiaofei said helplessly, it is hard to imagine that a twelve-year-old child actually said such a The feeling of helplessness of life oppression.

  Chen Xuan looked at him with sympathy,

   "In this case, it's better to follow me."

   "Brother, you mean let me follow you?"

   "Yes! Follow me, I will provide you with training resources, I have established a chamber of commerce by myself, and I just established it when people are needed."

   "Chamber of Commerce! But I don't know anything, I don't know anything, what can I do?"

  Speaking of this, Chen Xuan immediately understood what Xiaofei meant. He was afraid that he would know nothing. If he went, he would take things for nothing and do bad things.

   "Haha, you don't have to worry about this. You have to have confidence in yourself, you can't learn it, and I think it's your fighting talent, not letting you go to my chamber of commerce to sell things."

   "I want to train you, work for my Chamber of Commerce, and be the guardian of my Sky Chamber of Commerce, can you understand?" Chen Xuan looked serious and serious, and put away the previous inconspicuous image.

  This made Xiaofei a little nervous, and her voice became even smaller.

"Big brother, are you sure I can do it? I don't have the confidence myself, but if the big brother can value me and believe me, then I will try my best to meet your requirements." Xiaofei also answered Chen Xuan seriously , From the low-pitched voice that just spoke, to the full-blown breath now.

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan was also very happy. Originally thought that he was going to waste some words, he had already prepared a lot of words in his mind to say, but Xiaofei unexpectedly agreed.

Although the two of them have only spent half a day in the knowledge, Chen Xuan knows that this is a shy and inferior child. This inferiority is not caused by his lack of self-confidence in himself, but by his family environment. He can say that, Chen Xuan also It was an accident.

"Hahaha, Xiao Fei, remember, my fate is my destiny. We cannot choose our beginning, but we can change. The path of cultivation is to go against the sky. Don't have so many worries. Only in this way can you have a firm heart, do you understand?"

  Xiaofei seems to understand but he does not understand, but he knows that Chen Xuan’s words are encouraging him and let him establish a moral heart.

   "I see, brother, thank you! Maybe because of you, my destiny has changed!"

  Chen Xuan was very surprised, Xiaofei actually said such words, it seems that the kindness of giving charcoal in the snow is the easiest to remember, and it is also the most reliable friendship.

  Chen Xuan also opened a room for Xiao Fei, right next to him, and told him to call himself whenever something happened.

   Then Chen Xuan went back to his room,

   "Haha, Old Ta, actually I think this is quite easy, at this rate, one a day, 30 days later, you can complete your goal."

"My little master, you are just having better luck today. Moreover, the people we need, talents, and xinxing are indispensable. Only in this way can we cultivate evildoers that can be worth one hundred. You think there are many people like Xiaofei. Is it? It’s good to meet one, and I feel that this kid has hidden his strength, even I can’t see it, it’s not easy!"

   "What, hidden strength? This is impossible! If I can't sense it, it's normal, but you can't sense it?"

   "It's not that I can't feel it, but the feeling is very vague. It seems that some mysterious power is blocking my detection. Besides, the strength I choose is less than one-tenth of the peak period."

"Anyway, everyone has a personal chance, we don’t have to figure it out, and Xiaofei, this child, I still see the character in this respect, what we have to do is to train him, as for other things, the time has come. , Naturally you will know."

   "Yes, I see, Old Man!"

   "I will practice for a while, and continue tomorrow, and my appearance has been exposed, it is inconvenient to go again, I have to disguise myself.

  Because of the incident between Chen Xuan and Xiaofei, Chen Xuan must have been noticed. If Chi Guoguo goes like this, it will probably cause unnecessary trouble again, so Chen Xuan needs to disguise.

The next day, Xiaofei was given a high-level Daojue so that he could start practicing first. After all, his previous low-level Daojue certainly did not suit him now, and Chen Xuan felt that if it were not for the influence of the low-level Daojue, Xiaofei might Has broken through into the holy.

"This high-level Daojue must be cultivated first, and you should give up the one you used to do! It is estimated that it will not be enough to support you to reach the peak of the Dao. And this Daojue, it is more than enough for you to break through and become a holy, and practice well. Before I come back, I hope you Has been transformed to the first level."

  Xiaofei took it, full of joy and excitement in reply,

"Big brother, don't worry! I don't dare to promise you anything else, but if it's about cultivation, I haven't lost anyone in Xiaofei. Let alone a simple transformation of Taoism, I will have the confidence to get started in one day. ."

   "Haha, it's so good, every bit of your progress is the greatest reward for me."

   Then Chen Xuan left. Under Ta Lao’s guidance, Chen Xuan bought some medicinal materials and gave them to Ta Lao.

  "Tao Lao, do you still make alchemy?" In the tower of the Hongmeng god, Chen Xuan asked with curiosity when he looked at Ta Lao, who was acting like flowing water when he made alchemy.

   "Hey, little master, alchemy is also a skill that a qualified monk must learn. In our place, you can start independent alchemy at the age of ten." Taelon replied naturally.

   "I thought the pill was used to heal injuries and practice, but I didn't expect to have such a usage."

"Haha, the alchemy is the same as the formation method. One is to use the power of heaven and earth, while the other is to absorb the power of heaven and earth. "

   "No discussion, you will know the magical effect of this pill in the future, but in this wild world, there is no outstanding pill genius and power, so the benefits of the pill will not be reflected."

  (End of this chapter)

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