Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2135: not easy

  Chapter 2135 is not easy

  "And in some advanced planes, the alchemy is very prosperous. The further you go to the back, the more obvious the effect of the alchemy. Therefore, little master, you must also start to learn the alchemy."

   "Okay! Anyway, I have learned so much now. What's wrong with having one more? Anyway, I don’t want to weigh myself down." Chen Xuan said indifferently. Indeed, for Chen Xuan, of course, the least fear is cultivation.

  Looking at a small black pill, Chen Xuan took it from Ta Lao.

  "This is Yan Yan Dan? How dark it is, and the color is different from ordinary pills!"

  "The color of the pill is closely related to the composition of the pill. The color is not important. Don't care about this, you try?"

   Then, Chen Xuan swallowed the pill,

  "This medicine is still a bit sweet!" Chen Xuan took a couple of mouthfuls.

   Then Chen Xuan instantly changed from a young man in his early twenties to a greasy middle-aged uncle. Chen Xuan took out the mirror and took a picture of himself.

   "I'm going, Old Man, this pill is not a low grade! It's almost as if it's a different person, the breath has changed, it's perfect. Tsk!"

   "Of course, and this pill is not of low grade in China, but I didn't expect that the wild world actually has this kind of pill, little master, you earned it."

   "Yeah! I made a profit!" Chen Xuan was very happy, but he didn't hear the meaning of Ta Lao's words.

   "Little master, this wild world doesn't seem to have this kind of pill that can change the appearance, right?"

   "Yeah, wait, Mr. Ta, you mean..." Chen Xuan suddenly radiated golden light from his eyes.

"Materials are precious, this is another profitable business, but the pill is no better than the stone formations. It is very difficult to refine the pill, so this thing is afraid of not producing energy, but as a limited product, it is also very profitable. Well."

"Hahaha," Chen Xuan let out a fascinating laugh, because it means that he has another resource that can make money in his hands. In this way, if he has enough funds, he will have training resources. The goal is one step closer.

   "Little master, I actually found that there are many imperfections in this wild world, I actually have an idea." Ta Lao said again.

  Chen Xuan was very excited, Ta Lao said he had an idea, he must have thought of something very profitable.

   "Say it! Old Ta!"

   "In fact, we can build many institutions on this plane that this plane does not have."

   "An institution that does not exist?"

   "Yes, these institutions are very special, and with these institutions, it will be of great help to us in the future, and at the same time, it is considered to make a little contribution to this plane."

   "Which organization? Why is it contributing again? I don't want to do business at a loss!"

   "Haha, my little master, I don’t want you." Ta Lao joked, then said again,

"We can imitate the organizational model of the high-level planes, and also establish these institutions of the same nature in this wild world, such as the Alchemist Guild, the Alliance of Formation Wizards, and gather these people in the entire world. In this way, more and more The more people know and understand these professions, so that they can carry forward and inherit these traditions. Of course, the world will advance step by step, and there will be opportunities to improve the plane level."

   "Ah, raise the plane level? Can this be raised too?"

"Of course, there are many planes like the Wild World. Since the planes are divided into levels, of course there are also ways to advance. Forget it, I will naturally tell at that time, it is too early, and I said. You are also in the mist. I will talk about it later. I will just tell you my thoughts first. As for the action, we must first allow the Chamber of Commerce to develop."

   "Okay!" Chen Xuan was a little lost again, and Ta Lao always liked this, and he didn't say it in the middle, which was really boring.

  Ta Lao, of course, saw Chen Xuan’s thoughts.

   "Little master, telling you this is actually to stimulate your motivation!"

   "I'm so motivated, I don't need it."

  "Then you should listen to the story. For now, it's better to do your own thing steadily."

Chen Xuan has a feeling of being bullied. I feel that Ta Lao is just bored to tease him, but Ta Lao really didn’t tease Chen Xuan. He really wanted to inspire Chen Xuan, not that Chen Xuan had no motivation. , However, once a person has a curiosity about something, he will do everything possible to understand it, so this is the real intention of the old man.

   Chen Xuan now has only one goal, so he can complete the task of recruiting talents at this stage as soon as possible, so that he can carry out the next task, and Chen Xuan can't wait for the next task.

   Then Chen Xuan put on a middle-aged uncle's clothes he just prepared. This Yan Yan Dan can only last one afternoon, so Chen Xuan had to hurry up.

   hurried out the door, and came to the place where the Frost Sect was collecting disciples, and began to admire his goal.

  On this day, Chen Xuan did not harvest any grains, and returned to the inn like a burnt eggplant.

   "Haha, little master, I said how it was. It was your luck to meet Xiaofei. You thought that this kind of talent is available every day, and you can run into it every day."

  Chen Xuan did not speak, but thinking about how to find talents, after a long while,

"Tao Lao, do you think we asked too much? Moreover, these so-called geniuses are all with good eyes and low hands. I'm not worried about recruiting them." Obviously Chen Xuan must have missed it on the way just now. It's a pity that I am such a good place to complain.

   "Boy, it doesn't matter what talent is almost, diligence can make up for it, but this character can be sloppy, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble in the future, so you must look at the character clearly and understand."

   "Got it, Old Man!"

  Then Chen Xuan began to run frantically between the inn and the Frost Ice Sect. He went out early in the day to start his hunter plan. After returning in the evening, he guided Xiaofei to practice and then he entered the sacred tower and started his new course of pill refining.

  The cold ice sect opened the sect to accept disciples, and the time was one month. In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed, but since Chen Xuan got Xiaofei, he hasn’t recruited any of them.

These so-called little geniuses still pass the level of talent and everything, but their character is a bit uneven. Finally, I found one that meets my standards, but I didn’t say a word, but when I asked what power Chen Xuan was At that time, they all refused. A force that has never heard of it, they dare not be confused like this. If it hadn't been for Chen Xuan to catch up with Xiaofei and just meet that kind of thing, otherwise Chen Xuan felt that Xiaofei They don't necessarily agree to themselves, mainly because their Sky Chamber of Commerce is too ignorant.

   "Haha, little master, don't panic, let the flow take its course, always come." Ta Lao persuaded.

  (End of this chapter)

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