Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2161: The fierce battle begins

  Chapter 2161 Fierce battle begins

   But when he was about to deliver a fatal blow to the opponent, he heard a scream from Ho Nam. He immediately leaped over. It turned out that the place was a titled Daoist Monarch. Nan Hao, you, and his strength were so different that he was knocked to the ground. He immediately went over to help Nan Hao,

   "You are not injured, right!"

  It’s okay! "

  The person opposite "Weeds! Fluorescence" should be their own, and all skills are the same as his! In his hand, three fluorescent lights flew towards the two of them scattered. They wanted to run separately, but Xiaofei grabbed Nan Hao's arm, and they ran in the same direction!

   "Zhu Xian Formation!" Nan Hao was anxious to make a formation with the fastest speed under the cover of Xiao Fei, just waiting for the person to drill in.

  Sure enough, the man really chased him all the way and got in.

  "Very good, we can solve one now!"

   "How can you be sure that he will not come out alive?"

  Nanhao was so happy for the first time, and this was the first time he successfully led others into such a deep trap.

   "Don't worry, I was in this line of practice. Coupled with the cooperation of the master's formation. This time it is absolutely fine!"

  Sure enough, as he said, the person did not come out after a while.

   "Yeah! Great!" Nan Hao is clearly happy. This is the first time he has been so successful. It must be remembered!

  "Don't be eager to be happy this time, there is another one on the other side!" Xiaofei is famous for being calm!

   "Okay, then we will solve it together and then help the master!"

  The three of them fought again. The other party is a titled Daoist, their three strengths are similar, two to one, that person has absolutely no chance of winning. But the two little boys still tried their best.

  The two of them were separated for a while, and then joined together, and the power of the entangled light beams was actually a bonus.

  That person shouldn't show weakness either, waving the props in his hand, unexpectedly absorbed all the power of the two people?

   "What trick is this?"

   "I don't know, but I have to beat him."

  The two had to distance themselves from him again.

  "Do you want to know what it's like to be hit by your own energy?" The person looked at them and said very calmly.

   Xiaofei suddenly felt his heart tighten, not as calm as before.

   "Dark Mirror! Give it back to you!"

   "Run!" Xiao Fei shouted, pulling up Nan Hao and leaping back, but unfortunately, he was hit. The two people were overturned to the ground by power in an instant. Immobile.

  The person did not give the other party a chance to react, and a few somersaults went to stand in front of them. Looking at them on the ground, there was a treacherous smile.

  "The power of reincarnation! Reincarnation punch!"

   Chen Xuan released a big move, and that person was shot several meters in an instant.

   "The power of reincarnation! Extinction of the void." Two big moves were released one after another, but the man wanted to leave but did not escape. The soul was beaten up.

   "Are you two okay?"

  "Master, I'm fine! Something is wrong with Xiaofei! He has just been beaten!" Nan Hao immediately helped Xiaofei up.

  Chen Xuan took a look and said.

   "It doesn't matter, wait a while and ask your sister Qinger for a pill."

  Chen Xuan did not come by himself this time, and followed his enemy to win against Lu Yin.

   "Children, do you think it's interesting to just play with us?" Ying Luyin showed a treacherous look, he must be thinking about some conspiracy again.

   "Or we invite everyone outside to come in and play?"

  Chen Xuan settled the two children aside, knowing what he was going to do without even thinking about it. He wanted to expand the scope of the damage and cause panic.

  He just beaten his land like this, and now he is here again. Chen Xuan was angry when he heard it, and was about to make a move. He was stopped by Hantian again.

   "Leave it to me here, and you can help them!"

   "Hmm!" Chen Xuan was very relieved of this senior, and left without looking back, and joined another battle.

  "This girl, why have I never seen you before?" Ying Lu Yin is simply a shameless person. When he sees a beautiful woman, he wants to tease her.

   "This girl is not someone like you can see." Han Tian's self-esteem does not allow her to be insulted.

   "Oh, the tone is quite big, then I will see and see today! See what you can do!"

  Speaking, he started to attack.

   "Weeds! Fluorescence!" A big energy ball flew out of his hand and went straight to the nearby protective cover.

  But what he didn't expect was that this attack had no effect on the shield! It didn't work at all!

  "This is the defensive barrier I designed!"

   Hantian touched his two earrings.

"As long as I am there, there will be this nodule. As long as I stand inside, it is generally not easy to be broken! So don't underestimate our girl! If you have the ability, you will break him." Han Tian is cold and cold no matter what he says. Yes, but this can't hide the tenacity in her bones!

   "Oh? You designed it? That's just right, let's fight with you!"

   "Since you are so good, why not try it?" The cold weather was calm.

   "You little girl, what power can you have, I won't let you die ugly." Ying Luyin is really overwhelmed!

   "Weeds! Fluorescence!" He is a holy level, and he also has a magic bonus. The power of this blow is really not small.

  "Weeds! Liaoyuan!" This time a red and green fireball flew out of his hand. The red is the raging fire, and the green is the blade of grass entwined in it.

   "Heh!" Han Tian sneered, standing still.

   "That girl! Run!" The passers-by couldn't stand it anymore. They really didn't want to see a woman just like that.

  The energy fireball kept flying forward, smashing past with the light ball, seeing it getting closer and closer to the cold sky. Suddenly, as if hitting something, he bounced in the air and instantly turned into streamer.

   "What?" Ying Lu Yin was stunned, and passers-by were also puzzled after sweating. Why is there a barrier in front of this person?

   "You are so naive, you can't break that barrier, you still want to break this!" It turns out that this barrier has many copies, you can put it outside to protect others, or you can put it in front of yourself to protect yourself! So now, Hantian is unscathed.

   "Well, since you have nothing to do, then it's my turn!" Han Tian said, he had given that person enough face and opportunity to perform. But there is no way, the opponent is too weak!

  Now, it’s time for her to stretch her fists!

  (End of this chapter)

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