Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2162: More than half the victory

  Chapter 2162 Victory is more than half

  "First of all, tell me your name!" Han Tian said as cold as ice.

   "What's going on? Do I still need to ask Grandpa's name in a fight?"

  Han Tian's eyes widened, and one instantly felt a ray of chill coming out of the fight. He was a little confused.

   "What's the matter? Uncle, my name is Ying Lu Yin! Where is your name?"

   "You don't need to know." Han Tian didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore, and asked Chen Xuan through his voice transmission, "This is the one who won Lu Yin, kill it or keep it?"

  Chen Xuan did not expect her to make a move. "Keep it, I still have something to ask him! I can't let him die so easily!"

   "Okay!" Han Tian received the news, she didn't lift her eyelids, separated the two pieces, and began to perform exercises.

  "The power of ice, flowing clouds and jade sleeves!"

  He didn't hold any weapons in his hand, and used a trick. The name is also the first level. It seems that I want to play with him for a while.

   Winning Lu Yin also understood what he meant because of her breath. Win Lu Yin has already felt it, not what he can shake casually! But since others don't make a move, you have a glimmer of hope of winning. So he tried his best to compete with her!

  "Come on!" How it won by Lu Yin is also a holy level!

  He jumped three feet away, narrowing the distance between the two sides, and just about to launch an attack, he was thrown aside by Han Tian's sleeve. The two separated the farthest distance. Looking at each other.

  "Weeds! Grass whip!" Winning Lu Yin, rushed up with a sprint, coupled with skill coordination, and wanted to fight her in close combat. This time, Han Tian did not hesitate, and took a step forward, facing him with sleeves. The two were so light-hearted that they fought in the sky! The green one is to win against Lu Yin, and the blue one is the cold sky. The mana of the two people are entangled together, watching the people off the court.

  Hantian waved his sleeves again, and a strong wind was blowing like the opponent. He didn't pay attention at all. He fell to the ground, but the moment he got out of the ground, he bounced back! At the same time, a big move was released.

  "Weeds! Rotting mud!" He kept swapping his hands, the mud in his hands getting bigger and bigger. Until he finally couldn't hold it, he threw it out in one breath! A large pile of black and smelly substance flew over like this.

   "Sure enough, what kind of people practice what kind of tricks! It's disgusting!"

  The cold weather retreated several times in a row, and at the same time waved the sleeves again to cooperate with the formation to form an ice wall, blocking everything there.

   "Push!" With a beating, Han Tian made another effort to return the ice wall with the black mud to Ying Lu Yin.


  At the same time, he was pressed by the big ice cube. The injury is not light this time! Lie on the ground and vomit blood, and can't get up anymore!

  Everyone is cheering for her! well played! Good fight...

   "Father!" Ying Xiao's other side was fighting hard with Chen Xuan, and when he saw his father being beaten like that, he felt anxious in his heart.

  Go to help my father without even thinking about it.

   "Wait! Don't go." Chen Xuan blocked his way.

  "Good job" Chen Xuan used voice transmission to give her a heartfelt compliment, so that the young and old were no longer divided.

  He really admires Hantian! After the battle just now, Han Tian's image in his heart grew taller.

   "Small!" Han Tian rarely revealed a girlish air, it seems that he was having fun just now!

   "Yeah, that's good, so smile like Qinger!" Chen Xuan once again revealed his true temperament to her.

  Han Tian immediately cast a cold look at him.

  Well, cute and beautiful are only temporary! Only like a big ice cube is forever!

  Chen Xuan did not say more. Continue to abuse the grandson in front of him!

   "Seeing my own father being beaten, I feel uncomfortable?" The corner of Chen Xuan's mouth could not help but rise. "It doesn't matter, I'll send you to accompany him in a moment! Don't worry!"

   "You...what are you going to do..." Ying Xiao's legs became soft when Chen Xuan said this...

  "Don't...don't don't don't hit me..."

  "Don't hit you?" Chen Xuan curled his eye. Ask him in the sharpest voice.

  Did you think of us when you made the rumors about Qinger and us? "

   "You brought so many people to hit my place, did you think of me?"

   "You smeared us before I opened the business, do you think of me?"

   "Since there are none, wait for death!"

   "The power of reincarnation! Extinction of the void!" Chen Xuan zoomed in again, but the man forgot to hide, and was beaten alive.

   "Oh...oh..." he finally yelled in pain.

   "Isn't this dead? The kid is dead!"

  I just saw that he didn't hide, and I was a little scared. If he was killed, he would really be confused! But it looks like he is not dead! Good thing to the event. Save a lot of trouble. He kicked the man to the ground. Go and be with his father.

  In this way, the two bosses were finally subdued by them.

  Chen Xuan jumped down from upstairs, looked at them, and shouted at them.

  "Hey! Those upstairs, your master has been beaten to the ground by us. No matter how hard you work, no one will pay you anymore! Who is going to stop, I will let you make a living.!

  As soon as the words came out, the people upstairs were stunned for an instant, they instinctively distanced themselves from each other to ensure their safety

  All the fighting stopped here.

   "Don't look, come down! We won't hurt you!" Chen Xuan said again, Qing'er, Xiaofei, Nan Hao, Kui Tian, ​​and even Kui who hadn't done much before stopped.

  Qing'er and Ruotian looked at each other, and released the rope to tie up everyone in front of him. They didn't even resist! Others followed suit. It seems that these three are thugs hired by them.

   "What if it was the one we killed just now?" Nan Hao asked

  "Then he might not be so obedient!" Xiaofei answered him.

  They brought the three people in the sky to the door of the sky auction house, behind the salute. Han Tian cast a spell to unlock the barrier he designed, allowing people to get closer.

   "The three of you, after you explain clearly, you can leave." Chen Xuan said simply and neatly.

  "Who will come first?" Qinger can't wait.

   Hantian walked over to stand with her.

"I, I, I... I'll come first! Today's things are all that Ying Xiao and his father and son paid for us to come... They told us that as long as we are with them and fight the opposite person together... Others We don't know anything!" One of them spoke first.

  The other closely followed him and said, "Yeah, yeah, we thugs are lonely widows who take money to do things. We work all day and eat all day, and we don't want to participate in these disputes at all!"

   "Yes, yes, yes! What they said is true." The third one saw that they had finished speaking, and quickly agreed.

  Chen Xuan also knows a little bit about this kind of thing, it is not easy to survive, and he has everything to do. These thugs of them are really just for people.

  "I know a little bit about your business. Since it has nothing to do with you, I will let you go this time, and don't come to me in the future!"

  Although he understands very well, he will never relax when he should be serious! Otherwise, the majesty cannot be erected!

   "Let them go!" He said to Qing'er and Ruotian, and they immediately let them go.

  "Thank you...Thank you hero!" The three of you chased me away.

  (End of this chapter)

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