Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2175: Ice and fire

  Chapter 2175 Ice and Fire

  When he walked in, the girl was already surrounded by the fire. But she didn't panic and kept keeping herself calm. Use your ability to protect your body. But his ability is no better than my formation. Although she persisted, she still suffered a lot of injuries.

  The cold sky was full of distress all at once, and rushed into the fire. Helped her apprentice to keep those flames out.

  "Master?" Qinger was shocked when she saw your master come in. And he was not particularly relieved, because he didn't know if this was a reasonable approach.

  "Are you okay to come in like this?" Qing'er asked his master while controlling the fire.

   "No problem, don't ask if you want to buy it, let's get out of danger first!" Han Tian said nothing, his sleeve stretched out. It opened up a new piece of land.

   "Then what shall we do now? I can't resist this fire alone."

   "It's okay, isn't your master here now?"

  So the two of them stopped talking and tried to open a way to escape the fire.

  The flames soared into the sky, but they all reacted very quickly and did not let the flames hurt themselves.

  But the more they do this, it will backfire. The fire grew bigger and bigger, from the original yellow to red, and now it became purple again.

  Qing'er accidentally caused his sleeves to be stained by the flames.

   "Are you okay?" Han Tian immediately used ice cubes to cool him down.

   Qing'er endured the pain and shook her head, but her physical strength was getting worse and worse.

  It seems that the cold weather continues without any purpose. Sooner or later, the physical strength will be exhausted! He changed his strategy.

  "Have you used all your methods?"

   "My only attack method is the ice technique I learned from the master. Why does it have the opposite effect when used?"

   "Then we need to reconsider!"

  The two women talked in the middle of the burning fire, but none of them panicked. After a while, his master finally found a way.

   "Qing'er, to what extent have you experienced it now?"

   "In the two levels just now, I trained my transformation charm and ice technique."

   "Is there only these? Is there nothing else?"

   "Really only these!"

   "Then you still have a skill that has not been developed."

   "What skill? My own? But that can't be used for fire prevention."

   "Yes, it's your own! Although he can't prevent fire, it has other functions."

   "Then what should I do?"

  "Trust your master! Just cast your spell. I remember there is a wildfire in all your moves."

   "Okay!" Qing'er has absolute trust in his master. Especially at this critical juncture, this kind of trust made him even think about it, just listen to his master.

   "Phantom Art! Wildfire Spring Breeze!"

  As soon as the spell came out, the purple-red flame slipped out from the tip of his finger, followed by the whirlwind in his palm, instantly spreading in the air, chasing the red flame all the way.

   was originally useless, but it was another moment. The little purple flame began to engulf the red fire.

  Qing'er was overjoyed immediately. The problem was solved by them.

  He immediately released more flames. Although he was very young at the beginning, his master helped him expand his spellcasting space. After his unremitting efforts, the fire was finally under his control. I was from the beginning of the fire to the sky to the end there was only a small flame left.

  Qing'er's hands are sore, and her fingertips are sore. But she still tried her best to put out the last bit of fire.

   "You did a great job!" Han Tian asked him to watch his last fire put out, and sincerely encouraged him.

   "Then what should we do next? Are you still going out?" Qing'er asked his master in turn.

   "I don't know." Han Tian answered him very honestly. "But since you can't get out, let's be with you! There are many difficulties and dangers along the way, and it will be more convenient for you to have me here!"

  "But don’t you break the rules of the ancestors like this?

  Qing'er lived under the sect for a long time, and she understood and obeyed these rules. Unlike her brother Chen Xuan, who was born to be licentious and unrestrained.

"The previous rule can only say that others cannot stop or interrupt the training process of the place. But I broke through your magic circle in my own name and did not interrupt your trial. This should not be counted. Violation."

   "All, you don't have to worry about it." Han Tian walked with him to the end!

   "Okay, thank you, Master!" Qing'er was very touched, but now is not the time to be touched, they must end this devilish trial as soon as possible.

  They continued to walk forward, and when he walked out of this maple leaf forest, he had completely no traces of the fire just now, but restored to a beautiful scenery.

  The master and apprentice saw this, and a hint of coolness rose in their hearts. It looks beautiful, but it's actually very dangerous!

   Then they left without looking back.

  Walking, the weather suddenly started to cool down. They knew that the danger was nearby. They continued to walk, and the sky suddenly began to drizzle. Han Tian changed into an umbrella with ice and snow and hit the two of them. The two continued to move forward and walked slowly. After a while, the rain turned into snowflakes. Falling on the transparent umbrella, making that umbrella no longer transparent, Han Tian had to change another one. The two continued to walk in the wind and snow.

  The snowflake gets bigger and bigger as it descends, denser as it descends, and faster as it descends. The umbrella broke one after another, and finally they decided not to go forward, and stopped in the snow, trying to stop it.

  "Master, do you have any ideas?" Qinger's first thought was to ask his master

  "Master has nothing to do now, but the solution lies in your own heart!" Han Tian was very sensible and answered him very responsibly. Because every trial is tailored for everyone. Only that person can crack!

  Of course, if you choose to give up, it’s okay, but there is no way to proceed with the next upgrade.

   "You must never let Qing'er know about this!" Han Tian silently swears to himself in his heart

  So the two of them mustered their courage. Force yourself into the wind and snow!

  When Hantian turned his giant umbrella into ice crystals. They saw a vast expanse of whiteness all around. The fiery red maple forest behind him has long gone nowhere, replaced by the sky and the earth.

  (End of this chapter)

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