Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2176: Reborn

  Chapter 2176 Reborn

  Qing'er now looks at the white space all around, feeling a little at a loss.

  "Master, where should I start?"

  Hantian, you remember to observe the surroundings and find that there is really no difference.

   "Find a way to melt it!" Han Tian only said this. What does he mean? I don't understand it now. You can only take one step at a time.

  Qing'er first experimented with his own firepower, although after what happened from the Maple Leaf Forest just now, he can now be said to be soaring with firepower, if he is outside, he must be a master. But in your defensive circle full of magic, his tiny flames are still too few for this large area of ​​snow.

   Attempts to melt a piece of snow with one's power. This is simply a fantasy, ridiculous.

  But what can he do? If you don't do anything, just staying like this will make your body cold. In the end, she and her master will freeze to death in this snowy area.

  So with the help of Hantian, she released her magic power over and over again to keep herself warm.

  Time passed by every minute, Qing'er seemed to feel that a year has passed, and you were holding on fearlessly just now.

   "Qing'er, stop, you are just a waste of mana." Han Tian felt that going on like this would be counterproductive again.

   Backfired? So this time, is it necessary to think in the opposite direction?

   "Qing'er, we just came out of the Maple Leaf Forest and learned how to use fire. But fire is of no use. On the contrary, the fire just burned more and more."

   "So..." Qing'er, you are also thoughtful. "That's when we encountered ice and snow, should we use ice and snow again?"

   "Try it, it's better than not trying to stay in place!"

   "Okay, I'll try it." Qing'er immediately started to cast the spell, Han Tian also helped.

  After a while, their snow will be heavier than the sky.

  But this time they did not achieve the expected results. The snowflakes they released did not absorb the whiteness. And he increased his energy again. In the environment where it was originally only a snowfall, after they were about to release the snow, the north wind started to blow. The bitter cold wind lowered the temperature by ten degrees in such an instant, and the two of them who had been able to move also shivered with cold.

   "It seems that this method won't work, please stop!"

  The two people immediately closed their hands again. After they closed their hands, it took a while before the cold wind stopped. The temperature is just picking up a little bit, and there is no warming trend at all.

  What should I do now? They fell into a desperate situation again.

  Hantian once again put Qinger in his arms with big sleeves, hoping to give her a little warmth.

  Because he doesn't feel cold at all. But Qinger shivered.

  "Master, are you not cold like this?"

   "Warm up, Master is not cold!"

  "Don't lie to you!"

   "Don't worry, I'm really not cold!"

not cold? Only then did Han Tian realize the problem. Why doesn't he feel cold? Because his cultivation base is higher than Qing'er, and the moves he learned are also related to cold ice, after a long period of cultivation, he is now amazed by his bones and is different from ordinary people, so he is said to be less heated than others. same! So he didn't feel cold in this place where the snowflakes were floating.

  It turns out that the problem lies here! Han Tian finally started to speak, and understood the meaning of this exam.

  As a disciple of Hanbing, Qing'er, if you want to understand the very high level of cultivation. It is impossible to move her bones without stretching her muscles. This is like, if you want to sing, you must develop a good posture. You must master the basic skills. If you can't even get your figure, then there is nowhere for you to learn martial arts no matter how high it is. It will eventually be a castle in the air.

   Wanted to understand this, Han Tian ignored him and let him develop freely. But he withdrew to the side alone.

  Qing'er was doing his best in a piece of snow, and had long forgotten that the master was no longer there. It is still the posture of desperate Saburo. After a while, let out a flame, and then a cold ice, trying all the methods he could think of. Of course, the result must be futile.

  Time passed by one minute and one second, Qing'er's strength was gradually used up, he gradually felt top-heavy, his forehead was suddenly painful, his temple seemed to have been hit, and his eyes were black and white for a while, as if they were shooting gold stars.

  He gradually began to become dizzy, the temperature of his body continued to drop, and his fingertips and toes became cold. Feeling about to faint soon.

  But he kept insisting, keeping himself awake, as if there was a voice in his mind, saying to him like this.

   "Can't faint! Can't faint!" As long as you maintain your current state, at least you will win.

  So he closed his eyes, calmed down, and stopped casting spells.

  So he listened to the whistling wind and was buried in the snow. Han Tian has been hiding behind him.

  His limbs were so stiff from the cold that he has lost consciousness. His eyes were closed by himself because the outside world was too white. His ears are his only senses now. So now he can only rely on hearing the outside world.

   So he listened carefully, the wind roaring by his side.

  He listened carefully to the sound of rain falling into snow.

  He listened carefully to every movement made,

  Experience how snowflakes enter his nasal cavity and become his breath.

  Experience his heartbeat and the steps he walked along the way.

  Experience all the hardships he encountered along the way.

  And his fiery heart that seemed to be frozen in the snow in the sky!

  Yes, even if her body is cold, her heart is blood red! His thinking is active! His blood is flowing!

   So he finally heard it and realized it!

  (End of this chapter)

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