Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2178: Dance in the snow

  Chapter 2178 Dance in the snow

  "Master, why do we dance?" Qing'er had never seen the current situation, so she was very puzzled.

   "This is actually an unwritten tradition." Han Tian explained to him very patiently.

"Everyone who enters the secret realm to cultivate, the secret realm will create a colorful world for him. Then let him taste the hardships of the journey. So when he goes out, I must thank this place for his growth. When I change to a girl, I usually will Use dancing!" Han Tian said here, and added a word to him very sincerely.

  "And dancing in this place, after the dance, it will give you some magical energy boost! So this is a business that only makes money!"

  It turns out that there are so many benefits, Qing'er didn’t know it before! Of course you can't refuse!

   "But master, what dance should we dance?" Qing'er had never heard of it before, so she didn't prepare.

  "Do you remember that when you first entered the teacher's door, you taught you for a while?"

  "Elf Dance?" Qinger's eyes flashed instantly.

   "Yes, that's it!"

  Actually, Han Tian is a little selfish here. The reason why he taught Qing'er to dance this dance is because he also used this dance as a gift when he walked out from here. After so many years, he never had a chance to come in again. Today, because of Qing'er, he came in again and saw the beautiful scenery with him. So you are using this dance as a thank you.

   "Good master, let's get started!" Qing'er was already a little impatient.

   "Wait a minute, there is one last thing." Han Tian suddenly became mysterious at this time.

   "What?" Qing'er is finally falling behind his master.

  Han Tian waved his sleeves and waved two silver ribbons.

   "The two of us wear this!" Han Tian nodded at him, "Pretty better."

   So Qinger obediently matched it. The two of them already looked good-looking ribbons of this color because they were condensed by the fairy qi, and the effect of the fairy qi fluttering made them more beautiful.

   "Then, let's start."

   With a wave of the sleeves, the two leapt up. Soar up and hit the sky.

  They raised their heads in the air and rotated. The limbs seem soft, but powerful.

  They let themselves completely empty, as if lying on a cloud. The air currents in the air caused their hair to change from vertical to floating. The fingerings in their constantly changing hands are as fast as phantoms. Very difficult to capture.

  They close their eyes skillfully, remembering every dance step in their hearts.

  Change their positions, they change from lying flat to rotating. Move your fingers up and down to draw out the shape of a peacock. Pair jumping in pairs, like the phantom of twins.

  As soon as the vitality came out, the two brought out their own flying flowers! They are all kind of translucent, like a jellyfish spirit

  Flick your fingers apart as you retract and release. Blossoming flowers bloom. The streamer fluttered in his hands, as if the sky was full of stars.

   Stand on your toes and do difficult spins. The splashed hair spread out in the air. The whole person is like a blooming flower in the air. A smile is elegant and playful.

  The changing dance steps are sometimes soft and sometimes stiff. The two also split up and down, up and down. After a while, it turned into a white cloud and a bright moon, the sleeves illuminating each other, and covering each other. After a while, it turned into the night sky and the stars, competing against each other, and unfolding different blooms.

  The vitality flowers released by them. At this time, it was already in bud, and with a wave of four hands, the lace highlighted the golden gap, and the golden light gleamed in the sky.

  The splendid show, hovering and rising. In the end, all the gold edges seemed to be uncovered, leaving the petals and converging in the same direction. That is the crystallization of their vitality.

  The two phantoms converge in the air. Between the hands, the body rotates continuously, and the wind passing by the fingers and toes forms a circle. Those petals spread under them.

  Two fingers in the air, from the toes to the waist, and then to the middle finger. This is how a translucent lotus budding is formed.

  The two of them exerted their strength at the same time, and their vitality shot out a vitality circle shining with blue light in the air. The lotus bloomed from the circle, and Han Tian's fingers lightly waved, and the vitality rushed towards him.

  After the dance, the two circling to the ground, Qing'er's hand has a translucent lotus.

  "This is for you from this secret realm!"

  Qing'er As a result, he found that there was a golden pill inside. He took out the thing, and then used his own power to make it no longer transparent, and then hid it in his clothes.

   So the master and apprentice saluted the empty land. Even the explanation to the land is an explanation to oneself.

  The sky finally cleared, and the seasons began to rotate again. Where the four seasons converge, there is a gate of light.

  "Master! This should be this, right?" Qing'er pointed to the side excitedly, looking at the master next to him

   "It should be there, let's go." Han Tian took Qing'er's hand, and the two walked past like sisters.

  They are all the way although not far. But flowers were sent along the way. They walked through the spring, summer, autumn and winter when they had come. They said goodbye to the maple leaves, to the charming lakes and rivers, and to the fresh willow branches. Especially Qing'er, he didn't know if he would have a chance to come to this place again in the future. So I felt very reluctant to give up.

  The two walked in side by side, and finally walked out of this secret...

  At the last moment when the secret realm disappeared, Han Tian heard a word in his ear.

   "Thank you for remembering!"

  Hantian smiled silently on his mouth...

you are welcome! It was you who gave me this ability............

  They went back to the underground of Frozen City, back to the ice bed they just said they saw.

   "Qing'er, congratulations, you finally succeeded in the promotion!" Han Tian congratulated him on the ice bed.

  Qing'er felt it herself, after passing this journey. His various abilities have increased. Whether it is the control of oneself, the use of spirituality, or the degree of tolerance to the cold, as well as the study of the knowledge he usually learns, it is clearer and more thorough. I just sat on the ice-cold bed, now I don’t feel anymore!

  Han Tian looked at the time carefully. It turned out that what they thought just now was old, and it was only half an hour outside!

  It seems that he has been worrying too much! Putting away such thoughts, she even returned with his apprentice the same way. When they returned to the ground, the stars had already risen.

  (End of this chapter)

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