Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2179: A miracle on the rivers and lakes!

   Chapter 2179 A miracle on the rivers and lakes!

  Look back to the tavern again. The two big men are still drinking.

  Chen Xuan has almost explained the relationship between Qing'er and him.

   "So you let down the infatuation of a girl like this?"

  Yan Keyun is an artist with a very delicate mind.

  "What else can I do?" Chen Xuan took another sip.

   "I don't have any thoughts about her, it's better to refuse her early, don't delay his great youth."

   "That's right!" Yan Keyun just drank a cup like this.

  Chen Xuan was very surprised by his drinking! He himself drank one mouthful, while the other party drank one cup at a time!

  Is this amount of alcohol a bit too big?

  Yan Keyun noticed the other person’s very surprised expression.

   "Why do you think I am not drinking enough? What's the point? Little meaning!" Yan Keyun really wasn't lying. He was refreshed and responsive, and his face was as pale as a piece of paper. No matter who said it didn't feel like drunk!

   "Why do you drink so well?" Chen Xuan felt that this person was just one person with all unreasonable things! There are too many doubts in him, which makes him too attractive.

   "What's wrong? Are you surprised?" Yan Keyun smiled very confidently. "The people in my hometown are so alcoholic."

  "Your hometown?" Chen Xuan didn't expect the other party to talk about it with him. Because this is the softest place in everyone's heart.

   "That must be a good place, right?"

  This is not a false praise, but a real want to know. Because the person opposite him, who looks so good-looking, but behaves so strangely, came from that place.

   "Of course it's good!" Yan Keyun said this, as if children were talking about their favorite toys!

  Such an expression? Where did Chen Xuan seem to see him more than an hour ago? Where is it?

  Oh, when he talked about drinking!

  Chen Xuan had to listen to him quietly, because he did not have such feelings, and she wandered all over her life without a fixed hometown. So I don't know what homesickness is, but being able to listen to others can be regarded as making up for a major shortcoming in my life.

   "Let me tell you, there are very beautiful golden beaches." Yan Keyun's mouth was like a firecracker, and he started to crackle, and kept talking.

  "Because our side is near the sea, the climate is very good! It has nurtured the beautiful skin of those of us."

  Chen Xuan's attention was focused on his skin, which was really good, and it was blown out by the gentle sea breeze.

  "Our people are divided into two types, half live on land, and the other half live in the ocean."

  "As for why we love to drink so much, it is entirely due to character!" When he talked about this, his eyes were always shining with fire.

  "The sea monster is born with a harsh nature, but it is not lacking in gentleness and sensitivity. It is not surprising what kind of personality a family like ours, which combines attack, healing, and magic defense!"

   "Of course, we love to drink, which is also related to the origin of Jinsha!" Yan Keyun said very seriously. In his eyes, reason and emotion are always complementary to each other, and neither of them is indispensable. So when introducing to others, be objective and comprehensive.

  Chen Xuan just listened to him, and suddenly felt very moved.

  Yes, only true feelings can write so many words. A shriveled heart, and a frightened heart. Never as powerful as a gentle heart! Therefore, although he has a strange personality, he must have suffered from all the gentleness of the world, so that he will not be polished away by life, and dare to talk to him about his hometown in front of strangers. Only then did he dare to show others that his favorite thing was the wine in their hometown.

  Because of these, they can give her the most solid support and infinite strength!

   "Thank you, Yan Keyun!" Chen Xuan suddenly wanted to thank him when he heard him say.

  He had never felt the warmth of home before, nor did he understand how much energy his homeland can bring to himself, until he saw this person, this person must have his strongest side. Just like his hometown, with the tenderness of the sea and the mighty shore of the cliffs!

   "Ah! Thank me for what? Are you moved?" Yan Keyun was just joking!

   "Yes," Chen Xuan, you confided to him, because the other party had already shocked yourself, and he had nothing to hide in front of such a transparent person. "I heard you talk about your hometown, so I know that your hometown is a very beautiful place, and I also know that you are a very beautiful person."

  The sudden compliment made him blush, but it was more of a smirk.

  "Okay, in that case, let me have two more drinks with me!"

  Sure enough, for him, wine is really his true love! No matter the big thing, a glass of wine will solve it!

  Chen Xuan and Yan Keyun, you have a cup and I have a cup, and no one will let anyone! Originally, Chen Xuan didn't want to drink with him so hard. But Yan Keyun is really hospitable and very good at mobilizing the atmosphere. Chen Xuan, who was just touched by him like this, was unknowingly led by him.

  The remaining Xu Tian is awake, always paying attention to the changes of his master.

  After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food, almost the same food, and some brain pain, the two began to chatter again.

  "Have you ever heard of a person from your Sea-Monster family?" Chen Xuan began to chat with him about the legend of the rivers and lakes.

  "Who?" Yan Keyun saw if he could help.

"In fact, we don't know what his name is, or if he is in the same ethnic group as you. We just heard from the rivers and lakes that he also uses voice as a weapon. And he is also very young. We all call it-- Silver lark"

"Lark? Lark bird? Why does it sound like a girl's name? Of course I have never heard of this." Yan Keyun himself was wondering, if he could sing, he would definitely be inferior to their race, but the name of this person , He has never heard of it.

  Chen Xuan continued to describe to him, not sure if he was right, "As far as we know, he should be about the same age as me."

   "That should be around 20!"

   "Then it is said that he should be a man."

   "Why should a man use the name Bailing? It sounds weird."

  Chen Xuan, taking advantage of his current drinking strength, silently wanted to scold him: You still wear pink fur yourself, and you said that your people have all kinds of evildoers!

   "Is there anything else? Information about this person." Yan Keyun just wanted to find out, and he would fight him!

   "As far as everyone knows, he should be in a stable mood, not free to make moves, and has no tendency to abuse others! He is a good boy, that is, he is very strong!"

   "Then he is so strong, why should he hide his identity?"

   "I don't know this. There is no unified view from all walks of life."

   "So, all in all, this person is a young, well-behaved, strong, and unwilling to show his face." Yan Keyun summarized briefly and horribly.

  (End of this chapter)

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