Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2180: Settle accounts

  Chapter 2180 Settling accounts

  After talking about the great **** of the rivers and lakes, they both drank almost. Especially Chen Xuan! He has a bad drinking capacity, and he has to compare with others.

"Just when the master has the character of competing with others, one day he will be pitted to death! I don't know if he is abducted after drinking it!" Wutian saw that they drank more and stayed sober all the way. , But still can't help but complain silently in my heart.

  There is another great **** wearing pink fur, who is it sacred? Not completely drunk now!

  So what should we do now? If it is revealed at this time that it was his master who asked him to stay here, it would be ugly!

  After thinking for a long time, Kuitian finally came up with a way. He sneaked out of the back door, then pretended to be looking for someone, and came in through the front door. Started a big drama of his own.

  "Master, where are you, master?" He pretended to look around. Finally found his master on a table.

   "Oh, it was here!" He immediately pretended to be overjoyed, but frowned. "Master, why do you drink so much wine?" Then he pretended to inadvertently and found that there was another person next to him.

  "Who is this, please?"

   "My name is Yan Keyun!"

   "Oh, it's you, objective at today's auction."

   "It was me that was right, why do you remember me?" Yan Keyun seemed to have forgotten something.

   "Your pink fur is very beautiful! My master said he likes it very much!" Ruotian ran the train with his mouth full, boasting others without blinking his eyes.

   "Oh, is that him?" Yan Keyun looked at Chen Xuan who was drinking too much in front of him, "It seems that he is still very tasteful!"

   "Hmm, yes, thank you for your compliment!" Ruantian replied somewhat perfunctorily. "But I'm sorry, I think my master has drunk too much, I want to take him back."

  Yan Keyun also knew that it was not early, so he greeted Ruotian and asked him to send his master back well! Xu Tian quickly thank you.

  Why don’t you thank me, don’t thank him again, and pull him away from my master. He has to make my master a drunk turtle tonight! So Wutian picked up her master and ran away, for fear that the person would regret it!

  As a result, he hadn't stepped out of the store with his front foot, and the man did not regret it. His master has repented.

   "Is it Wrinkle Heaven?"

   "It's my master!"

   "You can't just hug me and go! Where is Yan Keyun?"

  "Master, you drank too much, I will help you back now!"

   "No, you have to take him. I have something to tell him in the future, you can let him stay with us for one night!"

  "What? Master, are you serious?" Although Rutian listened to them all the way and knew that they had a good conversation, she couldn't believe her ears.

   "Of course you are serious, can you move the two of us by yourself?"

   Ruotian had no choice but to go back and drag the person up.

   "It's okay, I can go!" Yan Keyun still had a cool youthful voice after drinking too much, and his eyes became bright because of too much water.

  He didn't need help from others, so he stood up very briskly. It is still clean and refreshing.


When   Wu Tian came to his house, she also silently admired in her heart.

  Among the men he has met, his master's accomplishment is considered to be the highest, and the others are unsightly, but this person is even higher than his master's accomplishment! This is not the height that the average person can reach. Even after he grows up, he can't guarantee to be like him.

   Suffering in awe, she immediately wanted to rush to help him.

"It's okay, I said it, I don't need to help." The man laughed, showing his big watery eyes, very charming, but without feminine femininity, the eyes are full of fire, just drink now It was a bit too much, was covered with a layer of water mist, and his cheeks were a little red, which added a touch of elegance to his temperament.

  "Then please!" Rutian stretched out his hand to him. "I will trouble you tonight! Stay one night in our humble house!"

   "It doesn't matter, I'm the same everywhere." He even answered the children with such gentleness, the description of the world could not match his one-tenth.

  So three people already started walking home.

  Of course, this can only be called "home" in Rutian's mouth

  When he got to the place, it was really late. Wutian asked him to sleep in the room where sister Qing'er slept yesterday. He didn't refuse, so he walked in by himself.

  Later, Ruotian felt something was wrong, and gave him a glass of water. With some sobering soup, he blushed because of his repeated thank you.

  I definitely had a brain disease just now! Suspect him unexpectedly! Kuten scolded herself and went to see grandpa.

   Sui Yi hasn't slept at this point, knocking on his abacus in the study.

   "Grandpa! I'm here." After Wu Tian said hello, he entered the house naturally.

   "Hey, why is it your kid? Where's your master?" Wu is also very strange, he obviously made an appointment to settle the account with Chen Xuan!

  "Master, he met his confidant tonight, and he drank a little too much. I let him go to bed first!" Guintian answered his grandfather very honestly.

   "Oh, it turned out to be like this!" Wu Yi just remembered that he had an appointment for a drink tonight. "Then that's all, kid, you and I count it together."

  Kuten very happily agreed. In this way, the account between the two shopkeepers was originally intended to be completed by a pair of grandparents!

   Ruantian thinks this is nothing wrong!

  Wrinkle also turned out today's ledger and abacus. Begin the settlement of today’s accounts immediately.

   "The accounts don't stay overnight! Child, do you remember it?" Ruiya said to her grandson with an abacus.

   "Remember!" Rutian responded very well-behaved.

  So the two of them repeated the work that his grandfather did just now.

  They first made a complete statistics of all the items sold today.

  Includes all kinds of medicinal materials, weapons, books, musical instruments, toys, costumes, and props, which are prepared by everyone, as well as the income from the two high-priced auction items of Magic Crystal and Array.

   Then they made a statistics of today's various booth fees.

  Including yes, those who asked him to host and occupy their booths. Occupy their signboards and do propaganda for themselves. Among these, most of them occupy their booths.

   Then they put together statistics on all kinds of expenditures today.

  Includes today’s banquet, the price of various salutes and decorations, the rent and purchase price of various tables, chairs and benches, and the lease period. Copyright fees for various items and so on.

  (End of this chapter)

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