Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2191: Lurking

   Chapter 2191

  Yan Keyun looked at his expression and knew what he was thinking now, "This is not the time to think about this! It is the most important thing to find out those people as soon as possible!"

   "You are right! It seems we have to fight them again!"

  The two people immediately retreated into the yard, where it is temporarily safe. We didn't know who would be behind, so we all jumped onto the vantage point by the wall.

   "They must be in the backyard! Chase me." The voice is a bit familiar, they should be the leader.

  With an order! Just now more than 20 people searched the yard, and I was like ants all over the floor. The two people walking behind looked very dazzling.

  "We should also think of some countermeasures!" So the two moved separately.

  Finally, they finally found two people. Those two people were standing on the rockery. Nothing was higher than them. So the people below climbed up one by one.

  "If you are brave enough, then climb up!"

  The magic of two people turned into many rocks, one by one, they fell down. In fact, the people below will also resist. So the effect is actually not small. But this also weakened their combat effectiveness to a certain extent.

   "Give me long-range attacks! I don't believe in killing him!"

  So more than 20 people put on a very unified formation into a well-trained formation. At first glance, it's going to be a team battle! They summoned their weapons one after another. And aim uniformly, like an arrow full of bows.

  In an instant, ten thousand arrows were fired, and many magical energies hit this side at the same time.

The two of Chen Xuan were also well prepared. He took out the array stones he was going to sell, and formed a large defense formation one by one. The magic collided on the defense interface, exploding the smell of gunpowder, the sound of boom The skyrocketing fire ignited the night

  In the vigorous explosion, they tried to hide.

   "Hurry up and hide!" Yan Keyun grabbed Chen Xuan, and the two of them hid behind the stone.

  The explosion is still going on vigorously, this place is obviously unable to stand. The two of them had to shift their positions. It seemed to be advancing under gunfire. In the flying sand and rocks along the way, they hid again in that little mountain.

  The explosion outside was vigorous and vigorous, until they thought they were about to be unable to withstand it, the explosion stopped.

  "What the **** is going on?" The leader asked his subordinates very mindfully.

   "Report to the boss, our potion is used up!"

   "Asshole thing! There is no enchantress, can you not?" The men were speechless

  Take advantage of their recovery. The two reorganized their positions.

   "Huh! Let you live a little longer first..."

  "They have no magic now, we can get out of here first."

   "I originally wanted to get out of my body, but now I don't want to!"

   Chen Xuan's tone made him angry.

   "These shameless people dare to bomb me with shells! I will definitely not let them go out alive this time!"

   "You have to calm down, I said that the purpose of our coming first is not to fight with them."

   "So what, we were originally fighting for Qing'er to get his information back, but if you don't rely on force, do you think these people will listen to you step by step?"

  Yan Keyun felt that although what he said was reasonable, he still stopped him.

   "Although what you said is reasonable, we are at a disadvantage now."

   "What's going on? Two people against 20 people, are you not sure?"

  Yan Keyun thought he was telling a joke.

   "Of course I'm not sure, you don't know the rules of the game here." He thinks that life is more important.

   "But I'm sure, I just need you to cooperate with me." Chen Xuan insisted that Qing Shan does not relax, as long as it is something he decides, no one can stop him.

   "What do you want to do?"

   "Circuitous tactics."

   "Since we can't beat 20 people at once, it's okay for us to kill one person at once!"

   "I said, when will it be necessary?" Yan Keyun really underestimated his ability in this respect. Ability to be whimsical.

   "Even if I don't sleep tonight, I will kill them all!"

  "But you should also pay attention. As the number of people decreases, they will become more and more vigilant."

   "Of course I know this, so the last group of people is one pot."

  Yan Keyun still feels that this plan is impossible to achieve.

   Chen Xuan looked into his eyes and asked him seriously. "So, are you going to help me?"

Hey! Yan Keyun is very desperate now, he really feels that this plan is impossible to achieve, because he has never seen such a situation!

  But all come, what can I do if I don’t help? If that is the case, then he would be a good person to do it to the end and send the Buddha to the west! Don't put your life here!

  After exchanging their eyes, the two began to work out the battle plan.

  They observed the enemy’s situation. Some of them were recovering, and some were patrolling. Chen Xuan planned to start with these patrols.

   "Did you see that? That person is now alone, let's start with him! No one knows if he is killed!"

  The two people walked out of the ruins again. Tonight, the moon was very bright and the moon was round, so they had a clear picture of their road.

  The two of them negotiated this time and did not use magic or light-emitting skills. Each of them had a sharp sword, and silently killed one.

   "Okay, let me see which one you are next!" It's really easy to addicted to sneaking and doing bad things. Chen Xuan solved the first one and wanted to start looking for the next one. Sure enough, he saw another one alone.

  The two people moved over again secretly, and killed this person three times and five times, and he died silently.

  The one and this person haven't noticed yet, things have changed, and they are still patrolling around according to the original plan. In this small yard, a shocking drama was staged.

  They quietly dragged people away one by one, and then killed them. When they killed more people, some people finally found something wrong!

   "Look at it? Are there fewer people?"

   "Should not, aren't the two of them still hiding in the market cave?"

   "But I always feel that it seems that our patrol area is getting bigger and bigger."

   "That should be born from the moon, don't be distracted, wait for some of their powerful people to recover. They will never get away!"

  So, a sudden crisis was resolved by themselves.

  (End of this chapter)

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