Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2192: game

   Chapter 2192 The Game

   "I think it's almost time to kill now, right?" Yan Keyun followed his new friend all the way, and suddenly felt that he was still quite capable. This seemingly impossible task has been realized step by step by him! Sure enough, her ability should not be underestimated.

   "It's almost done, but don't worry, there is one last step!" Chen Xuan's inner smug smile was overwhelming, and he praised himself 10,000 in his heart! It turns out that she herself has become smart too.

  The last step is that no one in the entire yard will design another big magic circle. Although they escaped the previous one, it is still necessary to build one. At the same time, he also understood that there should be a master! At least a master who can break the stone.

  So this time he didn't dare to use those things to replace himself, so he concentrated on, and started the fine work wholeheartedly. Yan Keyun didn't understand these things at first, but he almost understood the stones that he had auctioned for a while last night.

  "Why don't we add some tricks in it?" He is always like a child, creative anytime, anywhere.

   "Okay, what do you want to add?" Of course Chen Xuan also needs this kind of creativity! The two of them complement each other perfectly! Where can I find such a good friend? Sure enough, he still has to rely on him to drink to get it back!

   "Otherwise, let's add the sonic attack of our Kraken clan."

  Sonic...This kid is really vicious! Chen Xuan sighed silently in his heart, but he absolutely didn't dare to talk about it. He was really afraid that one day, this kid would become too playful and would pit himself!

  But such a vicious move is very effective against others! Thinking of the scene where the group of people was shocked by the sound wave and had a splitting headache. An evil smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face!

  Sure enough, what the hero sees is the same!

  So they added fuel and jealousy to this circle, showing evil smiles from time to time. Finally, this murderous magic circle is completed! Then, after they discovered the problem, a pot of porridge got in!

  The two people took advantage of the temporary safety, and continued to kill him one by one.

  "Why haven't you found out about him yet?" Yan Keyun's fresh thinking went online again.

  In fact, Chen Xuan thinks so too, but convenience is the main thing! Convenience is the priority! They will find out later! Like a naughty kid preparing for a big surprise! At the end, the gifts are richer.

  Unconsciously, the group of guards on patrol disappeared one by one. The yard gradually became empty, but those capable people were almost restored.

   "Which one of them is the best?" Yan Keyun asked Chen Xuan noncommitantly

   "I think it should be the one I haven't seen just now." Chen Xuan and the two lay on the rock again and pointed to the man in the middle. "And he is still the one surrounded by him, his status is definitely not low."

   "Then how do we deal with him?" Yan Keyun deliberately suppressed his voice very low, really like a naughty child.

  Chen Xuan disliked him for too many roles in his heart, it didn't seem like he was here to kill!

   "Don't kill that! I have something to ask him until the end. And that, that, those three will not kill." Chen Xuan pointed his finger at the three people, and Yan Keyun immediately received the signal.

   "Why don't we destroy one more now?" Yan Keyun looked at the rest, and there were less than ten fools who hadn't noticed it now!

   "I really want to remind them!"

   "Okay, come on!" It's just outrageous.

  So they jumped down again, and the two of them took sharp blades in their hands and killed all the guards in broad daylight.

  "Their IQ is too low, right?"

   "Maybe they are only used to walking in a room with no one! Such a situation, they should have never encountered it!" It was another time for two people to whisper.

   "These few people are left, or, shall we do it?" Chen Xuan looked at Yan Keyun and asked for his opinion.

  "Then do it!" Yan Keyun waved his hands as if very tired. "If you don't solve them, it will be dawn." Then he remembered one more thing. "Oh, by the way, does your magic circle still work? Don't wait for a while when I zoom in and attract everyone's attention. It's midnight!"

   "Don't worry, it works! Don't worry about howling!"

   "That's not called howling a wolf!" Yan Keyun turned his face away in anger. How old is this person?

   "Did you see that way? We'll start with this person later! The three of them are the strongest. As long as you control them, nothing else is enough to cause danger."

   "It turns out that we have spent so much preparation just now. Anyway, it is for the three of them." Yan Keyun also understood that with such a clear plan of war in front of him, it is impossible to win or not.

   "Later, we will outflank the two wings and use a circuitous tactic. Finally, we will introduce them into the magic circle together!"

   "No problem!" Yan Keyun stroked her hair. "My glitter powder is ready!"

  "The power of reincarnation! Extinction of the void!" With a loud noise, the second round of battle began in the courtyard

The skills released by    are like fireworks, once again lit up in the night sky. But that is actually the magical energy of real swords and guns, making the person who was caught in the face dying!

  (End of this chapter)

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