Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2193: deal with

   Chapter 2193

   "Yes solve another one." Yan Keyun bounced like a child, waving his hands.

   "Yes, let me play with the five of you for a while."

  The remaining five people turned around in a hurry, only to find that the yard was already empty.

   "Okay, don't look, there is no one!" Chen Xuan reminded them impatiently that if you fight again, it's better to make a quick decision.

  The five people did start to lose their positions, stepping back step by step. After a few steps back, the man in the middle spoke.

   "Okay, don't retire. How many men, are you afraid that some of them will fail?"

  "Master, they killed more than a dozen of our brothers."

   "Killing them to death, it is because they are too weak! You don't know their strength! Who are we, we are not weak! It's me who cheered up."

  After a reprimand from the person in the middle, they stabilized their position a little.

   "Huh! The hairy boy still wants to defeat me. I think you should be ruined!" The man in the middle has a long oily face, is about 40 years old, and speaks very arrogantly and domineeringly. Don't pay attention to the younger generations at all! Let alone Chen Xuan in his 20s!

  His eyes rolled, and he saw Yan Keyun next to him, "and you kid too!" He saw the pink fur on his body that he hadn't changed for a day. "At a young age, he is wearing such a madness. It seems that growing up is not a good thing! Nowadays, fine-looking and beautiful are natural capital. You can't wear pink as a dress! It's a slander! "She was still babbling and cursing. It was all those feudal ideas. Yan Keyun himself was unruly and uncomfortable listening.

   "Mr. Chen Xuan, can we start?" Yan Keyun called him "Mr.", and Chen Xuan knew he was angry!

   "Come on! I don't want to hear him curse people here."

   "Then don't blame me for being polite!"

  Yan Keyun suddenly floated from the ground in mid-air, standing in front of him, tall and straight without an attacking posture, standing very gracefully.

  The big boss, not knowing what he was going to do, raised his chin and asked him "What's the matter? We are here to fight, are you here to pose?"

   "You see him so thin! He doesn't have a weapon in his hand, and he doesn't seem to be a man who can do it!"

   "Maybe he wants to match us with his beauty!"

   was the middle-aged man in the middle again, and he said again, "Boy, if you don't know how to fight, or you can sing a song for us!" This sentence just hit his death hole.

  Yan Keyun bends down and salutes them very gracefully, with a smile on her lips.

   Chen Xuan felt cold when he saw it: That's it, this guy seems to be making a big move.

  Sure enough, as soon as Yan Keyun spoke, he knew if there was any. His enchanting voice instantly burst from his chest, shaking the earth! It also shook the air nearby. Chen Xuan had never seen him send out such a powerful attack in such a battle! The sound is like a green bamboo breaking through the ground, thundering and bursting! And most importantly, he still has a direction! This time it is completely towards the front! Chen Xuan was not affected at all! Instead, the person standing in front of him seemed to be deaf.

   "Thank you, I'm not in front of him..." Chen Xuan whispered behind him. If standing in front of him and rolling on the ground when he was standing in front of him, I'm afraid he would have to add him!

  Yan Keyun’s attack lasts for a short time, probably less than a minute, but his overwhelming volume is like a crashing mountain and destroying a hero, and then the ladders and stones are linked together! Don't tell me how excited I see it! Taking advantage of this strength, Chen Xuan also wanted to intervene to help, but when he was just getting ready to attack. Yan Keyun stopped his high-pitched voice, put a hand on her chest, and stopped him with his hand.

Although Chen Xuan didn't understand why, he stopped. Because he almost had this experience, maybe the thing that was insulted. It is his most precious thing, so only he can defend his dignity! So he didn't intervene anymore, but helped him guard the rear.

  Yan Keyun is indeed a sonic monster! Chen Xuan originally thought that the shocking high pitch just now was enough! The treble is overwhelming, coming turbulently, and it makes people scream in the ears, and even connects to the brain, making it painful! When you flip the attack down, your ears can be regarded as crippled! Brain is also a pain in the heart.

  But what he didn't expect was that he had other ways! The people in front of you are already rolling on the ground and covering their ears.

  , this time, Yan Keyun used super low bass again! It simply opened up Chen Xuan's vision!

  The sound was very nice at the beginning, soft and succulent with a tone! Singing in the middle of that night, the silver moonlight fell on him,

   Gives a gentleman’s elegance and endless psychedelic! It seems to be in a trance! But it can be grasped.

The squinting bass continued for a while, and I heard people drunk and yawned, as if he wanted to sleep. Chen Xuan didn’t know what he was singing. He only knew that the sound was like running water, but soft like cotton, which made people feel. The whole body and mind are crisp, just want to follow his rhythm to relax.

  This bass continued for a while. When everyone was intoxicated, Chen Xuan finally found out what was wrong. It turned out that the secret of this attack was here! For the deep interest, someone will relax with music, but it is also like boiling a frog in warm water, allowing people to gradually adapt to the surrounding environment and adapt to the current rhythm. But the gentle rhythm that God knows has hidden signals that make people nervous. Once a person is addicted to this kind of thing, he will only keep swaying with him, completely forgetting the murderous intention behind him! The voice sounded soft and soft, and there was indeed a low-frequency resonance. The shocking person had a fever and blood bulging. Will be lost and dizzy, in this gentle voice! If you want to crack him, you can only start when the voice has just been transferred. Otherwise once missed. The body will be addicted forever!

  After Chen Xuan understood, there was a cold air behind his back

   is too vicious, this trick is simply too vicious! On the surface is the most gentle music, behind it is the greatest murder! And I feel that he caused you to die unknowingly, and when your music stops and you wake up, you will be in terrible pain! I found that all my bodies are no longer attached to myself! How much hatred is there to make a gentle person like Yan Keyun use such a vicious trick?

  Chen Xuan himself didn’t know, and he didn’t dare to bother. Only remind him at the last resort.

   "The three people, I want them to live!"


  (End of this chapter)

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