Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2209: Herbal Collection (2)

  Chapter 2209 Medicine Collection (2)

In less than a while, he could already hear the gurgling water below, the air mixed with mud, and the fragrance of bamboo leaves deep in the mountains. Walking down the trees, he came to the valley. At that time, the moon was about to rise.

He glanced at it. It was a big river, shimmering, reflected under the moon, surrounded by rolling mountains, showing a dark blue color in the dark. The color difference between the peaks and the sky is still very large. At this time, the sky is already The blue is red, revealing the last halo, while the valley is faintly black, so the mountains are very obvious in the sky, so you don't need to be careful to distinguish! There are many trees, flowers and plants growing in the mountain stream, especially on both sides of the river. On the white shallows, walking in is low bushes. The wild fragrance is fragrant and the green grass smells very good. If you are lucky, you can still see a few. Shining fireflies lit up the night sky.

  The air is so comfortable...Chen Xuan, can't help but breathe deeply in this nature, feeling the essence of the heavens and the earth.

  After relaxing, they immediately became nervous again, because he knew it was not time to rest. He also has to hurry to find herbs.

  Of course, this plant herb is just a generic term. He can't even say that it is a kind of grass. If you don't know it, you don't believe it is a medicine! Because he is really ugly. In the doctor’s mouth, his body is black and covered with thorns. It looks like a rattan. After cutting it, there will be juice spewing out. The only thing that looks good is him. Will bloom some green flowers, adding a little life to her ugly vine.

Based on these clues, he found out in the valley. The moon has risen higher and higher. Today is not the night of the full moon and the light is not particularly good. He lit a fire and held the torch not only to drive away the cold, But even more for lighting, so that he can act in the middle of the night! Do not waste every minute and every second.

Chen Xuan, although he knows about herbal medicines, he is not particularly proficient, especially like this kind of newcomer, he has never heard of it, and he has no certainty, so he had to look at it. At this point, all similar rattans are taken away. Of course, you must pay special attention to those that have bloomed. Chen Xuan carefully put them one by one into the frame on his back, not wanting them to be injured at all. After all, one or more of them is Yan Keyun’s life-saving medicine. If you fold it in your hand, then I'm afraid it's not a crime!

The valley is a V-shaped, so it is big inside and small outside. In the end, only the turbulent river is left. Chen Xuan took this area as the scope for searching. Today's class, and the mountain is not from the bottom of the mountain to the halfway. The trees also turned into dividing lines, and in this small area, Chen Xuan turned upside down!

He looked at the sky with a shallow white color, and estimated that the time was about to come. The torch in his hand had been replaced with a second one. He was within his sight, and finally checked again, and there was no missing black. Object, and looked at his full basket of herbs.

   "Let’s stop here today, this valley has almost been searched by me, it’s important to go back!"

  So, he put the basket on his back again, took out his yin and yang to cut the faint dawn, grabbed the valley one by one, and then worked hard all the way, and finally returned to the doctor’s house at sunrise.

  The door was not locked. You also left a light for him. He entered the door lightly and saw the doctor guarding by the bed under the dim light. He was trapped in Yan Keyun's bed.

  His old man probably stayed up all night...

  Chen Xuan was moved in his heart. He walked around the doctor with his own hands and wanted to see Yan Keyun.

  She slept soundly, breathing very evenly, and her complexion was slightly better than before.

   "It's okay, I'm okay now!" The doctor said suddenly. It should be that he moved too much and caused the other party to quarrel.

   "Did I wake you up?"

   "It's okay, it's time to get up! You're all back" The doctor also saw Chen Xuan, knowing that it's too early, so he got up.

  "Have you not had breakfast yet?"


   "I'll make it for you later! Have you picked the medicinal materials I asked you to pick?"

   "I don't know. Just follow your instructions and step on a basket to come back."

  Chen Xuan, he answered very honestly, because his slaves were also honest.

   "Then let the old man take a look! Have you picked up the baby!"

  As they said, the two took down the frame and all fell to the ground. Relying on his medical knowledge and insight, the old Chinese doctors pick one by one.

   "This is not, this is ordinary grass."

   "Neither, this is black rattan."

   "It's all better. This is black ginseng, but it's not as useful as white ginseng!"

  Chen Xuan watched it constantly picking up the herbs on the ground and the empty baskets, and did not dare to relax for a moment.

  His ears were filled with "No" and "No".

  His worry is getting heavier and heavier, watching the doctors pick one by one, and in the end, as he expected, the result is still the same.

   "It doesn't matter..." The doctor comforted him.

   "Of course this kind of thing is not lucky!" In fact, it depends on luck! On this point, the doctor did not lie to him. He has been a quack doctor for nearly 20 years, and he has only stepped on one plant. She was still taken medicine later. Therefore, it is actually not a earth-shattering thing.

"What about Yan Keyun?" Chen Xuan, the rare first time he showed a look of depression, he rushed back after a hard night, hoping that there would be a life-saving herbal medicine in this basket, but The cruel reality told him that there was not a single plant! It's not that he is afraid of running one more time and how many times, he doesn't care, but what he is worried about is Yan Keyun! He was worried that his body would still be able to wait for that one! Thinking of this, his head finally lowered.

  For the first time, he bowed his head because of one person and one thing!

  Of course the doctor looked in his eyes and patted him on the shoulder.

   "Okay, boy! Don't be sad anymore! Let's send him some anger first!"

  Chen Xuan, slowly raising his head, he saw that the sun outside the window had begun to shine.

  "It’s not the time yet. Not only will the true qi not have its maximum effect, but it will be the time when the humidity is the highest every day. At this time, if the extreme yin and the extreme yang collide, it will damage his body!

  After the doctor finished speaking, he was trembling, "I will make breakfast for you two boys first!"

  "Thank you..." Before Chen Xuan finished his sentence, he suddenly realized another thing, "Here, you said that they were two people? So he had eaten yesterday? He can still eat now?"

   "Oh!" The doctor pretended to sigh, "I didn't hide it by accident! I wanted to tell you when he gets better!"

  Speaking of this, his head looks like Yan Keyun lying on the bed. He is still asleep, breathing evenly.

   "Actually, I didn't expect that when he opened his eyes yesterday afternoon, I was already dizzy. I didn't expect him to get up to eat." Then the doctor walked to his bed and looked at him lovingly. "It should be his own physique, coupled with strong internal strength. This is really his blessing! So, don't worry too much, he is actually not as weak as you think!" The doctor finished this. , Gave Chen Xuan an encouraging look and turned to cook.

  (End of this chapter)

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