Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2210: Try again

   Chapter 2210 Try again

  After the two of them had breakfast, the sun finally came out, the doctor began to prepare for acupuncture, and Chen Xuan began to adjust his breath.

  Chen Xuan watched his acupuncture and moxibustion **** Yan Keyun's body one by one, and saw small holes pierced in his body, only to realize that his focus was a little strange.

   But since it was hooked up, it is not so easy to erase it. Simply let yourself see it and forget it. Chen Xuan began to observe his muscles. Yan Keyun was unsurprisingly in good shape. This should be the standard equipment for their business. He is very thin. It should be caused by illness these days. In a daze, he seemed to be looking at him. The other party felt a little bit stubborn. It is like a leaf in the wind, very tall and straight, but it has fallen. The weight loss made his skeleton very obvious. Its back is very beautiful, and Chen Xuan can clearly see the butterfly bones on his back. His forearms are a bit fat, showing a lazy and cute look that is not commensurate with those who practice martial arts.

  This should be his usual physique! Chen Xuan thought of his usual drinking arrogance and squinted his eyes with a smile, and his focus was restored to normal.

   "Yan Keyun, you must get better!" He said to him in his heart.

  The old gentleman finally finished inserting all the silver needles, and both of them sat down on the bed. Chen Xuan began to gain strength. As time passed, the old gentleman pulled out the needles one by one.

  The third time he did this kind of thing, Chen Xuan gradually became familiar with him. He became clear and familiar with the road, when should he slow down, and when should he speed up, he now knew everything well, and he didn't need the old gentleman to point him aside. The only regret is that he has not found that herb until now.

Yan Keyun’s sweat came out again a little bit, and along with the black juice, Chen Xuan also saw the timing, increased his skill, formed a protective cover, Yan Keyun’s sweat continued to flow, his body It was warmed up again, and then he made a sound:


   looks like a baby just waking up.

  Chen Xuan, I heard it all at once, and he was very excited, but he controlled his emotions, his skill was still not bad, and he continued to give him luck.

  Yan Keyun slowly opened his eyes, his brows were still frowning, but he could already see things around him clearly. He saw Chen Xuan sending infuriating energy for himself, and an old man beside him was pulling out the silver needle from him.

  He said why his whole body hurts so much! It turns out that someone put a needle in your body!

  He knew it was inconvenient to speak, so he sat down gradually. He waited for the two of them to clean up before he spoke in a weak voice.

   "Did you go out yesterday afternoon."

  Chen Xuan did not expect that the first sentence when she woke up turned out to be this, but he still answered slowly.

   "Yes! Yes! I gave you the whole medicine yesterday morning, but it was a bit miserable! I didn't find anything! Your life may be lost!" He seemed to be joking on purpose and said a lot of funny things. Yan Keyun just laughed at him without saying a word, but his face was full of disgust.

  "You are lying down here now. If you want to eat, let the doctor do it for you. Now I am going out to find you an antidote. You have to fight for your little body!"

  After she finished speaking, she took another shot of Yan Keyun's quilt. Yan Keyun looked into his eyes and nodded very seriously.

  "Where are you going? Are you still going to the valley?" The doctor also walked over and asked.

   "No, I'm going to find a friend today. He said that if you have any injury or illness, you can ask him for advice. I want to see if I can run into luck!"

   "If this is the case, it would be a good idea! You put it in tonight, and I will watch it for you."

  This doctor is still very medically ethical! He is obliged to treat illnesses and save people.

   "So, thank you doctor!" After speaking, he turned around and went out.

  The uncle who competed yesterday! He must have a way! Chen Xuan didn't know where his confidence came from, so he flew all the way to the martial arts field.

   Yesterday again, the old uncle still showed up on time, and Chen Xuan rushed over when he saw him as if he had met his relatives.

   "Uncle Uncle, I am Chen Xuan yesterday! Someone Chen!"

  Of course, the uncle saw him running towards him all the way, but he just saw him running in such a hurry and wanted to know what was wrong with him.

   "What's wrong? Young man, why are you running in such a hurry?"

  Chen Xuan, ran in front of it and killed the car all at once.

  "Uncle is like this. You said yesterday that you can help us solve the drug problem. Are you still counting this now?"

  He asked very anxiously, speaking very fast, but very sincere.

   "Well, of course do the numbers!" The uncle said lightly, but actually looked serious. It doesn't matter what she looks like, what matters is that he has already let go.

"That's great, uncle, I need your help! Could you please fulfill your promise and wish me a hand!" Chen Xuan, after hearing these words, he was half relieved. After all, he can't guarantee whether there are any medicinal materials, but He is still at ease if someone is willing to help him.

   "What's wrong? Is anyone around you sick?"

   "Yes, uncle, this is the other one who came with me the other day."

   "Oh, that person" He really had an impression. The person he wore a blue suit that day was very conspicuous. He clearly spoke softly and was somewhat unruly, so it was very easy to remember.

   "What's wrong? Is he sick? Is it a cold?" A cold can't be normal for anyone without a minor injury or illness.

   "No, uncle, it's a lot more serious than you think..."

  "Serious?" The uncle's heart hung up in an instant. Although he had not spoken to that child, he also knew that he was a good child! Now he is sick, and his good friend is so anxious to beg him! "Boy, tell me! What is wrong with her?" The uncle looked straight into his eyes.

  Chen Xuan looked away and lowered his eyes, "He is poisoned."

"The doctor said that this kind of poison is very rare, and it is specifically aimed at people who have martial arts. The stronger the martial arts, the greater the toxicity. You should have been poisoned with me as well because of my special physique. On the contrary, It made him guilty." His voice was deep when he said this, as if something was pressing on his heart.

   "Then what kind of poison does he have? How can it be solved?"

  "The doctor said that he needs a kind of herbal medicine. This herbal medicine has black vines with thorns on it. After cutting it, it will run out of juice and sometimes look at some green flowers."

   "And it generally grows in mountain streams!" Chen Xuan did not forget to add this sentence.

  "Black, blooming, vines, still growing in the mountain stream, so it should be viper grass!" The uncle rubbed his moustache, thinking.

  "Viper grass? Uncle, have you heard of it?" Chen Xuan's heart was shocked, as if something had exploded in his heart, making him a little unreal.

  (End of this chapter)

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