Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2211: Viper grass

  Chapter 2211 Viper Grass

   "Yes, I have heard of it." The uncle repeated affirmative answer.

   "It should be in our drug store." She looked up at Chen Xuan.

   "This kind of thing is not easy to find, Jin Gui has it!"

  "I know this, uncle, how much do you want, I will give it to you!"

  Unexpectedly, the uncle’s actions always out of his expectation, he laughed instead.

   "Cough! Anyway, this kind of thing can be met and unquestionable. Since the price can't be measured, then I will give it to you! If he can really save his life, what can I do with money?"

Uncle    is his unexpected open-mindedness.

   "Let's go, come home with me today!" As he said, he put down his things and turned around to leave.

   "Uncle, your martial arts business?" Chen Xuan was still a little worried, thinking about whether to give him some money.

   "It's okay, it can't be closed without opening for a day, life is dead!"

  Chen Xuan then stopped worrying about him, and the two rushed home.

Uncle   's home is not far away, it's only a quarter of an hour from here, and it is actually the largest local medicine hall! Chen Xuan once thought that the uncle should be in the dry medicine business, but never thought it would be the largest one! He was still a little surprised, but more of it was excitement and gratification. Thanks to the uncle having such a big drugstore, if he changed to someone else, there should be no way...

  "Don’t be there, just follow me upstairs! The precious medicinal materials are all upstairs, there is nothing here!"

  Chen Xuan then took another look at the whole wall of Chinese medicine, opening and closing, nervous and orderly, the customer pharmacist bustling, the "nothing" pharmacy on the first floor with noisy gongs and drums, followed his husband to the top floor.

Then you are much quieter than the first floor, but the place is also small. When you walk in, it still smells of medicine, but it is no longer the same as the fragrance of grass downstairs. It is all agarwood. With the smell, you know that it is more than a few years. It's a good medicine!

  "Fembrine...Let me take a look!" The uncle searched the small medicine cabinet on the third floor one by one. Chen Xuan waited on the sidelines and observed here by the way.

  The third floor is a semi-circular structure, the open side is connected with the stairs, the whole structure is made of sandalwood, it exudes a light fragrance, and the quiet atmosphere that the hospital needs especially. The medicine cabinet may be different on the first floor, it is much smaller than him, but it is also very delicate, with many grids, at a glance, there are probably more than one hundred. It's just small grids the size of a palm. Look at the wood, it should also be a good wood. Each grid is very delicate and there are not many signs of wear. It can be inferred that there are not many openings.

  After reading every grid, the uncle finally found what he was looking for in a corner not far from the top. He got up the small ladder next to him and quickly took it down.

   "Come on, twelve-year viperweed!" He really held a black vine in his hand with some small thorns on it. Chen Xuan could see now that he was really different from other ordinary companions. His black is not a color of black. He couldn't describe what he was like. He only felt that this herbal medicine had its own unique temperament. Just like his name, it is like a snake and scorpion. Although it is not beautiful in appearance, it can cure diseases and save people!

  After he had read it, the uncle put him in a special small wooden box, sealed it, and handed it to him.

  "I picked this by chance when I went up to the mountain more than ten years ago. The portion is not very large, but he is old, and you should use it to save people. It should be about the same!"

  Chen Xuan quickly took it with both hands, this piece of grass, but Yan Keyun's life is attached to it!

  "Uncle Uncle, thank you so much!" Chen Xuan Yisheng repeatedly thanked him. The gratitude in his heart now can no longer be expressed in words.

   "No thanks, no thanks!" The uncle responded like a joke.

   "Boy, you only know thank you now, don’t you know how to use this stuff?"

  Chen Xuan realized that he was happy to patronize. I really didn’t know, but someone reminded me of the loss! Either Khan is really going to make a big joke, a big problem!

  He had no choice but to smile, sorry and thankful and said, "I don’t know, please give me instructions."

   "Hahaha, I knew you didn't know, listen to me!" The uncle also showed a proud expression, hands on hips, and started to tell him!

  "This thing, it's not an ordinary herbal medicine. If I want to eat it, I must first remove its poisonous poison!"

   "This thing is still poisonous?"

   "Of course the medicinal materials with such details are usually coexisting toxins and tonics!"

  "But this is not the point. The kid can get rid of the toxins through simple treatment!"

"First of all, you must not boil it in water. You must boil it with rock sugar before boiling. The rock sugar is the only thing that can restrain him. Although it is ordinary, the half-sugar particles in it are very restrained against the toxins of this thing. ! And it is best to find a copper pot, which can absorb copper ions by the way, so that part of the toxins can also be removed."

   "Is this enough, Master?" Chen Xuan was still too naive.

   "Of course it's not enough, so even if you go too much, you can't directly take the medicine and how toxic it is, you don't know!"

  "Listen to me that after the above processing, this thing should be drunk with the porridge pot!"

   "Well, is there still this effect?"

  Isn’t this simply a medicinal diet? Is this treating illness or cooking?

   "Oh, your kid talks a lot when it's this critical time! Big vulgarity is elegant, do you understand this principle? The same goes for medicine, big medicine is tonic!"

"So I still go back to the right way. When using it to cook porridge, I still need to put a lot of rock sugar. At the same time, I need to use a copper pot, but this time I still need to put it. Another medicine. This medicine is fresh yam! The first half is dropped, and the side must not be peeled! The yam has large pores and plenty of juice, so it can absorb its toxins again. After cooking, you must remove the whole yam!"

  Chen Xuan, took a brush from the side to memorize these things, it was too much for him, and he was not good at cooking medicine, these things can only be given to the old man! Unfortunately, there is still one at home who can do things, otherwise it's really impossible to rely on the two of them!

Chen Xuan suddenly felt warm in his heart. Although he encountered many difficulties along the way, he also met very good people, such as the doctor who didn’t need his money now, and the uncle in front of her, she couldn’t imagine. If you didn't meet these two people, what situation would he and Yan Keyun fall into? So she quickly finished memorizing it, folded the piece of paper into four folds and stuffed it inside her clothes.

  Yan Keyun, I’m back with medicine!

   "It's done, so hurry up when you finish memorizing it, don't waste time! It's more important to save people!"

Before leaving, Chen Xuan said again, "Uncle, thank you!"

   is the most sincere thanks to those who have helped him.

   "It's OK, I see, no thanks, go!"

  Chen Xuan, only then waved with him and ran away.

  (End of this chapter)

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