Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2317: Where to go

   Chapter 2317

  The man nodded. However, Chen Xuan felt a little embarrassed. He thought that he had also come from Black Rock City.

When I just came here before, the man Murongxi knew wanted to stay with Chen Xuan for the night, and Chen Xuan also refused. Therefore, if Chen Xuan is allowed to go back now, he would definitely not use his self-esteem. Go back easily.

  But thinking that I was injured when I came to this forest suddenly, so now there is no other place to go.

   "Now let's go to Black Rock City first, after all, it is the closest place."

  The man said, packed a few things into his backpack. Those are the leftovers of his companions.

  Outside Black Rock City...

  The silhouettes of two men were reflected on the top of the city gate, looking at the city wall into the clouds.

  The man looked at Chen Xuan and said to him, "This is Black Rock City."

  Chen Xuan looked at the towering walls of Black Rock City and said to the man: "I have been here before."

  "You have been here" The man showed a surprised expression, he looked at Chen Xuan.

   "Yes, I have been here, but only stayed here for a while."

  The man heard Chen Xuan say this, so he took a few steps forward and said to Chen Xuan: "I don't know your name yet, what is your name."

   "Chen Xuan."

   "My name is Li Yang."

After hearing the man introduce himself, Chen Xuan said to him, "What are your plans now."

   "I plan to not think about it yet, but I don't think I can be a demon hunter anymore. It's not safe recently."

   "Yes, I also found that place. I'm going to wait until I get better."

   "Are you going to join our Demon Hunter Guild?"

   "Demon Hunter Guild?"

   Chen Xuan heard the man say this, and became curious, not knowing what the Demon Hunter Guild did.

  The man saw Chen Xuan looking at him curiously, so he explained to Chen Xuan: "The Demon Hunter Guild is the guild that hunts these monsters. If you want to join, I can explain it to you in detail."

  "The Demon Hunter Guild..."

  Chen Xuan hesitated. He thought that he had nowhere to go now. If there was someone who could introduce him, then why not do it.

   So Chen Xuan happily agreed: "If it's good, I'll join it."

   "But our Demon Guild is only in this county."

   "Are there many more Demon Hunter Guilds."

"There are many demon hunter guilds, but we have one in Black Rock City, and every county will also have a demon hunter guild, but, if you join the demon hunter guild, then your members are universal. ."

   "Do you still need members to join this guild."

   "Yes, if you want to do it, you just need to prove your strength. The people in this guild say there are millions of them now."

  Hearing the man say this, Chen Xuan said to him: "Okay, I have nowhere to go right now, so I can join this Demon Hunter Guild."

   "In that case, let's go to the city."

  At night, the flow of people in Black Rock City is gradually becoming scarce, but the city center is still brightly lit, and the Demon Hunter's Guild is located in the center of the city.

  At this moment, looking at the city into the clouds, the houses around Chen Xuan and the others are all neatly built.

   "That's it." The man said to Chen Xuan, while he said, thinking about going inside.

  At the moment they just walked into this room, they saw an old man standing in the center of the hall.

  Looking at the old man, the man stepped forward to greet him and asked: "Mr. Wang, may I ask how much the crystal cores of these monsters are worth?"

  At this moment, the man looked at what Li Yang said to him: "You are back. I seemed to have heard someone say that your team was ambushed and was chased out of the forest by those monsters."

  When the old man said this, Li Yang actually showed a repentant look on his face and said to him, “Yes, there is no way. Those guys are too greedy. I want to stop them, but it's too late.”

  The old man also sighed. He looked at Li Yang with a frustrated face and said to him, “After all, this is nothing you can do. You should adapt to it.”

   Li Yang looked at the old man, and suddenly turned to the old man and said: "Mr. Li, the behavior of those monsters is not normal recently. I want to know what is the reason?"

  The old man sighed when he heard Li Yang say this, but instead of answering the questions inside immediately, he passed the steps inside. Then he looked at Chen Xuan and asked him: What is the origin of this young man"

  Li Yang took a look at Chen Xuan, and then explained to the old man, “He is a person we met this time. This person saved us. You can trust him, and he will join the Demon Hunter Guild now.”

Hearing what Li Yang said, the old man showed relief on his face. He looked at Chen Xuan and said to the two of them: "This place is definitely not safe now. I heard that there are three places. These beasts are in a state of violent violent state, one is near the ancient city city, and the other is near our Black Rock City. I heard that this situation also occurred in Xishui County."

   "It only appears in three places. I think it's weird."

  At this moment, Li Yang looked at the old man and said to him, “I don’t know if you found that the city lord, county lord, or palace lord in these three places were all killed by that mysterious person."

   "Yes, I also found this problem. Now the Demon Hunter Guild is also investigating this matter. After all, if these monsters continue to raging, then it must be a big loss for us."

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan thought secretly, he thought of encountering those violent beasts when he first came. It is said that the ancient city is a very big city, and it is also a city governed by a powerful master.

  However, he originally thought that Black Rock City seemed to be a big city, but in fact, the scale of Black Rock City was far from the scale of Ancient Classic City, and it was under the jurisdiction of the strongest ruler in Black Rock City.

   However, it is not the dominant-level powerhouse who governs this Black Rock City, but one of his subordinates, and also a palace lord.

   "There is no way, but we can only think of another way."

  The old man looked at Li Yang and said to him: “The two also came out of the black rock forest, so let’s rest here first. We can only arrange accommodation for you, and we are also investigating these things.”

  As he said, the old man led the two of them towards the inside of the union. There were some figures standing directly on both sides of the union, but Chen Xuan didn't know who these figures were.

  The old man saw Chen Xuan's look around, so he explained to Chen Xuan: "These people are all the princess and palace owners of our county."

   "This county powerhouse?" Chen Xuan said.

The old man seemed to really not know when he saw Chen Xuan, so he glanced at the city lord and explained to him: "Yes, the person above is the ruler of our region, and the one below is the princess of our county. , And then several other people are the palace masters here, have you seen it?"

  Speaking, the old man pointed to a person under the portrait and said to Chen Xuan: "This person is the lord of our Black Rock City and the lord of this area."

  Chen Xuan nodded thoughtfully.

   "That's it, I know it."

  Chen Xuan looked at him, but did not continue to speak, but followed the old man to continue walking forward.

   Just after they changed a few corners, they came to a room, and the old man said to the two of them: "This is the two of them. You two should rest here first."

   "Okay, sir, thank you so much."

   "Well, it doesn't matter. After all, you all belong to our Demon Hunter Guild, and you can live out of that forest. So, just live here."

  The old man took a look at Li Yang, and then said to him: "Li Yang, you can live in this room. Come here with me."

   Seeing Li Yang and the old man walking forward, Chen Xuan didn't pay attention anymore, turned around and saw the doors of those rooms, and then Chen Xuan walked into this room.

  But what he didn't expect was that this room was so spacious, there was a cool place in front at the moment, and the room looked very big.

  Chen Xuan looked at the house and walked a few steps back and forth, and now Chen Xuan also felt that he was very tired.

  After this day’s trek, I was now in Black Rock City and stayed outside for another night, then went to the Black Rock Forest, and I also encountered such a disgusting monster in the forest.

  Chen Xuan fell asleep thinking about it...

   Early the next morning, the sun shone through the window on Chen Xuan's face. Chen Xuan suddenly opened his eyes. He found that he was not in the wild right now, but in a very safe room.

  This simply packs up his luggage and walks out the door, and then comes to the Demon Hunter's Hall.

   Then he only saw that there were many people coming from that place. At this moment, all of those people's bodies were scarred, and all their weapons were damaged.

  The clothes on his body were not complete. Looking at these people, Chen Xuan thought that they might have encountered something in that forest.

At this moment, those people were all outside, and it seemed that there were dozens of people. Looking at them, Chen Xuan saw the old man walk over and said to those people: "Everyone, don’t be nervous. We can control it. Everyone should come here to rest for a while, and then we can discuss."

When these people heard this, they all calmed down. They said to the old man: "It's not that we are in a hurry. It is because this place has undergone such a big change. Our Demon Hunter Guild, but we want to investigate this thing. Clear."

  At this moment, those people finished speaking, and suddenly they boiled.

  Maybe their hunting in the forest was very unsatisfactory.

  So they are all eager to find out what happened in the major forest, but this matter is beyond their control, and the old man seems to be able to explain to them all in embarrassment.

  But those people did not buy it, but continued to watch the old man keep asking questions.

  The old man looked at them and could only explain it hard. During this time, a middle-aged man walked over from the hall of the Demon Hunter. His appearance was very majestic.

  Chen Xuan knew from the breath on his body that this man must be a strong man, and he looked at the man coldly at the moment. He glanced at the group of people below and said to them: "You give me a face. Now that this kind of thing is happening in this place, it is beyond our control, so you have to understand us more. Now we have begun to investigate , And I have also asked the president of the Demon Hunter Guild to make a decision. We will send someone to investigate this matter."

  After those people heard what the middle-aged man said. They all fell into a state of thinking, and then they said to the man: "Well, we can't say more, but we still hope to find out this matter as soon as possible."

  (End of this chapter)

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