Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2318: Demon Hunter Guild

   Chapter 2318 Demon Hunter Guild

They just finished speaking, and saw the man continue to say to them: "Okay, understanding is the kingly way to solve the problem, so if you have any problems, you can report to my housekeeper again, and if you have any supplies you need. You can also go to our guild."

  The man had just finished speaking, and the scene suddenly became much quieter. They entered the Demon Hunter's Guild one after another. At this moment, Chen Xuan looked at the housekeeper and saw himself.

  "Are you up, where is Li Yang?"

   "Oh, I don't know if I just got up, I came here and looked around."

Hearing him say this, the old man also said to Chen Xuan: "When I saw you coming yesterday, I didn't get any injuries. I think you are also a strong man. But even though someone like you did not join our Demon Hunter Guild. , If you want to join, I can handle membership and membership formalities for you now."

   "Well then I will trouble you."

  The old man looked at Chen Xuan and then said to Chen Xuan: “Our guild is divided into several members, one is a low-level member, and then an ordinary member, and the average member up is a middle-level member.”

  Chen Xuan looked at the old man quietly, and the old man continued: "Intermediate members go up to senior members, and then special members."

  Chen Xuan didn’t know what the old man meant by telling him this, so he asked: “Then what kind of member is if I want to join.”

  The old man looked at Chen Xuan thoughtfully and said to him: "If you want to come in, I think your strength must be the rise of the gods and demons, right?"

   Chen Xuan nodded when he heard the old man say that.

   "Yes, I should say that I am already in the stage of **** and devil."

  Hearing Chen Xuan and the others said, the old man suddenly became interested, and he said to Chen Xuan: "I can directly make you a senior member of our Demon Hunter Guild, but there is indeed one thing I want to ask you."

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan became curious too. He looked at the old man and said to him: "I don't know what it is. If it can be done, then I will definitely help."

   "There is one thing, we have asked for instructions now, and it will always go up. If we always make a decision like this, we will let the wind on our side send a team to the forest to find the reason."

   "But why did you find me?"

Chen Xuan also felt curious. After all, he had just joined the Demon Guild here, and he was only one-sided with this person. He actually wanted to ask himself to join the group they formed and go to the Black Rock Forest to find the monsters. The reason for the rage.

   However, Chen Xuan was faintly excited, after all, he felt that this kind of thing was in line with his own mind.

  The old man must have also seen Chen Xuan’s expression, so he continued: "If you are willing to go, I will have many good things to give you. Before you go, I will give you 20,000 low-grade crystal stones."

   looked at Chen Xuan, and then said to him: “If you can find out a little bit about this matter, then the reward will be even more generous.”

   "I can agree to this, but when will it be necessary."

Hearing what Chen Xuan said, the old man continued: "If nothing happens, it will be within these three days. After all, the monsters in the Black Rock Forest are raging this time, but we have lost a lot of people, and also a lot of losses. Income."

   "Okay, then I'll be more respectful than fate."

  Chen Xuan said that the old man had already helped him go through the membership formalities. Seeing the turquoise pin in his hand, Chen Xuan took it in his hand, and saw that there were 4 big characters "Senior Member" on it.

   and behind it is the words Demon Hunter Guild.

  After Chen Xuan had obtained the certification from the Demon Hunter’s Guild, he went around in Black Rock City for a few more times, but found that there was nothing he wanted. Now he has obtained 20,000 spars.

   "I don't know what you can buy now."

  Before Chen Xuan came out, he hadn't seen Li Yang, so he just wandered around Black Rock City alone.

  He has gone through several markets, but they sell some daily necessities and some food. Chen Xuan thought that he still needs to buy some supplies now.

  After all, there is no food in his storage or anything here. They are going to enter the Black Rock Forest in a few days to investigate this matter.

  I definitely don’t know how many days to stay in it, so it’s better to stock up a little more food.

  So Chen Xuan continued to walk forward. When passing a market, he saw a man selling some monster nuclei, but those nuclei were all intermediate nuclei.

  It can be said that the white monster cores that Chen Xuan has now are actually relatively low-level, but these low-level monster cores represent gold coins in this world.

   asked Chen Xuan to use these inferior crystal nuclei to replace those middle and upper crystal nuclei. Chen Xuan was too lazy to do it, so he bought some food in the front market.

   put it in his storage ring, and then he went to another place to buy some clothes.

  "What else is needed"

  Chen Xuan thought about it and continued to walk forward. If it was a weapon, it would not be lacking.

  After all, he now has a Bai Qing sword that was powerful in his previous world, and he also has a short knife that Li Yang gave him.

  Although that short knife is not a valuable item, it is obviously used by Chen Xuan.

  Moreover, these 20,000 crystal cores can be used to buy some healing pills, and I am afraid they will definitely need to be used by then.

  However, Chen Xuan went around in Heiyan City for several times, but did not find a place to sell healing pills.

   So just when she was about to give up, he suddenly saw Murongxi. At this moment, Murongxi was on the opposite side, as if he had also seen Chen Xuan.

Murongxi probed the probe to the front. After confirming that it was Chen Xuan, he ran over with a look of surprise and said to Chen Xuan, "Why are you here, Chen Xuan? Didn't you go out? I ran into you so soon. I didn't expect it."

  Looking at Murongxi’s face with a surprise expression, Chen Xuan felt embarrassed and a little unexpected: "I, I just, I really went out, but I just came back to buy something."

  Looking at Chen Xuan's stuttering tone and speaking to him, Murongxi suddenly burst into laughter. He looked at Chen Xuan and said to him, "Then what do you want to buy? Can I help you?"

   Chen Xuan saw Murongxi say this, and Chen Xuan did not hide it and said to her: "I want to buy some medicines that can treat injuries."

  "Pill, I know this, I will take you there."

   Speaking of Murongxi, he led Chen Xuan to the front. After they turned several turns, they finally saw a pharmacy selling pills.

   Then Chen Xuan walked in, Murongxi followed behind, and saw that the boss took a few purple-golden bottles in it.

   Placed on the counter, Chen Xuan saw the bottles, but didn't know what they were in. At this moment, he asked the boss a few words.

  "Boss, do you have any pill for sale here? It is the pill that can treat trauma and things to stabilize your injury."

Seeing Chen Xuan's gestures, the boss took out a few things from it and said to Mr. Chen: "Just say the name of what you want. How can I know what you want when you say so many things. "

   Chen Xuan was not angry when she heard her say that. He just said to him: "Boss, you don't have to worry about it. You just need to take out those things, and then I will pick another one by myself."

   "Pick me these things are good treasures, you still want to pick, you just say what you want and I will give it to you right away!"

  Chen Xuan took out a few crystal nuclei and looked at the man and said, "Boss, I still have things to do. I have to leave after shopping."

The man saw that Chen Xuan took out only some low-level crystal nuclei and the disdain on his face suddenly aggravated: "You took out these things and actually wanted to buy my pill. You know your crystal nuclei, that’s I can't even afford this bottle!"

   Looking at the face of the boss, Chen Xuan was also a little angry. He didn't expect that he was just coming to buy some pills. This person would actually ridicule him.

   Then showed an unhappy face, watching the boss say to him: "I don't know the names of those pills, as long as you take them out, I will pay you naturally, and you won't lose a cent."

  Speaking, Chen Xuan poured out the low-level crystal nuclei from his storage ring, and then saw that many crystal nuclei suddenly flooded the front desk.

Although these crystal nuclei are not some high-level crystal nuclei, 20,000 low-level crystal nuclei are definitely a fortune. How can that person have seen this kind of battle? At this moment, watching those crystal nuclei keep coming from Chen Xuan When the storage ring was transformed by him, he was also panicked.

   "Master, I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to be from Tianyuan Palace."

Chen Xuan heard that man suddenly said that he was a member of Tianyuan Palace, but he didn't think too much. Instead, he looked at him and continued, "You just need to give me things, and I won't lose your money. "

   "Yes, yes, the master blames me for my clumsy eyes, for not seeing your identity."

  At this moment, Chen Xuan also felt strange looking at the man's low-pitched expression. After all, he just took out some crystal nuclei.

  I didn't expect him to be like this, but that's okay. After paying the money, Chen Xuan bought a few bottles of elixirs and put them in his storage ring, and then walked out with Murongxi.

After    walked out, Chen Xuan looked at Murongxi and asked, “Why does this guy suddenly become like a pug? He was not like this just now.”

  Murongxi looked at him and said to him earnestly: "Have you not noticed yet? Your ring is extraordinary."


  Chen Xuan looked at Murongxi with curious eyes, wondering why Murongxi said that.

"Don’t you know that something can be taken out of your ring. This is the power that only the power of the dominance level can have in our world, and the props that can possess these spatial attributes are all the talents of Tianyun Temple. Will have."

   "Tianyuan Hall?"

  Chen Xuan just heard that person mentioned Tianyuan Palace, so he looked at Murongxi in confusion and asked.

   "Tianyuan Hall is a hall established by the strongest master in the world of Black Rock. Rather, that hall can be said to be the **** of our world."

  (End of this chapter)

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