Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2477: Control power

  Chapter 2477 Controlling Power

The man saw Wang Lun attacking him, with a sneer on his face. Obviously he did not expect Wang Lun to attack him. After he knocked Wang Lun away, he just felt that Wang Lun was just It's just a cannon fodder.

  But Wang Lun’s current attack speed is faster than ever before, thanks to the pill he just ate, which was made by Chen Xuan using the crystal core of the demon cheetah.

Although Wang Lun couldn’t use this pill to exert his original strength, it also increased Wang Lun’s speed a lot. Instead, he made up for Wang Lun’s shortcomings. He quickly slashed towards the White Cloud Sect man, the original black giant sword. It's very heavy.

Wang Lun wanted to use his black cloud swordsmanship. It was very difficult in itself, but now that the speed has increased, it has unexpected results. He directly knocked the man's body out. You must know this eightfold gods and demons. It is very difficult to knock him out by his strength.

"Hahaha, you two boys are so arrogant. Just giving you a little bit is actually so arrogant. If I want to show my full strength, even if you two add up, you won't be my opponent." The Baiyunzong man laughed and said.

"I see that you are too arrogant. Now that the two of us are joining forces are not necessarily your opponents. I think you have to be more careful. If you are killed by the two of us, wouldn't it be too unfair to you? Already?!" Wang Lun said.

  The White Cloud Sect man saw that these two men actually dared to counter him, so he showed an even more angry look and said: "It's really crazy, it seems that you haven't realized the difference in strength!"

Then Chen Xuan saw that the white cloud sect man's body was covered with a layer of white profound energy, and then the profound energy was constantly flashing on the man's body, and then that powerful force volatilized from the man's body. Out.

Feeling a powerful force attacking him, Chen Xuan immediately hardened his skin to block the man's attack. Although Chen Xuan could only be able to withstand it now, it was already a huge one for Chen Xuan. Victory.

  It is very difficult for Chen Xuan to resist this man's attack at ordinary times. I saw that man attacked Chen Xuan and Wang Lun again.

At this time, Chen Xuan quickly gathered the power of the demon soul in his body. After this, Chen Xuan's consciousness seemed to be completely lost, his eyes turned bright red, a red line was drawn in the sky, and he attacked the white cloud sect man. past.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and then the man's body directly blocked Chen Xuan's attack. At this time, Chen Xuan was still launching a fierce attack on the man. Chen Xuan did not dare to relax at all. If he stops the movement in his hands, he will probably be killed directly by the man.

At this moment, Chen Xuan gathered the spiritual power in his body and saw the red breath on his body continue to flourish. Chen Xuan felt extremely confident. Since using the power of the demon soul, Chen Xuan has discovered his own The power is increasing bit by bit, but Chen Xuan is also afraid that he will be lost in such a rapid increase in power.

"It seems that we can't be too confident using this kind of power right now, otherwise I'll probably fall into a fight when the time comes, but facing this guy, I can still be a little more confident." Chen Xuan looked at the person in front of him as he had reached. A man from the White Cloud School of the Eightfold Strength of Gods and Demons.

Just now they didn’t know when this guy followed them, but this man has not launched a sneak attack on them, which is already a great relief for them and them. Things, then they are in danger.

  "Fortunately, this guy didn't follow us before, otherwise, the monsters we encountered will most likely kill us." Chen Xuan said inwardly.

  At this moment, the red spiritual power on Chen Xuan's body has not only become very powerful, but the color is also more dazzling, emitting a strong light on Chen Xuan's body.

"Die to me!" Chen Xuan now feels extremely confident. Although the man's strength far exceeds his level, now Chen Xuan can not only rely on his majestic demon soul power, but also has a king. Ren's help, but now they must always pay attention to the man's attack to avoid hurting themselves, otherwise they will not have a chance to win at all.

   Suddenly a huge spiritual power rose in the air and attacked the two of them.

  Chen Xuan immediately launched a fierce attack on the man, and the red-booming spiritual power instantly swept across Chen Xuan's side, making a loud noise once.

  After that, Chen Xuan's body was knocked out, but Chen Xian's body was ignited with fiery red spiritual power, which emerged from Chen Xuan's body.

  The man of the Baiyun Sect saw Chen Xuan's red profound strength, and his face showed sarcasm, but he was just a demon soul, and he said with such a big tone that he would kill me.

  If you don’t believe me, give it a try. Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

  Booming Chen Xuan's body was knocked out again, and the mockery on the man's face became more intense.

  If you want to give it a try, I will play with you. I saw that the white cloud sect man had gathered the profound energy in his body and attacked towards Chen Xuan.

   Just when his body was in the air thinking that Chen Xuan would attack him, Wang Lun’s black giant sword had already launched an attack on the man.

  The three continued to fight together. At this time, Chen Xuan kept thinking about how to defeat this man.

  His strength is stronger than Chen Xuan and Wang Lun combined. If it weren't for the two of them being united, he wouldn't be able to shake the man's body.

  At this moment, the black robe on Chen Xuan's body has been chopped to the ground, revealing the crimson lines on his chest.

  You people who cultivate demon souls can only speculate and see how long you can last. The man screamed, and immediately attacked Chen Xuan.


Chen Xuan's body was knocked out. Chen Xuan touched his chest at this time. Just now, the gravity made Chen Xuan almost lose consciousness. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's display of demon soul possession, he would have been directly by that. The man was killed.

I saw black marks appeared on Chen Xuandell’s chest. The man saw the marks on Chen Xuan’s body and suddenly laughed and said, haha ​​boy, you are now in my spirit bone, let me see what else you can do do

  What Linggu San Chen Xuan said unclearly.

  After that, Chen Xuan felt that his chest was in pain like being burned by flames, and then Chen Xuan saw the red lines on his body exuding a wave of profound energy, converging from inside his body toward the outside.

not good

   Chen Xuan felt that the power on his chest seemed to be out of his control, and hurriedly ran the profound power in his body to wait for that power to disappear.

  It’s just that the Baiyunzong man saw the opportunity and stabbed Chen Xuan.


  Wang Lun’s black giant sword blocked Chen Xuan’s front, but Wang Lun’s body was also directly knocked out by the White Cloud Sect man.

  You two guys are really too hard to entangle, watch me kill you first, and then teach that kid that Baiyunzong man hatefully said.

  He just wanted to attack Chen Xuan many times but was blocked by the man holding the black giant sword.

  If it weren't for Wang Lun, he thought he would have killed Chen Xuan a long time ago.

   "Little bastard, if I hadn't just underestimated your enemy, how could I make you so proud now!" The White Cloud Sect man said with a grim expression.

At this moment, he hated Chen Xuan. He saw that the two people in front of him quickly lifted their hands and slashed them at them. Chen Xuan immediately ignited the profound energy in his body, and now the power of the demon soul has been lost to him Use a little heat.

Now Chen Xuan's body is already crimson red, and it looks so strange under the black background, and the man from the White Cloud Sect in front of him can also see how powerful the profound power Chen Xuan has just displayed is, if He was hit by Chen Xuan just now, and he might also be shot out directly, and now the hand in Chen Xuan's hand actually shows a strange red light, and the red light group keeps coming from Chen Xuan. Spread out the long sword above.

In the next instant, the red light swept across the body of the Baiyunzong man, and then the man sprinted towards the distance, and then suddenly returned, which caught Chen Xuan by surprise, but Chen Xuan had already run his body mystery well. Strength, so he was not given a chance by the man.

  However, this moment just made Chen Xuan's vitality greatly injured. If Chen Xuan didn't stop the man from launching an attack on him in time, otherwise, Chen Xuan's life would be in danger.

   "Boy, I don't think you should be so proud now. When all of your strength is exhausted, then all of them will die under my sword!" The white cloud sect man's face suddenly changed and said.

At this time, Chen Xuan indeed felt that the power of the demon soul in his body was fading. That power needed the stimulation of the pill to be fully unfolded, and now the pill that Chen Xuan had eaten had passed for more than ten minutes. time.

If the man cannot be defeated now, otherwise Chen Xuan will have to take another pill, but this will bring a huge risk to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan has taken this pill many times, although Chen Xuan's power can be increased quickly in a short time, but the side effects are very powerful.

  Chen Xuan has now noticed that the red lines on his body are gradually deepening. Once the red lines are covered, Xuan's body will not know what the consequences will be.

   "It seems that we can't defeat this guy in a short time, Wang Lun!" Chen Xuan shouted to Wang Lun. At this time, Wang Lun was not as powerful as before.

  Then Wang Lun quickly approached Chen Xuan and took a look at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan took out the pill bottle from the storage ring and took out two pills from it.

Chen Xuan quickly swallowed the pill into his mouth, and saw that the white jade quickly attacked the two when he saw it, but it was too late when he came over. This is because the red lines on Chen Xuan's body gradually deepened, and then a scene. The violent red profound energy kept bulging out of Chen Xuan's body.

   Feeling that the profound energy in his body has become abnormally hollow, Chen Xuan is also very worried, afraid that he will be swallowed by this force, but enjoying the amazing power brought by the powerful force, Chen Xuan feels very satisfied as a result.

  (End of this chapter)

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