Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2478: not much time

  Chapter 2478 Not much time

  Chen Xuan knew that this was the power of the demon soul, and he was devouring his reason. If Chen Xuan could not defeat this power, he would be completely immersed in this endless darkness, a pursuit of powerful power and plunged into an endless return.

   "After taking this pill, you must control your profound strength, because it contains the power of the demon soul. If it is not handled properly, it will bring a lot of risks." Chen Xuan reminded Wang Lun.

Wang Lun nodded quietly. He also knew that swallowing these pills would cause overload to their bodies, and it might also cause them to swallow them under the power of the demon soul. Wang Lun always paid attention to himself. Whether the profound energy in the body still has its own control, you need to know that the power of the demon soul, if it takes too long, it will start to swallow it from your own dantian, and finally it will be the consciousness.

  If it was swallowed by the demon soul for a while, then it would be extremely dangerous for people. At this time, Wang Lun was constantly running his body's profound energy to look at the white cloud sect man in front of him.

Then I just looked at the white cloud sect man paddling the sharp blade in his hand, walked slowly towards the two of them, and said as he walked: "I didn't expect you to swallow that pill again, but I found out, you guys. There is time to take the effect of this pill, right!?"

  Neither Chen Xuan nor Wang Lun had any plans. The Baiyunzong man had clearly discovered the problem. The pill that Chen Xuan had just taken had a time limit. Once 20 minutes had passed, the power he had just exerted would fade away.

"Since you don't answer, it's acquiescence. It seems that as long as I fight with you for another 20 minutes, you won't defeat yourself! Hahaha." Seeing that Baiyunzong man smiled arrogantly, Chen Xuan didn't fight. Come in one place.

They had never expected that they would encounter a person from the Baiyun Sect here, and it was also because his junior brother took the initiative to provoke Chen Xuan and Wang Lun and would not kill it at all, but they did not expect this guy to be behind. Follow them closely.

"Last time if it wasn't for you that you wanted to rob us, you wouldn't have killed it at all. It seems that you Baiyun Sect will be more upright than usual. You are just a bunch of local dogs. !" Wang Lun scolded cleverly.

The Baiyunzong man was obviously irritated. He saw a murderous look flashing in the corner of his eyes. Then he looked at Wang Lun and said to him: "Boy, I seem to have seen you. You should be a member of the Power Demon Guild, it's just that Now that you provoke me, you ruin your great future!"

Then the white cloud sect man raised his hand and chased the two with a sharp blade. At this time, Chen Xuan took into account the power of the demon soul, and felt that his body was full of the power of the demon soul. This power almost made Chen Xuan lost. I saw that Chen Xuan's eyes had gradually turned red, and they were still infiltrated with blood.

  Chen Xuan drew a red line in the mid-air and bloomed with strange brilliance in the sky, usually raising his hand and stabbing the man with a sharp blade at the White Cloud School.

The   Baiyunzong man could not see Chen Xuan at first, and thought that this attack could be solved with a single move, he was directly pierced by Chen Xuan in his arm.

  The white cloud sect man let out a roar, and then he clutched the wound on his arm. Seeing that blood was groaning in the wound, the white cloud sect man’s face became even more angry.

"You little bunny, see if I don’t chop up your bones to feed the dog later, and dare to hurt me. You really know how to live and die. Since you are anxious to find death, then I will do it for you. !" The White Cloud Sect man shouted loudly.

  Chen Xuan could not hear at all. What the athletic man said, he now only feels like he has endless anger, all he wants to do is to kill the man in front of him, nothing else.

And Wang Lun also noticed Chen Xuan's change. At this time, Wang Lun quickly rushed to Chen Xuan's side and said, "Brother Chen, you must hold on to it. You can't be swallowed up by the power of the demon soul, otherwise we will now All previous efforts have been lost!"

  At this time, Chen Xuan felt that he was entering a wonderful world. This world was filled with killing and powerful power. Other Chen Xuan did not feel it.

  It’s just that Chen Xuan suddenly heard a familiar voice in his ears and remembered it. Chen Xuan listened to him and found that the voice was made by Wang Lun. At this time, Chen Xuan had gradually recovered his previous look, but it was still blood-red.

Seeing that Chen Xuan's current appearance is almost the same as usual, Wang Lun also breathed a sigh of relief. Just now seeing Chen Xuan's face thought that he was going to be swallowed by the power of the demon soul, but now Chen Xuan has regained his senses. After that, he said to Wang Lun beside him: "It doesn't matter, let's get rid of the guy in front of you now."

After Chen Xuan regained his senses, he seemed to have a sneer. Although he was stabbed in his left arm by Chen Xuan just now, he saw that Chen Xuan was almost swallowed up by the power of the demon soul, and said: " I think you don’t want to hold on, kid. If you want to control this kind of power, it’s not something you can do. You have to know that the power of the demon soul accumulates, and once it accumulates, it’s hard not to be swallowed. Up!"

   "No matter how much he is, now as long as you kill you, what else can you seek!" Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

I saw that Chen Xuan’s eyes were filled with red profound energy, and there was a red mist around Chen Xuan’s body. Then the red mist grew around Chen Xuan, and all gathered on Chen Xuan’s sharp blade. .

   "Wuhen Jianqi!" Chen Xuan roared and saw the red light group, a powerful beam of light bursting out in the air and then directly attacked the White Cloud Sect man.

  At this moment, the Bai Yunzong man was guarding against Wang Lun’s attack next to him, and suddenly saw the red light beam attacking him, so he quickly raised the sword in his hand.


   The two groups of profound energy produced powerful energy in the midair, and the bursting force burst Chen Xuan's body to the ground.

Although Chen Xuan's strength has improved a lot after taking the pill now, the man's strength suppressed Chen Xuan when he was an adult. Chen Xuan can now rely on his own strength to fight the man for so long, which is enough to show Chen. How powerful is Xuan's strength.

   "If it wasn't because you could quickly improve your strength, I am afraid that it would not be the opponent of the guy in front of you!" Chen Xuan whispered.

  This is indeed the case. The two of them now are not a man's opponent when the two are combined. At this time, the man next to their body suddenly launched a fierce attack on the two.

  It's just that under the nourishment of this violent spiritual power, the two of them can only improve their strength temporarily, but the foundation is not stable, and if you want to fight the man to the end, you need thorough strength to do it.

   "No way, all we can do now is just drag him out." Chen Xuan said.

  The middle-aged man not only surpassed the two of them in strength, but also exploded faster than Chen Xuan. At this time, Chen Xuan relied on his explosive power to quickly jump into the air.

Then Chen Xuan quickly gathered the violent spiritual power in his body, and attacked the man from the White Cloud Sect below. A bright red profound energy burst out in the air. At this time, in the eyes of the man, Chen Xuan's body had completely changed. Became red.

  And the red lines on Chen Xuan's skin are just like his blood vessels. I felt that my skin seemed to constantly emit a warm light.

  The White Cloud Sect man launched an attack, and Chen Xuan quickly dodged in the opposite direction, but the clear red profound energy that the White Cloud Sect man had just shown suppressed Chen Xuan.

But after so long fighting, the Baiyunzong man seemed to have overdrawn most of his physical strength. At this time, the middle-aged man looked at Chen Xuan and Wang Lun in front of him out of breath and said, "You two little rascals. It took me so long! When I kill you, I must avenge my wasted effort!"

   "What are you talking about?" Wang Lun said.

At this moment, Chen Xuan felt that his body was full of violent power. He couldn't even hear what the White Cloud Sect man was muttering. Just when the man wanted to continue speaking, Chen Xuan directly activated the profound energy in his body. Attacked towards him.

The Baiyunzong man obviously did not expect that Chen Xuan would suddenly launch a sneak attack on him, his face changed suddenly and he said to Chen Xuan: "Little bastard, you dare to attack me while Lao Tzu is talking, watch me wait a minute and don't teach you! "

Chen Xuan watched that the middle-aged man still uttered wild words at this moment, but Chen Xuan only saw the expression on the middle-aged man’s face and knew that the man was mocking himself at the moment, so Chen Xuan’s color began to become hideous. , Looked at the man and said to him: "I see you don't say so much now, you will definitely be hacked to death by me in a moment!"

"Hahaha is so arrogant. Even if you waste so much of my physical strength, it is too easy to clean up your two guys. I think the pill that you took has also overdrawn the physical strength of both of you. Well, it's just that I don't know how much power you want to consume!" The Bai Yunzong man laughed at his face.

  Wang Lun showed a grimace at the man of the White Cloud Sect, and then said: "Don't worry about the side effects of the pills we eat. If you can defeat you, it will be worth it!"

After hearing Wang Lun's words, the man from the White Cloud School became obviously angry. The man from the White Cloud School knew very well that he had consumed a lot of profound energy just now, and the two boys in front of him were far inferior in strength. he.

  But the pills they took seemed to have infinite power, generally not only became stronger and tougher, but also had more profound strength and physical strength.

  He originally thought that the two people who took the pill were only to improve their own strength, but the effect of the medicine in the past would cause strong side effects.

   After all, according to his cognition, all the pills in this world will have strong side effects, not to mention this kind of pills that rely on the power of the demon soul to enhance one's abilities.

But now he also feels that what happened is beyond his cognition. After the two guys took the pill, they could still swallow one more pill. You must know that you have to eat two pills to improve your own strength in a row. Not only will you cause more serious consequences, but you may also cause your body to explode and die.

Originally, he was ready to watch the show, but the two young people in front of him still didn't seem to have any severe side effects, and now not only does Chen Xuan's body speed become faster, but the face is blood red like a murderous god. The killer.

On the surface of Chen Xuan’s skin, red blood vessels emerged. Those red eyes stared at the Baiyunzong man, making him feel a little creepy, but the Baiyunzong man faintly felt that he was now a powerful man. The lord-level monsters are eyeing the average.

  Although he was only a person with five levels of abilities of gods and demons, he could actually give him this feeling. You must know that after fighting Chen Xuan for so long, he had displayed all his power.

At this time, Chen Xuan also felt tremendous pressure. Although Chen Xuan displayed strength that was completely incompatible with this level, Chen Xuan's body was suffering tremendously. Now Chen Xuan feels that his skin is As if being burned by fire, not only did he feel very painful, but Chen Xuan also felt that his sanity was about to be out of control now.

  (End of this chapter)

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