Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2479: Increased confidence?

  Chapter 2479 Increased confidence?

   "Not good! Now I have run out of time." Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart.

  Although Chen Xuan's current sanity has gradually lost, he can still judge the current situation in his heart, especially when dealing with the White Cloud Sect man, Chen Xuan feels very dangerous.

  The white cloud sword technique displayed by the white cloud sect man possesses a very powerful lethality. If Chen Xuan takes it down and takes the white cloud sword technique, he will definitely be slightly injured.

At this time, Chen Xuan's reason became blurred little by little, and then violent spiritual powers radiated from Chen Xuan's body. At this time, the clothes seemed to have lost his memory. What Chen Xuan wanted to do was to remove the white clouds Zong man was killed, and Wang Lun also felt Chen Xuan, his current state seemed to be significantly different from before.

  Wang Lun tried to call Chen Xuan's name, but Chen Xuan did not answer.

   "Not good, it seems that Chen Xuan is now **** with the power of the demon soul. If I don't help him, then it won't be troublesome afterwards." Wang Lun secretly said.

  It's just that he can't think of a good way now, and the power that is being displayed per capita is indeed very strong, even he is not close to Chen Xuan's side.

  At this time, Chen Xuan's eyes turned red, and his body exuded powerful profound energy. Wang Lun had just approached Chen Xuan's side, and he was directly grasped by Chen Xuan's sword in his hand and swung a sword of spiritual energy towards him.

   "No way, is it really irrational now, even attacking me..." Wang Lun said inwardly.

  The current state of Chen Xuan is very different from before. Not only can it be seen from Chen Xuan's eyes, but now Chen Xuan has lost his reason and seems to have become a killing machine.

Moreover, the face of the Baiyunzong man in front of him also showed horror. He felt that Chen Xuan's profound strength seemed to be very different from before. So far, the red profound strength erupting from Chen Xuan's body is not only very powerful. It feels completely different to him.

   "No, it seems that this kid has been swallowed up by the power of the demon soul, and I don't know how much the strength of this kid will increase now." The man secretly said in his heart.

  He could clearly feel that Chen Xuan's current strength had increased a lot, not only made Chen feel stronger, but he only saw a red phantom in the sky disappear.

Then I couldn't capture Chen Xuan's speed, but in the next moment, Chen Xuan appeared directly next to the white cloud sect man, and at this moment, the white cloud sect man was too late to resist, and was slapped underground by Chen Xuan. .

At this time, a red mouth appeared quietly on the palm of Chen Xuan's palm. When he saw that mouth emerge from the palm of Chen Xuan's palm, Wang Lun beside him was also a little surprised. Last time he saw Chen Xuan's hand unexpectedly. A mouth grows out, which is very weird.

This time when Chen Xuan’s palm appeared again, Chen Xuan’s collar looked strangely at the man of the White Cloud Sect, and at this moment, Chen Xuan’s mouth suddenly spit out a red profound energy, and then that The red profound energy surrounds Chen Xuan, like a ball of light constantly circling around Chen Xuan's left and right.

   "I won't tell what the red light ball is." Wang Lun looked at the red light surrounding Chen Xuan's body, and said inwardly.

At this moment, the Baiyunzong man became panicked. He is now staring at the red mouth on the palm of Chen Xuan's palm, and the red light group surrounding Chen Xuan seems to have it too. Very powerful lethality, now he has to pay attention to Chen Xuan's ultimate move.

   When Chen Xuan was photographed underground just now, his internal organs were shaking. Even his current strength could not resist the powerful attack just now.

You must know that he has now reached the eighth level of the gods and demons, and at this moment Chen Xuan can directly cross the three levels to fight him, not to mention that the powerful profound power that Chen Xuan is now displaying has become more violent. He is no longer the opponent of the young man in front of him.

At this time, Chen Xuan’s reason had begun to blur, his nose was spewing red profound energy, and his eyes turned red. Looking at his side, there were red lines of profound energy on Chen Xuan’s mouth. Rising towards the sky.

Not to mention that the most weird thing right now is that the mouth above Chen Xuan's left hand unexpectedly stuck out his tongue at Chen Xuan, and then the red profound strength rose again, I saw the light beam surrounding Chen Xuan suddenly pointed The Bai Yunzong man attacked the past.

  The Baiyunzong man had no time to react, and he was hit by a beam of light. In the end, his body flew back and forth, hitting several tree poles before he stopped.

   "No way, how could this kid's strength increase so quickly..." The Bai Yunzong man never dreamed that Chen Xuan could fuse the power of the demon soul in his body.

And now Chen Xuan is also enduring great pain. In order to maintain this state, Chen Xuan only feels that his body is burning, but the strong desire to kill allows Chen Xuan to maintain his current state and continue to the White Cloud Sect man. This attack was issued.

  Chen Xuan's mouth once again spit out a red profound energy, floating around Chen Xuan, and then at Chen Xuan's left and right, those profound energy gathered together to form a larger light group.

After that, the light group exudes dazzling light, and it keeps marching in front of Chen Xuan, and it hits the Baiyunzong man directly in an instant, but this time the man has already prepared, so Chen Xuan's attack It didn't hit him in the body.

  But a violent explosion formed above the ground, and even the area affected by the explosion could only be blocked by the black giant sword in his hand.

  Time is fast, and more than 20 minutes have passed very quickly. At this time, the violent profound energy on Wang Lun's body is about to dissipate, but Chen Xuan still maintains a very powerful attack power.

At this time, Wang Lun looked at Chen Xuan’s state and said in his heart: "It seems that I can't help him anymore. Now I can only hope that he can kill that guy, otherwise all of our previous efforts will be abandoned. ...I don't know if he will be able to return to his previous state by then. The strength that burst out this time is really too strong."

Wang Lun also felt very shocked in his heart. Now Chen Xuan’s strength is much stronger than ever before, and now Chen Xuan’s sanity seems to have been constrained. Wang Lun does not know the current Chen Xuan anymore. I just feel that Chen Xuan has a very strong offensiveness now, and it is very likely that he does not even know him.

  And Chen Xuan is indeed the case now. At this time, Chen Xuan was only thinking about killing, and nothing else. If Wang Lun attacked him, then Chen Xuan would now counterattack Wang Lun without hesitation.

It's just that Wang Lun didn't attack Chen Xuan in the eruption. His Chen Xuan only saw in front of him, the white cloud sect man wearing a white robe had been attacking him, so the only thing Chen Xuan wanted to do now was to counterattack. Kill the man in the white robe.

  At this moment, the man was also shocked: "Impossible! This kid only has the strength of the five-fold gods and demons. How could he knock me into the air!?"

  He obviously couldn't believe that Chen Xuan actually had this kind of strength. As the eighth tier of the gods and demons, he was hanged by a person at the top of the fifth tier of the gods and demons. This made him feel that speaking out was like being laughed out of.

"No, now I must think of a strategy. This kid is definitely only temporarily improving my strength. As long as I can hide from his attack, when this kid is discouraged, I can catch both of them! "The Bai Yunzong man thought.

At this time, he also changed his strategy and fled back. He had already seen the speed at which Chen Xuan broke out just now. As expected, when he had just turned around, Chen Xuan was like a cannonball in the sky. A set of red phantoms were left on it, and then they chased him.

   "Not good! How can this kid have such a fast speed!" Just after he finished thinking about it, Chen Xuan had already patted his back with his palm.

The Baiyunzong man quickly raised his arm and put the long sword behind his body. Chen Xuan patted the man’s chest with a palm, but he had already blocked his chest with his weapon. But it was still knocked out by Chen Xuan.

  Boom! Then a hole was blown out, and the body of the Baiyunzong man was smashed to the ground.

When Chen Xuan rushed over, only the man from the White Cloud Sect was clinging to the ground. When Chen Xuan rushed over, the man from the White Cloud Sect quickly struggled to get out of the buckle on the ground, and then Quickly gathering the profound energy in his body, he attacked Chen Xuan.

He was attacked by Chen Xuan just now, so all the clothes on his body had been shattered, and there were many red scratches on his body. This was just hit by Chen Xuan’s flying out. At that time, the white cloud sect man was full of cruel expressions.

But he is really powerless now. After all, Chen Xuan's current strength burst out is too strong, and he has just been fighting for a long time, and his physical strength is no longer as strong as before. Now he can't occupy Chen Xuan at all. Upwind, not to mention that the evil mouth on the palm of Chen Xuan's palm actually stretched his tongue toward him.

"The demon soul is the demon soul! It seems that this kid has been deprived of his sanity by the demon soul, so it is obviously meaningless to confront this guy now, and then this demon soul can swallow that kid out!" The Baiyunzong man thought of running away quickly.

After all, in terms of his current strength, Chen Xuan who wants to defeat this state is indeed very difficult, and he also thinks that Chen Xuan is only relying on the demon soul to improve his strength, and when the time comes, Chen Xuan will be swallowed up by the demon soul. At that time, Chen Xuan could be solved without him taking any action.

"No, now I'm not the opponent of this kid. I'd better run quickly. Hey, no!" The Bai Yunzong man noticed at this moment that Wang Lun's body had slowly shrunk, and the originally huge Wang Lun had become the original one. Looks like.

After seeing Wang Lun’s changes, the Baiyunzong man suddenly became confident: "It seems that the effect of the pill that the guy just took has passed! If this is the case, then I will hold on for a while, and wait until the boy in front of him also vents. If I get angry, then I will be able to win!"

It’s just that the man in the White Cloud School imagined it too beautifully. Now Chen Xuan has no reliance on the power of the pill. The power of the pill actually seduce the power of the demon soul in Chen Xuan. Now Chen Xuan Xuan has completely used the power of the demon soul in his body.

  But there are still many powers that have been sealed by Chen Xuan in his body. At this time, Chen Xuan is still struggling with his own consciousness to avoid being completely swallowed up by the demon soul.

If Chen Xuan is really swallowed by this demon soul, the powerful effect caused by the time will make Chen Xuan fall into eternal grief, but now they have no other way to solve this problem, just let Chen Xuan feel it. His situation is very dangerous.

The Baiyunzong man saw that the efficacy of the pill on Wang Lun's body was outdated, and he gained confidence, so he shouted at Wang Lun and Chen Xuan, "Boy! It seems that the pill you are taking now is still You can’t improve your strength permanently. Taking that kind of pill really only temporarily improves your strength! No matter what you do, you can’t be as strong as me. You must know that Lao Tzu now has the strength of the eighth layer of the gods and demons. If you eat yours The pill will kill you two boys long ago!"

  (End of this chapter)

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