Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2489: Swallow elixirs again

  Chapter 2489 Swallowing pill again

  Next, Chen Xuan relied on his profound energy perception to observe the movements of the man in the Pantheon. Although the speed of the man in the Pantheon was very dexterous, Chen Xuan had already locked his movements at this time.

Then Chen Xuan threw the stone in his hand at the man. Originally, the man had just hid from the woman's claw machine in red. He hadn't stood still on the ground, and he felt a whistling wind from the side. Come here.

  Then the man subconsciously raised the blade in his hand to block it, and with a bang, the stone directly hit the blade in the man's hand.

  At this time, the Pantheon man turned his gaze to Chen Xuan who was in the distance, and then the man's face showed a cruel expression: "Dare to attack Lao Tzu, wait a minute to see if I will kill you!"

  The next moment, Chen Xuan discovered that the man had actually turned around and attacked him, presumably he also knew that Chen Xuan had lost the ability to fight now.

  After seeing the man coming towards him, Chen Xuan yelled badly, and then ran towards the distance.

  Fortunately, Wang Lun and the woman in red also quickly caught up with the man in the Pantheon, blocking him halfway.

Chen Xuan also breathed a sigh of relief. If it wasn't for the two of them to block the man from the Pantheon, then Chen Xuan would be in danger. Chen Xuan felt that his body was violent even if he ran two steps just now. pain.

   "It seems that we can't participate in the battle prematurely right now. It was just a small test just now. I will show him a good look when I recover!" Chen Xuan thought in his heart and took a healing pill.

  This is Chen Xuan's only remaining healing pill. Fighting in the forest has caused Chen Xuan to consume a lot of pill. He has already eaten a lot of the pill that Chen Xuan refined.

Looking at the only remaining pill in his hand, Chen Xuan stroked it lightly, and then said softly: "It seems that there is only you left, but now I will eat you, otherwise I can’t recover my strength to fight that guy!"

Chen Xuan wanted to save a pill just now, but now it is obviously not enough. Although Wang Lun and the woman in red can fight the man, Chen Xuan knows very well that the two of them are the pill to improve their strength. , So the maintenance time is very short.

Once Wang Lun and the woman in red were unable to defeat the man in the Pantheon for 20 minutes, then they would be very dangerous. Chen Xuan now only has one pill to improve his strength. And now Chen Xuan was locked in his storage ring.

  Chen Xuan quickly recovered his physical strength after taking the pill. No matter what the current injury can be, as long as he can join the battle and quickly defeat the man.

  After 5 minutes, Chen Xuan felt that his body was a little better, so he raised the blade in his hand and joined the battle.

  Although Chen Xuan has not recovered from his injuries and his strength is not as good as before, it is like a feather that overwhelms a camel.

Because Chen Xuan’s participation had clearly suppressed the man in the Pantheon. At this time, there was a roar on the body of the woman in red. The roar was as if it was not what the woman in red had screamed. Just like a beast.

  At the same time, red mysterious lights radiated from the red-clothed woman's paws, which were wrapped around the red-clothed woman's body, and each winding round increased the red-clothed woman's speed by one point.

Then the speed of the woman in red was more fierce than before, and she grabbed the man in the Pantheon directly. Chen Xuan cooperated with the woman in red, and at the same time raised the sword in his hand and slashed the past without a trace of sword energy. .

   This time Chen Xuan's Wuhen sword aura was still golden. Without the power of the demon soul, Chen Xuan's Wuhen sword aura was a bit weaker, but even this Wuhen sword aura possessed powerful power.

  The man obviously felt the lethal power of Chen Xuan's Wuhen Jianqi, and quickly raised the blade in his hand, making a bang, blocking Chen Xuan's attack.

But when the sound of the bell rang, Chen Xuan covered his ears. Just now, Chen Xuan was too far away from the man, so when the sound of the bell came over, it did not cause Chen Xuan too much. Big impact.

But now he is very close to the man in the Pantheon. Since the sound of the bell rang, Chen Xuan felt that his body was gradually trembling, and at the same time, the man also raised his hand sharply towards the weak Chen. Xuan stabbed over.

  As soon as Chen Xuan wanted to dodge, he saw Wang Lun waving a black giant sword in front of him.

   "I didn't expect that I had a companion who could help me block the attack," Chen Xuan mocked.

  The man from the Pantheon was ticklish with hatred, but Wang Lun’s defense was indeed very strong, and his attacks could not be defeated even if they were fierce.

Although the sound of the bell in the hands of the man in the Pantheon could make Wang Lun's body sluggish for a moment, Wang Lun was able to recover from its attack only after a while, so let this too. The man in the Pantheon had nothing to do with Wang Lun.

  The woman in red saw the opportunity to launch a fierce attack behind the man in the Pantheon. Just now, the woman in red had three blood marks on the man’s chest with his paws.

  So this man is always on guard against the woman in red, for fear that the woman in red will launch a sneak attack on him, and once again grab a few blood marks on his body.

  Although the red-clothed woman's claws can't directly scratch his internal organs, the pain is really uncomfortable, and the three **** openings that the red-clothed woman grabs on him now make him feel very uncomfortable.

  At this time, the Pantheon man and Chen Xuan moved a distance away, and then took out a bottle of celadon medicine bottle from his pocket. Then the man tore his clothes and opened the mouth of the medicine bottle.

  Then the man spilled all the powder in the medicine bottle on his wound.

   "Go! Don't give him time!" Chen Xuan shouted.

  Wang Lun's body swelled again, and on the arm holding the black giant sword in his hand, black lines gradually rose up with profound energy.

   Then Wang Lun slashed at the man in the Pantheon fiercely, leaving a deep mark on the ground, and then the woman in red besieged the man in the Pantheon from the side.

A dazzling light was left in the air, and then Chen Xuan saw the power converging towards him. Chen Xuan gently exhaled a violent breath on Chen Xuan’s body. Spiritual power burst out. Just now, the man had already taken a fancy to Chen Xuan's side and launched an attack against it.

  Because the man came towards him, Chen Xuan instantly took out a pill and swallowed it. Now Chen Xuan has no other choice.

If Chen Xuan did not swallow the pill, he would directly kill Chen Xuan when the man attacked. The power that Chen Xuan exploded must not be enough to resist the man in the Pantheon, let alone the man. 'S strength was originally stronger than Chen Xuan.

The body produced at the moment of taking the medicine pill burst out with a powerful force, which made the face of the man in the Pantheon begin to become tense. It was obvious that he was aware of Chen Xuan's burst of power, which made him somewhat unstoppable. .

  The man in the Pantheon completely started to panic. After all, it was able to block Wang Lun and the woman in red from the attack just now, but now Chen Xuan has also taken the pill and his strength has increased by another level. Facing the attack of these three people, the man in the Pantheon obviously has some It's not enough, not to mention that Chen Xuan's attack has become more rapid than before.

After seeing Chen Xuan taking the pill, Wang Lun's face also showed a hint of surprise. He didn't expect Chen Xuan to swallow the pill again.

  Today Chen Xuan has taken three pills, which will make Chen Xuan take a huge risk.

  But at this moment of crisis, even if Chen Xuan didn't want to swallow the pill, he couldn't help but make a decision. The man from the Pantheon rushed towards Chen Xuan step by step.

The strong air pressure exuding above his sword formed a cyclone, knocking Chen Xuan's body back by two steps, but the red spiritual power that Chen Xuan exuded now directly blocked the Pantheon man. Bombardment.

And Chen Xuan's eyes gradually turned red. Because of taking three pills today, Chen Xuan only feels that his body is burned by fire. Although he feels extremely painful now, this A powerful force supports Chen Xuan's will.

Feeling the continuous spread of the powerful force in his body, Chen Xuan roared, and immediately saw that the sword energy that Chen Xuan wielded out exuded a powerful and mighty sword energy. The Wuhen sword energy was stronger than before. .


   Wuhen Jianqi directly hit the body of the Pantheon man, and the blade that he slashed at Chen Xuan quickly retracted to avoid Chen Xuan's Wuhen Jianqi.

  Because Wang Lun who was on the side had already besieged him, now the man in the Pantheon was besieged on three sides while facing the onslaught of Wang Lun and the woman in red.

In addition, Chen Xuan's Wuhen sword aura attacked him from time to time, and now the man's speed was obviously not as fast as the three of them. After ten minutes of fighting, Wang Lun first removed his body. the power of.

   Then Wang Lun's body shrank rapidly and changed back to its original shape. Then Wang Lun's body collapsed to the ground. The Pantheon man was out of breath by the siege of these three people.

Seeing Wang Lun slumped on the ground, the man suddenly became happy and shouted loudly: "Hahaha, you kid was so rampant just now, I am afraid that the effect of the medicine has passed, it seems that now You deserve to die!"

   Just as he attacked Wang Lun, he suddenly discovered that Chen Xuan, with red eyes, had already launched a fierce and traceless sword aura towards him.


  Just now, the man was too proud, so he didn't notice that Chen Xuan's attack had reached his body, and he was directly knocked away by Chen Xuan's powerful Wuhen sword energy for more than ten meters. This caused the man to spit out blood in his mouth, and he seemed to be suffering from huge pain.

  (End of this chapter)

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