Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2490: Catch the thieves first

  Chapter 2490 Capture the thief first capture the king

  The next moment, Chen Xuan's red eyes suddenly burst out with a few rays of light, and red profound energy was constantly emerging from Chen Xuan's body.

Then Chen Xuan's body shot towards the man in the Pantheon like a laser beam. The man in the Pantheon immediately shook the bell on his sword hilt and made a pleasant sound. Chen Xuan immediately stepped back. Step, the sound from the sword hilt just now made Chen Xuan's body a little unstable.

  If Chen Xuan continues to attack the man, he will most likely expose his flaws in this state.

But the man in the Pantheon also showed a hint of horror on his face, because the power that Chen Xuan had exploded now was faintly comparable to him, not to mention Yu, who was running towards him with four soles of feet falling on the ground. Quiet.

  Na Yu Wenjing, like Chen Xuan now, has already stimulated the power of the demon soul in his body. Not only is his physical body stronger than before, his profound strength is even more violent than before, and his speed and strength have all increased by a notch.

You must know that the pill that Chen Xuan refined is specifically to enhance the power of the demon soul, and Chen Xuan also borrowed from the evil spirits such as the beast crystal core, so he could extract this kind of medicine. Elixirs.

Feeling the power erupting from Chen Xuan's body, the man clenched the sword in his hand with trepidation, and the sound of a bell rang out from his body. The purpose of this Pantheon man was to distract Chen Xuan's attention. To achieve the goal of breaking Chen Xuan in one blow.

  It's just that he obviously thinks too much. The power that Chen Xuan has burst out now is not something he can easily resist, and the lethal power of the Wuhen Jianqi released by Chen Xuan can also directly break his defenses.

Although Chen Xuan’s eyes turned into a bright red color, he could still see the man’s figure. At this time, Chen Xuan’s eyes flashed a ray of light, and he attacked the man in the Pantheon. The man in the temple obviously didn't expect Chen Xuan's eyes to be able to launch an attack.

Moreover, Chen Xuan was directed at the bell on the man’s sword hilt. At that moment, he saw the bell on the man’s sword hilt shattered to the ground. Although the bell was also a magic weapon, it was like that in the face of Chen Xuan. The powerful attack is actually very crisp.

After seeing his bell being broken by Chen Xuan, the man in the Pantheon felt a trace of horror. Now he was not only facing the siege of three people, but the bell in his hand was actually crushed by Chen Xuan. .

  He couldn't even dream of the people he completely crushed last time, you can improve so strong in this short period of more than a month.

  At this time, the man's heart began to panic, only to see that he pinched his **** in his hands and blew a loud whistle.

After a while, the man calmed down his emotions and looked at Chen Xuan and Yu Wenjing, who were rushing towards him, and said: "It seems that now I can only think of other ways to deal with you, wait and wait for me. His helper is coming, hahaha!"

  Chen Xuan ignored what the man wanted to do, but Chen Xuan obviously felt that the man in the Pantheon must be plotting something wrong. Just now Chen Xuan smashed his bell and made this guy completely discouraged.

   Originally, he thought that he could defeat Chen Xuan and the others by relying on the magical treasure bell he had, but now the bell is broken and he has no other confidence, so now he can only summon a monster to help him fight.

  At this time, when Chen Xuan was launching an attack on the man, he suddenly felt that the surrounding air became a little hot, and then Chen Xuan saw that the forest was once again covered with black phantoms.

   "It's those humanoid monsters!" Chen Xuan exclaimed.

  However, those humanity beasts actually walked out of the forest, and then they saw them holding the bow and arrow in their hands and shooting towards Chen Xuan and the others. The spiritual power entwined with the arrow made them afraid to come into contact with it.


  A bow and arrow gave a hole on the ground. As long as the arrow fell, it would produce a big explosion, which obviously contained powerful spiritual power.

   "No, it seems that this group of guys have surrounded them now. I don't know how he summoned these humanoid monsters." Wang Lun said.

  At this time, Wang Lun’s body was already exhausted, and when he saw the many human heart beasts surrounding him, he could only forcefully lift up the black giant sword in his hand, and stand by and watch his body forcibly.

  As the humanoid monsters had surrounded them at this moment, Chen Xuan felt a little nervous, but at the same time a traceless sword aura that was also swung out, slashed towards the surrounding humanoid monsters.


  A hole burst out in the ground, and the strong power that burst out suddenly scattered the formation of those humanoid monsters into several fragments.

   Then Chen Xuan saw that the humanoid monsters that had just surrounded him suddenly dispersed.

Those humanoid monsters were obviously aware of the powerful power carried on Chen Xuan's sword blade, and at this time they did not dare to touch Chen Xuan's side casually, not to mention that the man in the Pantheon also suffered twice physically. Scars. It was all left by Yu Wenjing on his body.

"Haha! It seems that if you don't do this, it really can't solve you, but now you are finished. When my companion comes over, what kind of waves can you make!?" The face of the man in the Pantheon There was a hideous color on it.

He was slightly suppressed by Chen Xuan's trio just now, and he was also suffocated with anger, not to mention that the power that Chen Xuan exploded just now made him unable to resist Wuhen Jianqi. He directly broke through his defense circle and gave his body to It took a few steps.

I saw that Pantheon man gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Xuan. They said angrily: "I think you don't want to run away now. Now even if you run, you can't escape from my palm, hahahahaha! "

The man's emotions were obviously very excited, as if he was already holding the winning ticket. Although they did not gain the upper hand when fighting with this man before, everyone's strength has now risen to a level, and there is also the blessing of the pill. .

If the man in the Pantheon did not summon those humanoid monsters, he would have been defeated, but Chen Xuan saw the humanoid monsters summoned by the man, and he was sure that the appearance of these guys must be related to the Pantheon, and now The evidence has been confirmed.

At this time, Wang Lun looked at the angry pantheon man, and said: "It seems that these guys were actually made by you. If this matter is exposed, then the reputation of your Pantheon will probably be affected. , Haven’t you thought of such consequences!"

"Hahaha, as long as the three of you guys can be killed now, what consequences will I care about? As long as you die, then I will naturally not disclose this matter!" This Pantheon man His face became more and more ferocious, obviously wanting to put Chen Xuan and the others to death.

However, Chen Xuan would definitely not be killed obediently by him. At this time, Chen Xuan's eyes were red, and before his own medicinal effect was lost, he launched a fierce attack on the man, and the red Wuhen Jianqi from Chen Xuan's The blade spread over it, and in an instant, I saw that the sky had been dyed half red.


The man originally wanted to hold the sword in his hand to resist Chen Xuan’s bombardment, but the spiritual power contained in Chen Xuan’s few traces of sight was so fierce that he directly shot his body into the air. Get out.

Yu Wenjing followed Chen Xuan’s attack and pursued the man in the Pantheon. Yu Wenjing’s body left a red phantom on the ground, and she saw Yu Wenjing raising the claws in her hands towards the tattoo. The man grabbed the past, and suddenly a red gas was left in the air, grabbing directly at the man's chest.

The body of the man in the Pantheon who had just been knocked off by Chen Xuan was still in the air. He suddenly saw Yu Wenjing attacking him and was unable to resist. Yu Wenjing grabbed his arm directly, the man in the Pantheon. There was a sharp wailing in his mouth, and it was obvious that he felt very painful.

  The next moment the body of the man from the Pantheon fell to the ground, and it seemed that he was suffering from severe pain now.

I saw the man in the Pantheon continue to gritted his teeth and said: "You three beasts actually want my life, but it is too late now, haha, give it to me!" The man clutched his bleeding arm and said to those The humanoid monster ordered.

Then I saw the humanoid monsters watching beside him, and he immediately took the bow and arrow in his hand and shot it towards Yu Wenjing. Yu Wenjing, who had been close to the man in the Pantheon, saw that the humanoid monsters turned towards him. He surrounded him, and immediately retreated to the back.

  If he is surrounded by these humanoid monsters, even if his speed is fast, I am afraid it will be difficult to break free. Chen Xuan saw that there were more than a dozen humanoid monsters.

  Although not as much as they saw in the forest just now, it was clearly beyond the scope that they could deal with.

  After all, now Wang Lun's body has begun to become weak, and it is only relying on Chen Xuan and Yu Wenjing to attack them.

   Seeing a humanoid monster next to him, unexpectedly trying to attack him, Chen Xuan roared, and then red profound energy bloomed from his body and directly shot down the approaching humanoid monster to the ground.

Although the defensive power of this humanoid monster is not weak, after being hit by Chen Xuan's Unmarked Sword Qi, it actually split into two directly. After directly killing a humanoid monster, Chen Xuan stared sternly. The man from the Pantheon.

  Catch the thief and the king!

  As long as the men in the Pantheon are killed, they will still have a chance.

  (End of this chapter)

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